One of the most common issues is Redshift create external schema. This can be complex, combining data from different sources and catalogs. However, after reading this article, you will be fine. This guide will help you configure and create an external schema in Amazon Redshift using the AWS Glue Data Catalog for seamless integration and efficient data management.

What is Amazon Redshift?

Amazon Redshift is an Amazon Web Services-based petabyte-scale Data Warehousing solution. It’s also utilized for massive database migrations because it simplifies Data Management.

Organizations turn to Amazon Redshift for valuable insights from their data to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency. It is built with features of scale, usability, and integrations with other AWS services, which makes it very popular with every size of business.

Key Features of Amazon Redshift

  • Integrated Analytics Ecosystem: AWS’s built-in ecosystem services make it easier to manage End-to-end Analytics Workflows while avoiding compliance and operational stumbling blocks. AWS Lake Formation, AWS Glue, AWS EMR, AWS DMS, AWS Schema Conversion Tool, and others are just a few of the well-known examples.
  • SageMaker Support: A must-have for today’s Data Professionals, it allows users to construct and train Amazon SageMaker models for Predictive Analytics using data from your Amazon Redshift Warehouse.
  • ML For Maximum Performance: Amazon Redshift has powerful Machine Learning (ML) capabilities that provide great throughput and speed. Its sophisticated algorithms forecast incoming inquiries based on specific factions, allowing crucial jobs to be prioritized.

Why do we need Amazon Redshift Schema?

  • Schemas organize more than one database object, such as tables and views, so users can easily manage and navigate large data sets. This way, we manage the related objects to maintain a logical structure inside our Redshift data warehouse.
  • Schemas enable fine-grained access control at the schema level itself. This is how we ensure that different users and applications have relevant access to a variety of data, thereby improving our company’s security and compliance.
  • Using schemas, we can create better resource management and optimize query performance. We will consider using schemas to partition our data so that those complex queries can be handled and overall efficiency achieved.
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Examples of Create Schema

Example 1:

Suppose we want to create a new schema named customer_details:

Step 1. 1) To create a new schema, we need a user that can authorize the new schema. You can create one using the command if you don’t have a user.

CREATE USER <user_name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>'

Step 1. 2) Run the following query to create a new schema and authorize the new schema using the user you just created.

create schema <Schema_name> authorization <user_name>;
Create Schema Customer Details

Example 2:

Suppose you want to create a new schema and allot a specific amount of memory space. To perform this, you can use the query given below:

create schema customers_details authorization educba_user QUOTA 25 GB;
Create new Schema

How to Get Started with Redshift Create External Schema?

Step 1: Create an Amazon Redshift IAM Role

  • Activate the IAM console.
  • Select Roles from the navigation window.
  • You’ll now find “Creating a Role” as an option.
  • When the AWS Service is launched, select Amazon Redshift from the drop-down menu.

Under select your use case, select Amazon Redshift – Customizable, and then Next > Permissions

Note: The Policy for Attaching Permissions page will now appear on your screen. Here, you need to attach the policies AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess and AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess to your JSON-based script and build a new policy that grants access to the Data Catalog but restricts Lake Formation Administrator Permissions.

Grant SELECT permissions on the table to the queries for your Data Lake Formation Database.

  • Activate the Lake Formation console.
  • Go to Select in Table and Column Permissions.
  • Here, you must select Grant as it is the best option.
  • Then, you must attach your Create Policy.
  • Finally, add the name for your Database and save it.


Step 2: Link your Cluster to the IAM Role

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console and select Amazon Redshift from the services menu.
  • Select CLUSTERS, then choose the name of the Cluster that you want to update from the navigation menu.
  • Choose Manage IAM roles from the Actions menu. The page for IAM roles will now display on your screen.
  • Enter ARN/IAM Role or pick IAM Role from the list after selecting Enter ARN. Select Add IAM Role to add it to the list of Attached IAM roles.
  • The Cluster is adjusted in order to complete the change.
  • Associating the IAM role with the Cluster is now complete.

Step 3: Make an External Table and a Schema for it

Create a Schema and Table in Amazon Redshift using the editor. Mention the role of ARN in creating the External Schema in the code. Create an External Table and point it to the S3 Location where the file is located.

Step 4: Use Amazon Redshift to Query your Data

After you’ve built your External Tables, you may query them with SELECT statements to get records.


  • This post has covered all you need to know about how to use and design Amazon Redshift Create External Schema.
  • This aids in the creation of Schemas that can hold a large number of objects for your Database. When it comes to Database Management, schemas are quite valuable as they can be used to optimize your Database, making it more organized and accessible to users.
  • To become more efficient in handling your Databases, it is preferable to integrate them with a solution that can carry out Data Integration and Management procedures for you without much ado and that is where Hevo Data, a Cloud-based ETL Tool, comes in. Hevo Data supports 150+ plug-and-play connectors and helps you transfer your data from these sources to Data Warehouses like Amazon Redshift in a matter of minutes, all without writing any code!


How do you create schemas in Redshift?

To create schemas in Redshift, perform the following steps:
Open Amazon Redshift Query editor
Connect to your Redshift Cluster
Run the CREATE SCHEMA command
Execute the command by clicking on the run button in the Query editor

Which schema is used by Redshift?

In Amazon Redshift, the default schema used is public. When you create tables or perform operations without specifying a schema, Redshift uses the public schema by default.

What is the maximum number of schemas in Redshift?

There is a maximum of 9900 schemas per Database in Amazon Redshift.

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Davor DSouza
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Davor DSouza is a data analyst with a passion for using data to solve real-world problems. His experience with data integration and infrastructure, combined with his Master's in Machine Learning, equips him to bridge the gap between theory and practical application. He enjoys diving deep into data and emerging with clear and actionable insights.

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