BigQuery is one of the most prominent Big Data Warehouses, which allows you to store, manage, and analyze colossal amounts of data. It comes with a built-in query engine to run SQL queries on the BigQuery data and acquire meaningful insights. However, the BigQuery platform does not have a built-in Data Visualization feature. You can connect BigQuery with external tools such as BigQuery Jupyter Notebook to create effective visualizations for identifying the patterns and trends in the BigQuery data.

Since Python provides you with a vast set of data visualization libraries, you can connect BigQuery with Jupyter Notebook to create interactive dashboards and perform Data Analysis by executing very few lines of Python code. This article will help you connect BigQuery Jupyter Notebook.


Fundamental knowledge of Python.

What is BigQuery?

BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: BigQuery
Image Source:

Introduced by Google in 2010, BigQuery is a Cloud-based and serverless Data Warehousing platform that enables you to manage, process, and analyze Big Data. BigQuery is a fully managed and serverless Data Warehousing service that allows you to process and analyze Terabytes of data in a matter of seconds and Petabytes of data in less than a minute. Since it is a serverless computing model, BigQuery lets you execute SQL queries to seamlessly analyze big data while requiring no infrastructure management.

Google provides a complete package to their users with bulk data loading feature on Google Cloud Storage. This big data can easily be accessed using BigQuery by using a browser tool, a command-line tool, or by making calls to the BigQuery REST API with client libraries such as Java, PHP, or Python. On top of that, Google BIgQuery comes with built-in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning model development and implementation capabilities. Machine Learning models can easily be created and executed using SQL queries.

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What is Jupyter Notebook?

BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Jupyter
Image Source:

Jupyter Notebook was originally developed as a part of the IPython project by Fernando Pérez and Brian Granger in 2014. It is an open-source and web-based computational tool that allows you to write code, create visualizations, render equations, and write narrative texts. With the Jupyter Notebook, you can build end-to-end Machine Learning models and perform Data Cleaning, Transformation, and Visualization. Jupyter Notebook also allows you to perform numerical simulation, statistical modeling, complex scientific compilations, and much more. Since the Jupyter Notebook is a multi-language computation tool, it supports over 40 Programming Languages like Python, R, Julia, Java, and JavaScript.

Steps to Connect BigQuery Jupyter Notebook

Follow the below-mentioned steps to establish a BigQuery Jupyter Notebook connection.

BigQuery Jupyter Notebook Connection Prerequisites

To establish a BigQuery Jupyter Notebook connection, you have to satisfy 3 prerequisites. 

  • You should have an active Google Cloud account and a pre-installed Jupyter Notebook. 
  • If you have not previously installed Jupyter Notebook, you can download and install the Anaconda distribution package. 
  • After installing the Anaconda Distribution package, you must launch the Anaconda Navigator to install Jupyter Notebook.  

Enabling BigQuery API

  • You can use BigQuery APIs to extract or fetch data from BigQuery datasets. In other words, the BigQuery service provides you with various REST APIs that are used to collect and transmit data from external data sources.  
  • You can access BigQuery API using exclusive client libraries like Python, Java, and C++. When your application doesn’t permit you to use other client libraries, you will have to use HTTP commands to manually access the BigQuery API. 
  • You can enable BigQuery API by using two methods: Using Cloud Console and Cloud Shell

Method 1: Enabling BigQuery API from Cloud Console

  • Visit the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Now, go to the navigation menu and click on “APIs & Services“, as shown in the above image.
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: API Services Dashboard
Image Source: Self
  • In the search bar, type “BigQuery API” and press Enter. 
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: BigQuery API
Image Source: Self
  • Now, you are redirected to the new page where you can see various APIs of BigQuery. Click on the “BigQuery API” displayed at the top. 
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Enable BigQuery API
Image Source: Self
  • Then, you are again taken to the new page, where you are prompted to enable the BigQuery API. Click on the “ENABLE” button. 
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: BigQuery API Enabled
Image Source: Self
  • On successfully enabling the BigQuery API, you can see the “API Enabled” tag, as shown in the above image.
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: API Details
Image Source: Self
  • You can also see the Activation status as “Enabled” in the overview tab of Google Cloud Platform.

Method 2: Enabling BigQuery API from Cloud Shell

  • Open your Cloud Shell and execute the following command to enable the BigQuery API.

gcloud services enable

  • You can check whether the BigQuery API is successfully enabled by executing the command given below.

gcloud services list

Getting an Authentication File

  • To access data from BigQuery using the BigQuery API, you have to create a service account and download an authentication file for Jupyter Notebook.
  • For creating a new service account, go to the “Create Service Account” page on the Google Cloud Platform.  
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Service Account Details
Image Source: Self
  • Now, you are prompted to enter the Service account name, ID, and description. After filling in the details, click on the “Create and Continue” button.
  • You can see the newly created service account in the “Credentials” field of the Google Cloud Platform, thereby ensuring the service account is created successfully.
  • Now, you have to create an authentication key for the service account. In the “Credentials” field, click the pencil icon beside the newly created service account. Then, click on the “Add Key” button and select the “Create New Key” option. 
  • In the next step, select the key type as JSON and click on the “Create” button.
  • Now, the JSON file with the authentication information is downloaded to your local machine.

Connecting BigQuery Jupyter Notebook

  • At this stage, you are all set to connect BigQuery Jupyter Notebook. Now, open a command prompt and enter the following code to install the necessary packages for connecting BigQuery with Jupyter Notebook.
pip install google-cloud
pip install google-cloud-bigquery[pandas]
pip install google-cloud-storage
  • You can also install the packages from Jupyter Notebook by executing the one-line command. Open your Jupyter Notebook and run the following command in the code cell.
pip install --upgrade 'google-cloud-bigquery[bqstorage,pandas]'
  • Now, you have to load the BigQuery client library by executing the command given below.
  • In the further steps, you will be querying the data from the BigQuery public dataset samples.
  • Now, execute the following commands to run a SQL query and store results in the form of DataFrame.
    source_year AS year,
    COUNT(is_male) AS birth_count
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.natality`
  • After executing the above command, you get an output that resembles the following image. 
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Output
Image Source: Self
  • Enter the below command in the next cell block to repeat the same query. However, this time, the query saves the results in the form of a DataFrame to a new variable called “total_births,” which is passed to “%% bigquery” as an argument. The total_births data can also be further analyzed and visualized using Python.
%%bigquery total_births
    source_year AS year,
    COUNT(is_male) AS birth_count
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.natality`
  • After executing the above command, a new DataFrame named “total_births” is created to perform data visualization in the next step.
  • For performing data visualization, you have to install the Matplotlib library. Execute the following command to install the Matplotlib package. 
%matplotlib inline
  • Now, execute the following code to visualize the “total_births” data in the form of a Bar Chart using the Pandas DataFrame.plot() method.
total_births.plot(kind="bar", x="year", y="birth_count")
  • After executing the above code, you get the output that resembles the following image.
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Birth Count Visualization
Image Source:
  • You can further analyze the sample data to retrieve the number of births by weekdays.
%%bigquery births_by_weekday
    SUM(CASE WHEN is_male THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS male_births,
    SUM(CASE WHEN is_male THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS female_births
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.natality`
  • The above-given query saves the results in the form of DataFrame to a new variable called “births_by_weekday,” which is passed to “%% bigquery” as an argument. 
  • You can further plot the “births_by_weekday” data using the plot method by executing the code given below.
  • After executing the above command, you will get the output, as shown below.
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Male and Female Births plot
Image Source:
  • You can also use the BigQuery client library to analyze BigQuery data. Run the following code to import the BigQuery client library for Python.
from import bigquery
  • Then, execute the command given below to initialize the BigQuery client.
client = bigquery.Client()
  • In the next step, run the following code that includes the client.query() method to retrieve the annual count of plural births by plurality (2 for twins, 3 for triplets, and so on).
sql = """
    COUNT(1) AS count,
    NOT IS_NAN(plurality) AND plurality > 1
    plurality, year
    count DESC
df = client.query(sql).to_dataframe()
  • Then, convert the result set “df” to a pivot table by executing the following command.
pivot_table = df.pivot(index="year", 
columns="plurality", values="count")
  • Now, run the code given below to create a stacked bar according to the count of plural births over time.
stacked=True, figsize=(15, 7))
  • The output of the above code resembles the following output. 
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Birth Plurality Stack Bar
Image Source:
  • Now, run the following query to retrieve the count of births by the number of gestation weeks using the client.query()method.
sql = """
    COUNT(1) AS count
    NOT IS_NAN(gestation_weeks) AND gestation_weeks <> 99
df = client.query(sql).to_dataframe()
  • Then, plot the output of the above code by running the following code snippets.
ax = df.plot(kind="bar", x="gestation_weeks", y="count", figsize=(15, 7))
ax.set_title("Count of Births by Gestation Weeks")
ax.set_xlabel("Gestation Weeks")
  • The output of the above code resembles the following image.
BigQuery Jupyter Notebook: Birth Count Bar Chart
Image Source:

On executing the above-mentioned steps, you have successfully connected BigQuery Jupyter Notebook and also performed Data Analysis and visualization using the BigQuery APIs and Client Libraries.


In this article, you learned about BigQuery, Jupyter Notebook, how to enable BigQuery API and connect it to Jupyter Notebook. This article only focused on connecting BigQuery Jupyter Notebook via client libraries. However, you can also connect any external database servers like Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL with Jupyter Notebook by using the respective ODBC drivers or connectors of the Database.

BigQuery supports many more Data Sources and allows loading data from other traditional and Cloud-based applications, SaaSs, CRMs, BI tools, etc. You may require a Data Integration tool to do extract and load data from multiple sources into Snowflake, and this is where Hevo comes in.

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Share your experience of working with BigQuery Jupyter Notebook in the comments section below.

Ishwarya M
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Ishwarya is a skilled technical writer with over 5 years of experience. She has extensive experience working with B2B SaaS companies in the data industry, she channels her passion for data science into producing informative content that helps individuals understand the complexities of data integration and analysis.

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