4 Reasons to Monitor Data Quality Before Data Ingestion


Monitor Data Quality | Hevo Data

Maintaining data quality is a challenging task. Data is often inconsistent and unreliable, especially when pulled from multiple sources. Most data teams spend about 25% of their time doing data ingestion. A data team that needs to win back some of that time should address the issue of the incoming data quality. If you ensure data quality when ingesting data, you can prevent the multiplicity of errors in your data warehouse. 

The best approach to monitor data quality issues and prevent them from affecting your product and decision-making is by monitoring your data flows. Monitoring will help you identify schema changes, discover unusual levels of null records, identify missing data, repair failed pipelines and more. 

In this article, we will be discussing why you need to monitor data quality before data ingestion. 

Table of Contents

What is Data Ingestion?

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Data ingestion refers to both the act and the process of importing data from its source (product, vendor, file, warehouse, etc.) into a staging environment. The data is then transformed or moved to its destination. If you are thinking about a data ingestion pipeline, the first stage is ingestion. Or maybe “stage 0” because it is mostly overlooked and not measured with the same rigor as the other stages. 

If you allow more poor-quality data to get into your data lake or warehouse, the more it will pollute everything else there. The reason is that errors will replicate everywhere. Hence, there is a need to monitor data quality before data ingestion.

Hevo’s No-Code Data Pipeline allows you to replicate data in minutes.

Hevo Data, a Fully-managed Data Pipeline platform, can help you automate, simplify & enrich your data replication process in a few clicks. With Hevo’s wide variety of connectors and blazing-fast Data Pipelines, you can extract & load data from 100+ Data Sources straight into your Data Warehouse or any Databases. To further streamline and prepare your data for analysis, you can process and enrich raw granular data using Hevo’s robust & built-in Transformation Layer without writing a single line of code!


Hevo is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable data replication platform that will save your engineering bandwidth and time multifold. Try our 14-day full access free trial today to experience an entirely automated hassle-free Data Replication!

What is Data Quality?

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In simple words, data quality indicates how trustworthy a piece of data is and whether or not it is suitable for use in decision-making by a user. This attribute is frequently quantified in degrees.

To put it another way, data quality refers to the quality of the data and how valuable it is for the task at hand. However, the phrase also refers to the activities of planning, executing, and regulating the necessary quality management methods and methodologies to guarantee that the data is actionable and valuable to the data consumers.

What Parameters are Used to Assess Data Quality?

Data quality indicators are critical for evaluating your efforts to improve the quality of your data. Data quality measures must be high-quality and well-defined. Keep an eye out for the following data quality metrics: correctness, consistency, completeness, integrity, and timeliness. Let’s look at the many types of data quality indicators and what they mean.


The degree to which data properly reflects an event or item depicted is referred to as data accuracy.


When data meets particular comprehensiveness criteria in an organization, it is termed complete. When it comes to data, completeness refers to whether there is enough of it to form useful conclusions.


Data consistency basically means that two data values derived from different data sources should not be in contradiction with one another. Data consistency, on the other hand, does not always mean that the data is correct.


Data integrity, also known as data validation, is the structural examination of data to guarantee conformity with an organization’s data procedures. Such information demonstrates that there are no unintentional mistakes and that it matches the correct data kinds.


When data is not available when consumers want it, it fails to meet the data quality attribute of timeliness.

What Makes Hevo’s ETL Process the Best in Class

Providing a high-quality ETL solution can be a difficult task if you have a large volume of data. Hevo’s automated, No-code platform empowers you with everything you need to have for a smooth data replication experience.

Check out what makes Hevo amazing:

  • Fully Managed: Hevo requires no management and maintenance as it is a fully automated platform.
  • Data Transformation: Hevo provides a simple interface to perfect, modify, and enrich the data you want to transfer.
  • Faster Insight Generation: Hevo offers near real-time data replication so you have access to real-time insight generation and faster decision making. 
  • Schema Management: Hevo can automatically detect the schema of the incoming data and map it to the destination schema.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Hevo has in-built integrations for 100+ sources (with 40+ free sources) that can help you scale your data infrastructure as required.
  • Live Support: Hevo team is available round the clock to extend exceptional support to its customers through chat, email, and support calls.
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4 Reasons to Monitor Data Quality Before Data Ingestion

The following are the reasons why every organization should monitor data quality before ingesting it into their data warehouse or data lake:

1. Higher Chances of Identifying Issues

Abnormal or erroneous data affects all the other data in the system and analytics downstream. When corrupt data is ingested into a data warehouse or data lake, it may mix up with clean data and be used in analytics. This will make it more difficult to identify errors and their source as corrupt data can be “washed out” in the huge volumes of data stored in the system. 

For a data engineer or analyst to identify issues in data, he or she should know what the expected results should look like, and diagnose that an anomaly has resulted from data and not changes in the business. When the dirty or corrupt data is only a small percentage of the data stored in a data warehouse, this will become harder. 

Thus, you should not overlook errors that may have an impact on your users, product, or decision-making. You can monitor data quality early in the pipeline and ensure that you get the right value from your data. 

2. Creating Confidence in The Data Warehouse

Analysts and other stakeholders rely on data warehouses to make sound business decisions. Trust in the data warehouse is good for business agility and making sound decisions. If the data stored in the data warehouse is not trusted, stakeholders won’t trust or use it. This will mean that the organization is not leveraging its data to a full extent. 

If a product relies on data, then corrupt data may bar its adoption in the market. Organizations that monitor data quality before ingestion create confidence in that “trusted layer.”

3. Ability to Solve Issues Faster

If you monitor data quality before ingestion, issues will be identified faster, and data engineers will have more time to react. The data engineers are able to identify causality and lineage and fix issues in the source or data to prevent the harmful effects of corrupt data. It is hard to identify and solve issues in a product after the decision has been made. 

4. Enabling Data Source Governance

By monitoring and identifying the inception point, data engineers are able to identify a malfunctioning data source and fix it. This facilitates better governance over data sources, in both real-time and long-run.

When to Monitor Data Quality from Ingestion?

It is recommended that you monitor data quality across the pipeline, right from ingestion to destination. However, you’ve to start somewhere. The following are the use cases for prioritizing monitoring during ingestion:

1. Frequent data source changes

If your business relies on APIs or data sources where the data structure changes frequently, it is recommended that you monitor data quality. For example, a transportation application that pulls data from APIs of location data that changes constantly.

2. Multiple External Data Sources

Some businesses get data from multiple sources. A good example is a real-estate app that lists properties based on data obtained from municipalities, offices, schools, etc. 

3. Data-Driven Products

When your products are based on data and different data sources have different impacts on the products, it’s good to monitor data quality. For example, navigation applications that get data about weather, roads, transportation, etc. 

Best Practices to Monitor Data Quality

Data quality monitoring was introduced recently. The following are the best practices to help you monitor data quality:

1. Determine Quality Layers

Both data and its quality change across the pipeline. It’s good to divide your pipeline into different steps such as the warehouse layer, the ingestion layer, and the transformation layer. Know data quality has a different meaning to each of these layers and prioritize the layers with the highest impact on decision-making in your business. 

2. Monitor Different Quality Aspects

To monitor data quality, you must review a number of aspects. Review the metadata and ensure that the data structure is correct and that all the ingested data has arrived. You can then proceed to address business-related aspects of the data which are related to the domain knowledge.


This is what you’ve learned in this article:

  • Data ingestion is both the act and the process of importing data from its source into a staging environment. 
  • Data is full of inconsistencies, especially when pulled from multiple sources. Hence, there is a need to monitor data quality. 
  • Data quality monitoring before data ingestion helps an organization identify errors and solve them before they can multiply in the data lake or warehouse. 
  • If you rely on data from different external sources, or when changes are made to the data source frequently, you should consider monitoring data quality. 
  • When monitoring data quality, it’s good to divide your pipeline into different steps, for example, the warehouse layer, the ingestion layer, and the transformation layer. 
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Hevo Data with its strong integration with 100+ Sources allows you to not only export data from multiple sources & load data to the destinations, but also transform & enrich your data, & make it analysis-ready so that you can focus only on your key business needs and perform insightful analysis.

Give Hevo Data a try and sign up for a 14-day free trial today. Hevo offers plans & pricing for different use cases and business needs, check them out!

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Nicholas Samuel
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Nicholas Samuel is a technical writing specialist with a passion for data, having more than 14+ years of experience in the field. With his skills in data analysis, data visualization, and business intelligence, he has delivered over 200 blogs. In his early years as a systems software developer at Airtel Kenya, he developed applications, using Java, Android platform, and web applications with PHP. He also performed Oracle database backups, recovery operations, and performance tuning. Nicholas was also involved in projects that demanded in-depth knowledge of Unix system administration, specifically with HP-UX servers. Through his writing, he intends to share the hands-on experience he gained to make the lives of data practitioners better.

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