With just a few clicks, connect your Salesforce account to Snowflake and watch your data load in real-time. Experience a hassle-free, zero-maintenance data load.
Start 14-Day Free TrialNurture key accounts and drive sales by combining and analyzing customer data from all your applications in real-time. With over 100+ ready-to-use integrations, Hevo can easily bring data from your Sales and Marketing Apps, Analytics Tools, Databases, and more.
Connect any source to your warehouse in a few clicks. Hevo automatically detects the data schema & suggests the most optimal destination schema.
Set-up once and never revisit again. Any future changes are automatically handled by Hevo.
Hevo automates your data flow without you having to write any custom configuration. Hevo automatically resolves any errors (if possible).
Salesforce is one of the most famous customer relationship management platforms that allows businesses to record each sales touchpoint with a potential customer and drive sales faster. Businesses today leverage Salesforce to accomplish some of the key tasks that include key account management, team management, and so on.
Salesforce is one of the most famous customer relationship management platforms that allows businesses to record each sales touchpoint with a potential customer and drive sales faster. Businesses today leverage Salesforce to accomplish some of the key tasks that include key account management, team management, and so on.
Snowflake is a high-performance data warehouse built for the cloud. Users can easily deploy it on AWS, GCS or S3 and query it using ANSI SQL. It is fast, flexible, fully managed, and easy to work with.
Combine CRM data with customer activity across all channels to identify accounts that are more likely to convert. Provide actionable insights to your sales teams to increase the win rate.
Analyze every customer touchpoint to identify the communication channels, content pitch, emails, etc. that works best at each stage to move deals forward.
Understand where the sales team is spending their time, identify your best performers and coach the slow movers. Unlock opportunities to increase the teams' efficiency.
2500+ data-driven organizations from 45+ countries trust Hevo.