A sudden shift in Business Data Analytics opened doors for researchers to benefit from data. Data is now an ultimate tool that can take your business to new heights.

Since the role of Business Analytics came into existence, all organizations had two options to either shut down or shift towards practicing advanced Business Data Analysis. The term Business Data Analysis is interchangeably used with Business Analytics.

This guide will go through the importance of Business Data Analysis and how it can impact business growth significantly. Also, this guide will help you understand the fundamental requirements to implement Business Analytics in your business.

Let’s Understand the Business Data Analysis

  • When people become aware of the importance of data for research and analysis, technical fields such as Engineering,
  • Machine Learning, and Medical Science started adopting Data Analytics to get deeper Insights and hidden valuable content from data.
  • Generally, Data Analytics analyzes data and makes predictions to extract relevant information from it.
  • Business Data Analytics is similar to Data Analytics, but its focus is more on business-driven decisions and analysis of past Business Data.  

Types of Business Data Analysis

1. Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive Analytics is the simplest type of Business Data Analysis that uses existing Business Data to summarize data. Descriptive Analytics helps stakeholders, members, investors to visualize the performance of a company by reports. Descriptive Analytics uses Data Mining and aggregation techniques to make data more valuable to different teams and members. 

2. Diagnostic Analytics

Diagnostic Analytics helps an organization to understand current developments and various factors affecting them. It uses techniques like Data Mining, Data Drilling, and Data Discovery to manage the analysis based on the probabilities of an event that can occur.

3. Predictive Analytics 

This type of Business Data Analysis helps determine the future trends in any business or the possibility of a future event. Predictive Analytics uses Descriptive Analytics and various Machine Learning models to evaluate results based on existing data.

4. Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics provides recommendations based on data analyzed using various models and defines the best course of action to take in real-time. It works to deliver the best results among several possibilities. Prescriptive Analytics iteratively runs analysis over data by learning the relation between previous outcomes and action performed in real-time.

Comparison Between Business Intelligence and Business Analytics

  • Business Intelligence uses past data and current data to generate reports using various BI tools such as SAP, Microsoft Power BI, SAS, Tableau, etc.
    • These tools use Data Mining techniques to gather data and prepare reports. It helps to identify patterns and performance by using Mathematical, Predictive Analytics.
    • It usually summarizes data and other key metrics used in business to generate reports. So that managers and members can have a quick view of a particular piece of information.
  • Business Analytics collects data and analyzes it using various prediction models.
    • It uses only past data to generate insights and reports to provide a clear result from the information.
    • Business Data Analysis is done using Business Analytics tools in which Business Intelligence acts as an input.
    • Business Data Analysis covers all the Business Intelligence because it transforms data provided by BI tools to make a better prediction and solve business challenges.

Benefits of Business Data Analysis

Data-Driven Solutions

Imagine the power you can use to plan your business according to future events that will most likely happen. You can define your investments and risks limits. Moreover, it will help you identify the causes for any failure and give clear insights into trends. The data gathered by your company can predict for you the Sales Growth based on current market conditions. 


There are many tools available in the market to transform your data into visualizations. Visualizations are considered more effective than data with rows and columns. It allows business members, stakeholders, investors, and teams to understand the information that lies within data. With few clicks, one can generate reports and analyze trends in seconds. It helps people with no technical knowledge to understand business performance and get new ideas by Visualizing Data.

Exploring Probability Conditions

Predictive Analytics unlocked the doors to see one step forward and keep plans ready according to that. Business is not only about sales and revenue. It also has to deal with when to go for higher stakes and iterative improvements in products and services. Analyzing different business scenarios will provide your organization a better idea of optimal action to take for best results. A slight change in one variable can give a different outcome, it also gives information on the priority of various factors that affect businesses.

Automated Decisions

With the help of a huge volume of Business Data and Business Analytics tools powered by Artificial Intelligence will automate the process to generate insights. It self adapts according to the changing Variables and delivers best-case results. It takes high-quality data to help companies to make smarter decisions.

Top 5 Business Data Analysis Tools

1) Hevo Data

Hevo Data is a Business Data Analytics tool that comes featured with Data Management and Integration. It follows a fully automated system to set up data replication, integration from multiple sources to Data Warehouse. It is a No-code tool that makes it easy to use, and you can generate insights effortlessly. Hevo Data is best suited for companies looking for a complete package of Business Data Analytics and other features.

2) Looker

Looker has some fantastic features that include handy Visualizations, awesome support, collaboration features like reports that can be shared by E-mails or other integrated apps. It is a part of Google Cloud that is great to use for startups and Small-Cap Businesses. 

3) Tableau Public

Tableau Public is one of the best tools available in the market to create shareable Visualizations, Charts, and Dashboards that makes it easy for team members to draw insights. It provides an additional feature to integrate with other products and enable users to create customized panels, previews. 

4) Microstrategy

Microstrategy is another great Business Data Analysis tool that features the processing of unstructured Text Data. It allows Analysts to analyze data using Text Analytics tools integrated with Microstrategy. It can operate from any device and let users create shareable reports.

5) Sisense

Sisense is a great tool packed with Text Analytics solutions to transform unstructured Text Data into the analysis-ready format. It also features real-time trend forecasting and easy report generation tools.


  • In this article, you learned about Business Data Analysis, its different types, the importance of Business Data Analysis, and its benefits.
  • Then you came to know about the best Business Analytics tools. It became a necessity for every business to implement Business Data Analysis to make smarter business decisions.
  • For every business to grow above the competitors, it needs to adopt Business Data Analysis. To achieve the best Business Analytics implementation, a company should have access to good quality data in one place.  

Share your experience of learning about Business Data Analysis in the comments section below!

Aditya Jadon
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Aditya Jadon is a data science enthusiast with a passion for decoding the complexities of data. He leverages his B. Tech degree, expertise in software architecture, and strong technical writing skills to craft informative and engaging content. Aditya has authored over 100 articles on data science, demonstrating his deep understanding of the field and his commitment to sharing knowledge with others.

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