Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for running marketing ads. With so many individuals of different age brackets using Facebook, the platform serves as the right place for many businesses to find their potential customers. Due to this, many businesses have resorted to marketing their brands on Facebook. Companies usually integrate Facebook Ads and Google Sheets for Reporting and Analysis.

Facebook Ads generate a lot of valuable data that can help marketers make improvements to their marketing techniques. Such data can give you insights that can help you know how the ads are converting into actual sales. However, it is a bit difficult for you to analyze such data on Facebook. 

It will be good for you to move the data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets for analysis. Google Sheets has a number of mathematical formulas that you can use to extract insights from the data. It is also easy for you to connect Google Sheets data to a tool like Google Analytics for advanced analytics. 

In this article, you will learn how to connect Facebook Ads to Google Sheets data and how importing data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets allows you analyze the marketing data and generate insights from it.


This is what you need for this article:

  • A Facebook Account. 
  • A Google Sheets account. 
  • Google Sheets API connector
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How to integrate Facebook Ads and Google Sheets data?

Hevo Data: Integrate your Data Seamlessly

Hevo is a No-code Data Pipeline. It supports pre-built data integration from 150+ data sources at a reasonable price. It can automate your entire integration process in minutes. It offers features and supports compatibility with several databases and data warehouses. Hevo will integrate Facebook Ads and Google Sheets conveniently without writing any code and for free.

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Let’s look at some of the unbeatable features of Hevo:

  • Completely Automated: Hevo platform can be set up in minutes and requires minimal maintenance.
  • Real-Time Data Transfer: Hevo provides real-time data migration, so you can have analysis-ready data always.
  • Data Transformation: It provides a simple interface to perfect, modify, and enrich the data you want to transfer. 
  • Fault-Tolerant: Hevo is capable of detecting anomalies in the incoming data and informs you instantly. All the affected rows are kept aside for correction so that it doesn’t hamper your workflow.
  • Live Support: Hevo team is available round the clock to extend exceptional support to you through chat, email, and support calls.
  • Schema Management: Hevo takes away the tedious task of schema management and automatically detects the schema of incoming data and maps it to the destination schema.
  • Live Monitoring: Hevo allows you to monitor the data flow, so you can check where your data is at a particular point in time.
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Transfer Data from sources like Facebook Ads, Google Sheets, etc., to your target destination for Free!

How to Integrate Facebook Ads and Google Sheets Data

You can use the API Connector add-on for Google Sheets to integrate and Import Facebook Ad Data to Google Sheets. You can also check Facebook to Google Data Studio integration.

Let me take you through the steps that you need to follow in order to import data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets. 

Generate your Facebook API User Access Token

The following steps will help you generate the Facebook API user access token:

Step 1: Open the URL given below on your web browser and click the “My Apps” button from the top right corner of the screen. 

Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination  - Facebook Ads and Google Ads
Image Source: Self

Step 2: Click the “Create App” button. 

Facebook Ads and Google Sheets - Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 3: On the window that pops up, choose “For Everything Else”. 

Facebook Ads and Google Sheets - Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 4: Enter the app details and click the “Create App ID” button. 

Facebook Ads and Google sheets - Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 5: You will then be taken to the Developer dashboard. You don’t have to do anything on this page. Instead, open the Facebook Graph API Explorer using the following URL: Tools Explorer

Step 6: Select the ad that you have created, and then choose “Get User Access Token” from the dropdown. 

Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 7: On the window that pops up, login to your Facebook account and click the “Continue as …” button. 

facebook ads and google sheets  - Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 8: You should now be able to see public_profile under Permissions. Click the “Add a Permission” dropdown, choose “Events Groups Pages” then select the “ads_read” permission. 

Facebook ads and google sheets - adding permissions
Image Source: Self

Step 9: Click the “Generate Access Token” button. 

facebook ads and google sheets  - Transfer Data for Free from Google Sheets to your target destination
Image Source: Self

Step 10: On the modals that pop up, keep on clicking the “Continue as …” button until the process of linking is complete. 

facebook ads and google sheets - successfully linked
Image Source: Self

Step 11: The access token will be shown on the Graph API Explorer. However, it lasts for only 1 hour but you can extend this by clicking the blue icon located next to it and then choosing “Open in Access Token Tool”. 

Facebook ads and google sheets - Access Token Info
Image Source: Self

Step 12: On the new window that is opened, click the “Extend Access Token” button located at the bottom. 

Facebook ads and google sheets - Extended Access Token Info
Image Source: Self

Step 13: Enter your Facebook account password if prompted to do so and click the “Submit” button. 


You now have the access token and it will last for about 2 months. 

Step 14: Click the “Debug” button to get a window where you can copy the token to your clipboard. 

Facebook ads and google sheets  - Debug Console
Image Source: Self

Create your Facebook API Request URL

Let us follow the Facebook documentation to access the key summary data for your account. 

  • API root: https://graph.facebook.com
  • Endpoint: /vAPI_VERSION/act_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID/insights (You can get your account ID from Facebook Ads Manager). 
  • Endpoint Example: /v8.0/act_123456789012345/insights
  • Query Strings: ?access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
    Query Strings Example: ?access_token=EAAEZCmli4ij4BAPTOzshTCirwrKU6tTUP3CE0…

Ensure that you substitute in your own account ID and access token. 

Import Facebook Ad Data to Google Sheets

It is now time for you to enter your values into the API Connector and import Facebook Ad data to Google Sheets. You should have the Google Sheets API Connector add-on installed on your Google Sheets account. If not, install it by clicking the “Add-ons” button and choosing the “Get add-ons” option. You can then search for “API Connector” and install it. 

Next, follow the steps to move data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets are given below:

Step 1: Open Google Sheets and click “Add-ons”, choose “API Connector” and then select “Create New API Request”. 

facebook ads and google sheets   - Creating new API REQUEST
Image Source: Self

Step 2: In the Configure API Request window, enter the Request URL that you just created. Note that this is the token from another sheet plus the +++ syntax. This will make it easier for you when you need to update the token later. 

Facebook ads and google sheets  - API URL Path
Image Source: Self

Leave the Headers section empty. 

Step 3: Create a new tab and give it the name “FB_insights”. Click the “Set Current” button to use the tab as your data destination. 

Step 4: Give a name to your request and click the “Run” button. 

Now the summary stats data will populate from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets. 

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Facebook ads and Google Sheets data. Now you can easily send data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets to analyze your marketing efforts.


The following are the challenges that you will face when integrating Facebook Ads and Google Sheets data:

  1. The process is lengthy and complex. One has to install the Google Sheets API Connector, create a Facebook API User Access Token, and create an API Request URL before they can perform the integration and begin to import Facebook Ad Data to Google Sheets. 
  2. You cannot import data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets in real-time. 

About Google Sheets:

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application developed by Google. It is similar to other spreadsheet tools, but the fact that it’s an online tool makes it capable of offering more functionalities to its users than other spreadsheet applications. 

Here are the reasons as to why Google Sheets is a better spreadsheet application:

  • It’s a web-based spreadsheet application that can be used anywhere. So, you will not be forgetting your spreadsheet files at home. 
  • It’s a free app, and it’s connected to Google Docs, Drive, and Slides for sharing documents, files, and presentations online. 
  • It can be used on different devices. It comes with mobile apps for iOS and Android as well as a web-based core app. 
  • It allows you to down add-ons, create own add-ons, and create custom code. 
  • It comes with all spreadsheet functions provided in Ms Excel. Most people know how to use Ms Excel, hence, they feel at home using Google Sheets. 
  • Google Sheets is an online tool, hence, you can use your spreadsheet to gather data automatically and do almost anything you need even when the spreadsheet is not open. 

To use Google sheets, open the following URL on your web browser:

You will be taken to the following page:

facebook ads and google sheets
Image Source: Self

Click the “Go to Google Sheets” button. 

facebook ads and google sheets
Image Source: Self

To create a new spreadsheet, click the “+ Blank” button. 

Facebook Ads and Google Sheets- Adding Blank Spreadsheet
Image Source: Self

An untitled spreadsheet window will be opened. 

You can give a title to the spreadsheet by typing it in the “untitled spreadsheet” space. 

Facebook Ads and Google Sheets- Untitled Spreadsheet -
Image Source: Self

You can then begin to type your data into the cells of the spreadsheet. 


In this article, you have learnt why you need to transfer data from Facebook Ads to Google Sheets data. You’ve also learned how to integrate Facebook Ads and Google Sheets data. However, this method is long and requires manual intervention.

Hevo Data is a No-code Data Pipeline. It automates your entire integration process without writing any code. Hevo supports pre-built integrations from 150+ data sources, including Facebook Ads for free. It allows Facebook Ads and Google Sheets integration in just two simple steps.

Visit our Website to Explore Hevo

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Have any further queries? Get in touch with us in the comments section below.

Nicholas Samuel
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Skilled in freelance writing within the data industry, Nicholas is passionate about unraveling the complexities of data integration and data analysis through informative content for those delving deeper into these subjects. He has written more than 150+ blogs on databases, processes, and tutorials that help data practitioners solve their day-to-day problems.

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