Freight Tiger Leverages Data & Analytics to Amplify Customer Experience

Jebu Ittiachen, Chief Architect at Freight Tiger uses Hevo to create a unified view of their disparate data spread across microsystems to power analytics & create a seamless customer experience without the need of expending significant engineering bandwidth.

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80 Man-hours/Week Saved

Hevo’s automated data pipelines handle the development and maintenance work of 2 dedicated engineers

1B Events/Month

Using Hevo, Freight Tiger securely integrates over 1 billion events/month

Freight Tiger is India’s largest software-enabled digital freight network that provides an end-to-end platform for shippers and logistics service providers/ transport companies with location intelligence, management, and fulfillment visibility of millions of freight transactions and freight payments in one place. Using Freight Tiger’s platform, shippers can procure freight vehicles at competitive prices using their contracted LSPs or use Freight Tiger’s network of 4K+ transport companies for their spot/unfulfilled indents, track their shipments for both market and vehicle trucks through GPS data, and manage all their transactions on a single platform. All these core functionalities are further complemented by access to actionable dashboards to help improve efficiency across various plants, optimize costs and track KPIs.

Meet Jebu Ittiachen, Chief Architect at Freight Tiger who is responsible for designing the back-end data framework, data engineering & data modeling on the Snowflake data warehouse. He comes with a wealth of experience in designing and implementing fault-tolerant and scalable web systems in multiple programming languages and architectures.

Jebu Ittiachen

Jebu Ittiachen

Chief Artitect

Data Challenges

In the early stages, Freight Tiger had a monolithic application built on the PHP front-end and MySQL database. But, as the operations scaled and their platform matured, there was a need to introduce microservices, AI, deep intelligence gathering, and analytics to avoid performance bottlenecks.

While the microservices addressed the performance issues, they led to the creation of data silos. This wasn’t desirable as a sizable number of use-cases at Freight Tiger required data from more than one system.

Our customers and business teams consume data in the form of actionable dashboards and reports. All of these reports are built on data ranging from financial to operational as well as some other KPIs. Our internal teams leverage this data to aid product development and help customers make better business decisions. Availability of real-time & unified data was the biggest challenge for us and it was negatively impacting the customer experience.

- Jebu Ittiachen, Chief Artitect, Freight Tiger

Freight Tiger realized the need for building a ‘single source of truth’ that can supply clean, accurate, and unified data to generate customer reports and improve data visibility for key stakeholders.

One potential solution was to develop an in-house data pipelining solution but Jebu estimated that it would require at least 2 engineers working full-time to develop and maintain that solution. The cost of an in-house solution, among other reasons, pushed the team at Freight Tiger to look for a powerful and no-code data pipelining tool to avoid unnecessary wastage of engineering bandwidth.

The Solution

At Freight Tiger, the backend team uses MySQL and Postgres databases to store transactional data coming from customer ERP systems via an API connection. This data is used to create insights and present actionable reports which are visible to customers in the Freight Tiger application dashboard.

Availability of accurate and real-time data is crucial for Freight Tiger’s customers to ensure their clients can optimize inventory, unloading operations, and save costs. Hence while looking for a data pipeline solution, Jebu carefully considered the following aspects as a part of their product evaluation criteria:

  • Cost/Performance
  • Support for required data sources
  • Easy to deploy & maintain
  • Data Transformation abilities

After considering and testing some of the leading data pipeline solutions, Jebu selected Hevo and rated it high on the above-mentioned criteria, no-hassle setup, and low maintenance requirements.

Using Hevo, Freight Tiger has built pipelines from their MySQL, Postgres, Mongo, Timescale databases, and other sources including their CRM tool Hubspot and Google Sheets to their Snowflake Data Warehouse. This data undergoes further transformations using DBT before finally being passed onto ZOHO and Looker for visualization and reporting.

Hevo Freight Tiger Data Stack

Hevo is a great product. It’s easy to use, provides a range of integration with multiple types of data sources, does seamless data integration and we’ve had a great experience using it. And the best part is that it requires almost zero maintenance. At times we see some minor issues with our pipelines and we get all possible help from their support team to resolve our issues quickly.

- Jebu Ittiachen, Chief Artitect, Freight Tiger

Key Results

Hevo has helped Freight Tiger completely automate their data pipelines so that they don't have to invest any additional resources in managing and maintaining the pipelines. This has also helped Freight Tiger's customers get detailed reports and insights into their business at a consistent and faster frequency. Jebu estimates it would have required at least 2 dedicated data engineers to develop and maintain an in-house data pipelining solution. That’s a huge saving!

Thanks to Hevo, data management & aggregation doesn’t occupy significant engineering bandwidth and we can focus on our product without worrying about the availability of data. Hevo is a hassle-free tool, we can monitor data flow at all points and easily troubleshoot. I would recommend Hevo to anyone who’s looking for high performance, low-maintenance & easy to use solution!

- Jebu Ittiachen, Chief Artitect, Freight Tiger

Freight Tiger has been using Hevo for about 2 years now without running into any performance or maintenance issues. Hevo has been proud to be a key growth partner to Freight Tiger towards their journey to revolutionize freight transactions in India. We wish them all the best and hope to solve more Data Challenges together!

Excited to see Hevo in action and understand how a modern data stack can help your business grow? Sign up for our 14-day free trial or register for a personalized demo with our product expert.