How to Change Date Format in Power BI: Display Time Right

By: Published: March 25, 2022

When accessing data from other data sources, It is inevitable that we will encounter dates in formats that are not as desired. Therefore, how do we change the format of the dates to the desired format? Power BI Date Format has a query for the locale date format that allows us to change the date format in the local date format.

You must be aware that there are numerous ways to manipulate Power BI Date Format. But, I know that you will have confusions about how to change date format in Power BI. In this blog, we will demonstrate various methods to change date format in Power BI to help you with all that. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is Power BI?

Power BI Date Format - PowerBI Application
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Power BI is a proprietary Data Visualization and Business Intelligence platform from Microsoft Power Platform. It is one of the most used business tools for analyzing and reporting on company data. Power BI seamlessly connects to data, delivering Immersive Visuals, Interactive Reports, and Insights via a variety of built-in software services, apps, and connectors.

Connecting to a number of data source connectors in Power BI allows you to easily import data from the data source and view data stored in databases or data warehouses.

Microsoft Power BI is available on desktop, mobile, and cloud platforms, enabling your teams to collect, manage, and analyze data from any place. Data may be imported into Power BI from a variety of sources, including Excel, CSV, SQL Server, MySQL databases, PDF, Access, XML, JSON, and many others.

Understanding Microsoft Power BI: A Comprehensive Guide is a good place to start if you want to learn more about dashboards, reports, views, and all about Power BI.

Key Features of Power BI

The following are some of the most notable features of Power BI.

  • Hybridization: Power BI communicates with a variety of connectors, allowing users to connect to a variety of data sources.
  • Modeling Point of View: Users of Power BI can divide and slice big data models into smaller chunks, generate unique visualizations, and pick several possibilities.
  • AI Assistance: AI may be used by Power BI Data Analytics users to prepare data, build Machine Learning models, and swiftly reveal insights from structured and unstructured data.
  • Important Things to Keep in Mind: Power BI makes it easier to create data subsets and apply Data Analytics to that data.
  • Report Distribution: Users can quickly share their reports with other members of their company without having to worry about data security.
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How Power BI Format Dates?

Before you format dates in Power BI, make sure that Power BI Desktop is set to the relevant region. To examine and alter your regional settings, go to the Power BI dashboard and select:

File – > Options & Settings –> Options.

There are several ways to format dates in Power BI, and we will describe the majority of them. We’ll utilize the SQL table that we imported in the enter data article to show various Power BI date types.

Power BI Date Format - Hire Data
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When you select the Edit Queries option, a new window called Power Query Editor appears.

The HireDate field can be seen in the screenshot above. This column will be used to demonstrate the Power BI date formatting choices.

1) The First Approach to Power BI Date Format

Power BI Date Format - First Approach
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Please pick the Date Column and open the context menu by right-clicking on it. Choose the Transform option, then the Formatting option. For the time being, we will select the Year. This property extracts and shows the Years from the Hire date.

The date and time in the Hire date column have been substituted by the Extracted Year in the example below.

Power BI Date Format - First Approach Hire Data
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2) The Second Approach to Power BI Format

To begin with, the Power BI Date Format, navigate to the Transform Tab. The Date and Time choices are available under this tab. You can format the dates using these drop-down options.

Power BI Date Format - Second Approach
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The drop-down list of different data formats is displayed when you click the down arrow beside the Date. We’re going to use Days in Month as an example.

Power BI Date Format - Seggregating via Month
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The date and time in the Hire date column have been changed by the total number of days in a month in the example below.

Power BI Date Format - Month Hire data
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3) The Third Approach to Power BI Format

The drop-down list of different data formats is displayed when you click the down arrow beside the Date. We’re going to use the Days in Month example. Follow a simple step-by-step instruction below!

Power BI Date Format -Data
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  • The date and time in the Hire date column have been changed by the total number of days in a month in the example below.
  • In Power BI, let me select the Date Only option.
  • You may now see the new (extra) column displaying the date from the Hire date.
  • Select Time Only
Power BI Date Format - Time
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  • You may now see the new column indicating the Time since the Hire date.
  • Choose the day’s name.
  • The extra column displaying the day’s name is now visible. Then, under the Home tab, select the Close & Apply option to save your changes.
  • Please wait as the changes take effect.
Power BI Date Format - Query Changes
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Under the SQL Employee table, you can now view the Formatted Date, Day Name, and Time columns.

Things to Remember in Power BI Date Format

Here are a few things you should “know” before diving into Power BI Date:

  • The date format is comparable to that of Microsoft Excel.
  • In Power BI, we have predefined data formats.
  • By default, if the system date format in the United States is used, Power BI will use the same date format.

Limitations of Power BI Date Format

The Limitations of Power BI Format Date are mentioned below:

  • Relationships created on the DateTime columns may not operate as expected when using Analysis Services data sources.
  • Date and Time data types are Power BI formatting elements implemented on top of Analysis Services, therefore any model-dependent objects will still look as DateTime to Analysis Services.
  • As a result, even if a user selects Date from the Modeling tab for such columns, they do not register as the same date since Analysis Services still considers the time element of the data.


The first step in formatting dates is to confirm that you are using the proper locale for your date settings for your Power BI Date Format.

If changing the regional locale settings does not fix your problem, you can format dates in the Power BI reports view. Finally, if you need to extract sections of dates or if your date formats are inconsistent, you can use the Power BI Query editor to gain greater fine-grained control over date forms.

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Share your knowledge on Power BI Date Format in the comment section below! We would love to hear your thoughts.

Former Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Davor is a data analyst at heart with a passion for data, software architecture, and writing technical content. He has experience writing more than 100 articles on data integration and infrastructure.

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