FanFight Builds Next-level Gaming Experience with Efficient & Cost-effective Data Stack

Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst at FanFight switches from Alooma to Hevo and ensures their product, marketing, retention, and management team gets access to real-time data for better analysis.

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FanFight is one of the popular fantasy gaming platforms in India. They have a web-based portal and mobile application for Android and iOS users. On a day-to-day basis, a typical user performs multiple activities on their platform that includes transactional and operational activities like deposit money, play contests, win prizes, withdraw money, feature usage, etc. All of these activities generate a huge amount of data that gets stored in multiple data sources including DynamoDB and CleverTap. The product, marketing, retention, and management team are the biggest consumers of this data.

Meet Saurabh who works as a Data Analyst and is a part of FanFight’s Analytics team. He is a primary user of Hevo at FanFight and responsible for building the data pipelines and making data available for different teams for analytics and reporting.

Saurabh Khurana

Saurabh Khurana

Data Analyst

Data Challenges

FanFight’s 6M+ active users generate a large volume of data approximately 50M events each day. Having this data stored across multiple sources, it was difficult to aggregate and analyze the performance of key metrics.

Earlier we were using Alooma to move our data from MongoDB to Redshift. We switched from MongoDB to DynamoDB due to operational issues and price constraints. We were facing similar issues with Alooma like no integration with CleverTap, high cost, and after it got acquired by Google they stopped supporting Redshift.

- Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst, Fanfight

Even after using Alooma, FanFight’s analytics team had to rely on manual data integration to connect data from some of the unsupported sources like CleverTap. Saurabh and his team created a single source of truth on Redshift and different teams were seamlessly accessing it for all their data needs. Hence switching to a new data warehouse solution wasn’t the option anymore.

The Solution

The data analytics team at FanFight started exploring alternatives to Alooma and they liked Hevo because of 3 primary reasons:

  1. Easy to set up and use
  2. Range of integrations and fully automated data pipelines
  3. Lowest Price/Performance ratio

Migrating all our data pipelines from Alooma to Hevo was super easy. Our overall experience of using Hevo has been phenomenal. It’s a feature-rich solution that comes with an intuitive dashboard, fully automated pipelines, and fault-tolerant architecture. We truly feel the difference after switching from Alooma to Hevo.

- Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst, Fanfight

Saurabh and his team built multiple pipelines using Hevo and found some of its features like Data pipelines, Python-based Transformations, and Auto-mapping extremely helpful as it saved their time and efforts in extracting, transforming, and loading data to Redshift. They have connected multiple data sources on Hevo including DynamoDB, CleverTap, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and S3. Also, their product, marketing, retention, and management team use Google Data Studio and Tableau to create dashboards and reports using real-time, accurate, and unified data.

Hevo Fanfight's Data Stack

All our data pipelines on Hevo are fully automated and it requires hardly any maintenance. Also, in case of any issues, we get timely help from Hevo’s support team. Their response time is very fast and it helps us quickly resolve our data issues with almost zero downtime.

- Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst, Fanfight

Key Results

With Hevo and DynamoDB, our data & analytics stack is not just complete but also operationally efficient and cost-effective. Now multiple teams are getting benefitted by analyzing the performance of their key metrics. Now our product team is able to accurately analyze the feature performance, the marketing team analyzes the campaign performance, the retention team analyzes the churn rate and the management team is able to get the daily, weekly, and monthly reports with fresh data.

- Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst, Fanfight

We are extremely happy with Hevo’s overall performance, hence I would definitely like to recommend Hevo to all the data professionals who are looking for an easy-to-use, no-code, and cost-effective data pipeline solution.

- Saurabh Khurana, Data Analyst, Fanfight

FanFight has been growing 4X year-on-year and very close to crossing the 10 Million user base mark. Hevo is happy to be a part of FanFight’s growth journey and looking forward to strengthening this partnership in years to come.

Excited to see Hevo in action and understand how a modern data stack can help your business grow? Sign up for our 14-day free trial or register for a personalized demo with our product expert.