Space Next Door uses Hevo & Redshift to Leverage Big Data and Supercharge BI

Parth Sarangi, Business Intelligence Manager at Space Next Door adopts a Modern Data Stack comprising Hevo, Redshift, Tableau, and Google Data Studio to leverage big data and reduce reporting turnaround time.

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10X Faster Reporting

Hevo’s modeling and workflow feature helped Space Next Door get real-time access to analytics-ready data directly in Tableau, resulting in 10 times faster reporting

100% Accuracy

Hevo ensures that timely availability of 100% accurate data is never a problem for Space Next door

44M Events

Space Next Door uses Hevo to losslessly aggregate ~44 million events per month

Space Next Door is a community-driven marketplace that enables its users to host and rent any type of space. Users who have extra space available can list it on Space Next Door’s platform to earn an extra income while Space Next Door’s platform takes care of rent collection, timeline, and other factors. On the other side of the platform, users can rent spaces available on Space Next Door’s platform to meet their personal or business needs.

Meet Nestor Sanchez, Chief Technology Officer, and Parth Sarangi, Business Intelligence Manager at Space Next Door. Parth is responsible for Space Next Door’s data and analytics infrastructure and designing dashboards and reports to analyze company performance, product website data, track occupancy, and marketing spend. Parth reports these insights to Space Next Door’s CMO and CEO, they use these reports to make business decisions and monitor important KPIs.

Meet the Data Team at Space Next Door

Nestor Sanchez

Nestor Sanchez

Chief Technology Officer

Parth Sarangi

Parth Sarangi

Business Intelligence Manager

Data Challenges

Being an early-stage startup, Space Next Door did not have a proper analytics framework to aid data-driven decision-making. In their current setup, Space Next Door did not have a data integration tool in place and their Postgres database did not meet the performance requirements to process and store big data.

In a quest to become more data-driven, Space Next Door decided to adopt a Modern Data Stack to streamline analytics and gain deeper insights about its product and operations. As a first step, Parth decided to onboard a data integration tool to connect data hosted on CRM and Marketing tools, and product website data.

The Solution

Parth started looking for a data integration tool with the primary aim to avoid expending any resources on the development and maintenance of an in-house solution. Nestor knew about Hevo and he recommended it to Parth as a possible solution.

My expectation from a data integration tool was simple - zero pipeline failures and no delays in data loading. Before going ahead with Hevo, we evaluated Stitch and Xplenty but we found that Hevo has a wider range of integrations and the pricing structure is way more pocket-friendly.

- Parth Sarangi, Business Intelligence Manager

In addition to core functionality, Parth likes how easy it is to build new pipelines using Hevo’s drag & drop UI. He is a fan of Hevo’s Models feature as it enables him to create custom data models by performing complex data joins on data from more than one source using a simple visual interface, thus, eliminating the need to write lengthy queries or any code. The workflows feature supplements the Models feature and allow him to schedule the data joins at any desired frequency ensuring that business users always have access to the latest and unified data.

Now, Parth uses Hevo to integrate data from Space Next Door’s CRM and Marketing tools - Clevertap, Hubspot, Google Analytics, and Google Ads, Payments provider - Stripe, google sheets. He also uses the google sheets integration to load data from some ad-hoc sources and PostgreSQL database to load the product website data. Data from all these sources is aggregated to Space Next Door’s AWS Redshift data warehouse. Finally, this data is consumed in the form of dashboards and reports on Tableau and Google Data Studio.

Flexclub's Data Stack

Key Results

Space Next Door processes close to 44 million events per month without any delays or data losses every month using Hevo. Aside from meeting just the bare minimum requirements, advanced features like the drag & drop UI and ability to data models and workflows have made Hevo an essential tool for Space Next Door’s data team.

Without Hevo, we would have required a data engineering or data ops team to maintain and build our data pipelines. Now, I can create scalable, fault-tolerant data pipelines in just a few clicks. Hevo has made my life super easy, I’m not dependent on any external team to help me set up data pipelines and that means - faster reporting turnaround times for everyone!

- Parth Sarangi, Business Intelligence Manager

Using a modern data stack, Space Next Door built a solid analytics framework that will scale with its business without needing any engineering support.

Switching to a modern data stack with Hevo, Redshift, Tableau has made it possible for us to process and analyze big data. Since all our tools are deployed on the cloud, we can get more computational resources as and when needed - it’s very scalable and future-proof.

- Nestor Sanchez, Chief Technology Officer

Space Next Door has recently expanded and has its team spread across multiple countries. They’re also planning to upscale their analytics capabilities to include use cases like price prediction. Hevo is excited to work with Space Next Door to solve more data challenges and aid its growth.

Excited to see Hevo in action and understand how a modern data stack can help your business grow? Sign up for our 14-day free trial or register for a personalized demo with our product expert.