Many organizations are moving their data from Traditional Data Warehouses to Cloud Data warehouses. This makes it easy for the organization members to access their data anytime they want regardless of their location. Cloud Data Warehouses are also flexible as they can scale well with your growing storage needs. They also offer adequate security for your sensitive data.

Snowflake is a Data Warehousing platform built specifically for the cloud. It supports both structured and semi-structured data, scales well, and supports secure data sharing. Snowflake can become easier to use when integrated with a platform such as ThoughtSpot, a Data Analytics tool. ThoughtSpot helps individuals to get answers to their questions from data using a Google-like search interface. A ThoughtSpot Snowflake integration will help you to query your Snowflake tables from ThoughtSpot. In this article, you will learn how to effectively set up a ThoughtSpot Snowflake Integration.

What is Snowflake?

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Snowflake logo | Hevo Data
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Snowflake is a Data Warehouse-as-a-Service Platform developed for the cloud. It has a data architecture that uses the scalable, elastic Azure Blobs Storage as the internal storage engine, and Azure Data Lake for storage of unstructured, structured, and on-premise data ingested via the Azure Data Factory. 

Snowflake provides security and protection of data using Amazon S3 Policy Controls, SSO, Azure SAS tokens, and Google Cloud Storage access permissions. You can also scale your storage depending on your storage needs. Thus, when you use a Snowflake data warehouse to store your data, you will enjoy scalability, security of your data, etc.

What is ThoughtSpot?

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: ThoughtSpot logo | Hevo Data
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ThoughtSpot is a Search and AI-driven Data Analytics platform. It provides its users with a search box like the one provided by Google or Bing where they can type their questions and get precise answers. It also provides its users with different types of visualizations that they can use to analyze data, build dashboards, and generate reports without depending on IT. ThoughtSpot also connects with different data sources including cloud, big data, on-premise, and desktop data sources. 

It has a powerful search feature that gives users easy and faster access to insights. It uses AI to discover hidden insights from your data. It also has a search-based analytics feature powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP). With this feature, non-technical users can ask questions in a natural language and get instant results.

In the next section, we will be discussing how to perform ThoughSpot Snowflake integration. 

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If yours is anything like the 1000+ data-driven companies that use Hevo, more than 70% of the business apps you use are SaaS applications. Integrating the data from these sources in a timely way is crucial to fuel analytics and the decisions that are taken from it. But given how fast API endpoints etc can change, creating and managing these pipelines can be a soul-sucking exercise.

Hevo’s no-code data pipeline platform lets you connect over 150+ sources in a matter of minutes to deliver data in near real-time to your warehouse. What’s more, the in-built transformation capabilities and the intuitive UI means even non-engineers can set up pipelines and achieve analytics-ready data in minutes. 

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What are the key features of ThoughtSpot?

ThoughtSport enables you to deliver personalized insights for everyone and  everywhere

ThoughtSpot empowers everyone to create, consume, and operationalize data-driven insights. Their consumer-grade search and AI technology deliver true self-service analytics that anyone can use, while the developer-friendly platform ThoughtSpot Everywhere allows you to easily build interactive data apps that integrate with your existing cloud ecosystem. The key features of ThoughtSpot can be integrated with the following points:

  • Create new insights at the speed of thought

You can search using a natural language query (NLQ) to create a new insight. No prior knowledge of SQL or table relations is required.

  • Analyze billions of rows at a sub-second speed

With ThoughtSpot you can examine billions of rows in your cloud data warehouse in the blink of an eye. Not only fast speed but ThoughtSpot enables you to get the most granular insights into your questions. Getting insights from dark granular hidden data leads to accelerated time to action.

  • Fast execute complex queries at scale

ThoughtSpot provides you with an intelligent query generation that allows anyone to search across complex schemas using natural language. This feature of ThoughtSpot gives 100% accurate results of the input query.

  • Compatible with leading data warehouses

You can easily connect ThoughtSpot with leading cloud data warehouses in just a few clicks. The ThoughtSpot Supporting data warehouses as mentioned below:

  • Snowflake
  • RedShift
  • BigQuery
  • Azure
  • Databricks
  • Create personalized interactive dashboards

ThoughtSpot enables you to create interactive visualizations. You can take the guesswork out of creating charts as an AI-driven NLP-supported feature will take care to build charts as per your given input.

  • Easily collaborate 

 You can share charts, liveaboards, and data models with any group or user in your organization with a single click. Subscribe to other users for timed and threshold-based alerts. You can switch ThoughtSpot to presentation mode and tell your story in an interactive way. 

Why Integrate ThoughtSpot Snowflake?

ThoughtSpot brings the power of search and AI to gain insights into Snowflake’s zero management built for cloud data warehouses. All you need to do is connect, select your data and start the search. You don’t have to write complex queries. ThoughtSpot provides click-and-run query functionality. Non-technical people, such as Sales Development Representatives and marketers, can execute queries without the hassle of writing scripts. The query runs where the data provides the most up-to-date answer. 

The key benefits of integrating ThoughtSpot and Snowflake can be understood with the below points:

  •  Fine-grained insights at the speed of thinking 

 Search for direct analysis with Snowflake’s high-performance zero management built for the data cloud. 

  • Quick response with live query

 Eliminates the need of moving data from the data warehouses to specific environments. You can perform queries directly in Snowflake and get up-to-date answers.  

  •  Start searching in seconds 

 If you have set up an account on ThoughtSpot, you can easily connect to the snowflake and get the answer in a few easy steps.

How to Set up ThoughtSpot Snowflake Integration?

If you have not set up your ThoughtSpot account yet, you can set it up with this link. To perform a ThoughtSpot Snowflake connection, follow the steps given below:

  • Step 1: Log into your ThoughtSpot account.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Embrace” tab present on the top, then click on the “+Add connection” button shown on the right. 
  • Step 3: Give the Thougthspot Snowflake connection a name, and a description, then select “Snowflake” for the connection type. 
ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Choose Connection type | Hevo Data
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  • Step 4: Choose the authentication type for your Snowflake database, whether through OAuth or ServiceAccount. If you choose OAuth authentication, do the following:
    • Enter the Account name, OAuth Client ID, OAuth Client Secret, and Database.
    • To provide the optional and additional key-value pairs for the Thoughtspot Snowflake connection, jump to step 5 and complete the procedure. If not, simply click the “Continue” button. 
    • Once the Snowflake login screen shows up, enter your Snowflake login credentials and click on the “Login” button. You can also use the Single-Sign-On option.
    • Grant ThoughtSpot access to your Snowflake account by clicking the “Allow” button. You can then select the tables that you need to use for your Thoughtspot Snowflake connection.
ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Snowflake Account Details OAuth | Hevo Data
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If you choose the service account authentication type, do the following:

  • Enter the Account name, User, Password, Role, Warehouse, and Database.
ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Snowflake Account Details Service | Hevo Data
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  • Step 5: Enter any additional key-value pairs that you need to use in setting up the Thoughtspot Snowflake Connection. However, this is an optional step. Just do the following:
    • Click on the “Advanced Config Menu” option to see the Key and the Value fields. 
    • Enter the values for the key and value.
    • If you need to add more keys and values, simply click on the “+”  symbol and you will be prompted to enter them.

Note that the key-value pairs that you enter should be known in Snowflake i.e. they should be defined.

  • Step 6: Click on the “Continue” button.
  • Step 7: Select the tables that you are targeting on the left and the columns for each table on the right, then click on the “Create Connection” button. You will see a message on your screen that tells you the number of tables and columns to be added to your connection. 
  • Step 8: Click on the “Confirm” button.

Once the ThoughtSpot Snowflake connection has been established, it will be possible for you to search for data from your Snowflake database. You simply have to click on the “Search now” button shown in the upper right corner of the screen. 

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Search Now Button | Hevo Data
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You can find the new connection by clicking “Data” and then choosing “Connections”. Just click on the Thoughtspot Snowflake connection name and you will see the tables and columns that have been added to the connection. 

The new Thoughtspot Snowflake connection acts as a link to an external data source. If the external tables contain any joins, they will also be imported into ThoughtSpot. 

It’s now possible for you to run live queries on the tables and columns in your connection. Since the tables and columns in the Thoughtspot Snowflake connection are linked, it may take some time to show results for the first time. The reason is that ThoughtSpot doesn’t support caching of linked data. For linked data, ThoughtSpot will query the external data source directly, which may take a longer time than querying data stored in ThoughtSpot’s database. 

That is how to easily perform a ThoughtSpot Snowflake integration. For more information, you can visit the ThoughtSpot Documentation.

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What are the Use Cases of ThoughtSpot Pinboard?

ThoughtSpot Snowflake integration can unleash various use cases. The three core use cases are mentioned below.

  1. Customer Complete Journey Insight

Marketers and the Sales team can monitor the complete customer journey from acquisition to retention. The created pinboards can help the sales and marketing team strategies the customer acquisition to retention plan.

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Customer Complete Journey Insight | Hevo data
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  1. Procurement Risk

Extend to high spend, supply chain, and logistics data in your cloud data warehouse to maximize purchasing power per dollar.

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: Procurement Risk | Hevo Data
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  1. IoT Analytics

With ThoughtSpot you can monitor Snowflake’s IoT analytics, unleash deeper insights, drive innovation and create new untapped opportunities.

ThoughtSpot Snowflake: IoT Analytics | Hevo Data
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What can you achieve by ThoughtSpot Snowflake Integration?

You can expedite the process of making decisions and quickly implement optimizations without wasting time on data crunching if you connect Instagram Business to Snowflake. With just a few clicks, you can easily extract all of the marketing data you need from Instagram. You can gain deeper insights into your marketing data by using data visualization tools, which allow you to visualize data warehouses on an enterprise scale.


In this article, you have learned how to set up Thoughtspot Snowflake Integration. Snowflake is a Robust Cloud Data Warehousing Solution. Owing to its architecture, you get the best-in-class performance as the storage and compute resources scale independently. Real-time data transfer and excellent data-sharing capabilities make Snowflake a popular choice among various organizations. Setting up the Thoughtspot Snowflake you can leverage the amazing analytic proficiency of Thoughtspot for your business. With the intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can quickly get started with Thoughtspot and generate the desired business reports.

Leveraging the ThoughtSpot Snowflake Integration helps you gain real-time insights into your business performance and boost growth. As your customer base rises, tremendous volumes of data are generated associated with your customers, products, and services. Manually handling the data regularly across all the applications in your firm can be a tedious task. You would be required to invest a section of your bandwidth to Integrate, Clean, Transform and Load your data into Snowflake for further analysis in Thoughtspot. All of this can be comfortably automated by a Cloud-based ETL tool like Hevo Data.

Visit our Website to Explore Hevo

Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline can efficiently transfer your data from a collection of sources into your Data Warehouse like Snowflake or a destination of your choice to be visualized in a BI Tool such as Thoughtspot. It is a reliable, secure, and completely automated service that doesn’t require you to write any code!

If you are using Snowflake as a Data Warehouse in your firm and searching for an alternative to Manual Data Integration, then Hevo can seamlessly automate this for you.  Hevo, with its strong integration with 100+ sources & BI tools, allows you to not only export & load data but also transform & enrich your data & make it analysis-ready in a jiffy.

If you are using Snowflake as a Data Warehouse in your firm and searching for an alternative to Manual Data Integration, then Hevo can seamlessly automate this for you.  Hevo, with its strong integration with 100+ sources & BI tools, allows you to not only export & load data but also transform & enrich your data & make it analysis-ready in a jiffy.

Nicholas Samuel
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Nicholas Samuel is a technical writing specialist with a passion for data, having more than 14+ years of experience in the field. With his skills in data analysis, data visualization, and business intelligence, he has delivered over 200 blogs. In his early years as a systems software developer at Airtel Kenya, he developed applications, using Java, Android platform, and web applications with PHP. He also performed Oracle database backups, recovery operations, and performance tuning. Nicholas was also involved in projects that demanded in-depth knowledge of Unix system administration, specifically with HP-UX servers. Through his writing, he intends to share the hands-on experience he gained to make the lives of data practitioners better.

No-code Data Pipeline for Snowflake