In the world of data engineering, the choice of tools can significantly impact the efficiency and scalability of your data workflows. Two popular options are Airbyte and Apache Airflow. Both tools serve distinct purposes but often get compared due to their roles in managing data pipelines. In this blog, we’ll break down the key features and architectural differences, compare Airbyte vs Airflow, and help you decide which tool is better suited for your needs.

Airbyte Overview

Airbyte logo

Airbyte is an open-source data integration tool designed to simplify the process of syncing data from various sources to your data warehouse, lake, or other destinations. It’s particularly known for its extensive library of pre-built connectors and its ease of use, even for non-technical users.

Key Features of Airbyte

  • Data connectors: Airbyte supports 350+ data connectors, with 271 connectors in their Marketplace. 
  • Open Source: Being open-source, Airbyte allows you to customize connectors and pipelines to fit your specific needs.
  • Incremental Data Syncs: Airbyte supports incremental data syncs, meaning only new or updated data is transferred, reducing load and improving efficiency.
  • Customizable: If your specific data source isn’t supported out of the box, you can easily build or modify connectors.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Airbyte provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring syncs with real-time logs and alerts.

Airbyte Pricing

  • OpenSource Edition: This edition is free and has community support on Slack. It is ideal for small teams or projects with technical expertise.
  • Cloud Edition: Designed for startups and small teams, the Cloud Starter Edition offers a pay-as-you-go model with $2.50 per credit. This includes access to all the features available in the cloud with no upfront costs.
  • Team Edition: This tier offers custom pricing and is designed for larger organizations. It provides additional features and enhanced support, including enterprise-grade security, dedicated customer success, and professional support.
  • Enterprise Edition: This tier offers customized pricing for large-scale enterprises requiring advanced features, priority support, and custom solutions. It offers extensive customization, advanced security options, and dedicated account management.
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Airflow Overview

Airflow logo

Apache Airflow is a powerful, open-source platform for programmatically authoring, scheduling, and monitoring workflows. It is particularly useful for orchestrating complex, multi-step data workflows across various systems.

Key Features of Apache Airflow

  • Workflow as Code: Airflow allows you to define workflows as Python code, giving you granular control over task dependencies and execution logic.
  • Scalability: Airflow is built to handle large-scale workflows and can manage thousands of tasks across distributed systems.
  • Extensibility: With its plugin architecture, Airflow can be extended to integrate with virtually any tool or system.
  • Rich Monitoring: Airflow’s web-based UI provides detailed insights into workflow execution, logs, and task statuses.
  • Community Support: Airflow has a large, active community that continuously contributes to its improvement and expansion.

Apache Airflow Pricing

Airflow is free as an open-source tool. However, running it involves infrastructure costs, such as servers, storage, and maintenance. Managed services like Google Cloud Composer or AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow incur additional costs but simplify the operational overhead.

Architectural Differences and How They Handle Data

The architectural differences between Airbyte and Airflow highlight their distinct purposes and strengths.

  • Airbyte focuses on data integration, particularly in syncing data from various sources to a destination. It operates as a data pipeline tool focusing on ease of use and customization. Airbyte’s architecture is designed around connectors that can be easily configured and extended, making it ideal for teams that need to integrate data from a wide variety of sources with minimal effort.
Airbyte Architecture
  • Apache Airflow, on the other hand, is a workflow orchestrator. It doesn’t perform data integration directly but instead manages and schedules tasks that might include data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes. Airflow’s architecture is highly modular, allowing it to be integrated into complex workflows involving multiple systems and tools.
Airflow Architecture

Head-to-Head Comparison

FeatureAirbyteApache Airflow
TypeData movement (including AI support), governance.Workflow Management
Infrastructure ManagementSelf-managed or cloud-hostedSelf-managed or via managed services
Sources350+ pre-built customizable connectors for both structured and unstructured sources.More than 30 sources with the transfer operators.
Data ProcessingFocuses on syncing data across sourcesOrchestrates tasks, including ETL
Ease of UseHigh, with a focus on simplicityRequires more setup, but highly flexible
Connector SupportExtensive, with many pre-built optionsCustom connectors needed for data integration
ScalabilityScales with connectors and destinationsScales with infrastructure
Real-Time MonitoringBuilt-in monitoring with alertsWeb UI with detailed logs and metrics
Security certificationsSOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, HIPAA ConduitN/A
Support SLAsAvailableN/A
Integration Kubernetes, Airflow, Prefect, Dagster, dbt, LangChain, LlamaIndex, OpenAI, Cohere.Kubernetes, dbt, Airbyte, and more.
PricingFree for Airbyte open source, but customers need to pay for the infrastructure. Airbyte Cloud offers volume-based pricing with a 14-day free trial.Free (open-source), infrastructure costs apply

Which Tool Should You Choose?

The decision between Airbyte vs Airflow largely depends on your use case and technical requirements.

  • Choose Airbyte if:
    • You need a straightforward solution to sync data from multiple sources to a destination.
    • You value ease of use and want to avoid writing code for your data integrations.
    • You require a tool that is open-source, customizable, and has a wide range of pre-built connectors.
    • Your focus is on data integration rather than orchestrating complex workflows.
  • Choose Apache Airflow if:
    • You need to manage and orchestrate complex workflows that involve multiple steps and systems.
    • You prefer defining workflows as code, giving you complete control over task execution and dependencies.
    • You’re dealing with diverse tasks, including ETL, machine learning model training, and more.
    • You’re comfortable managing infrastructure or using a managed service like Google Cloud Composer.


While both Airbyte and Apache Airflow are powerful tools, their limitations could influence your choice.

Airbyte Limitations

  • Limited Workflow Orchestration: Airbyte excels at data integration but lacks the advanced workflow orchestration capabilities that Airflow offers.
  • Infrastructure Management: While the cloud-hosted version simplifies things, the open-source version requires you to manage your own infrastructure.
  • Community Size: Airbyte’s community is growing, but it’s still relatively young compared to Airflow’s, meaning fewer resources and third-party plugins.

Apache Airflow Limitations

  • Complex Setup: Airflow’s flexibility comes with a complexity cost; setting up and maintaining Airflow can be time-consuming.
  • No Built-in Data Integration: Airflow does not provide native support for data integration; you’ll need to write custom connectors or scripts to handle this.
  • Scalability Challenges: Scaling Airflow for very large workflows can be challenging and requires careful infrastructure tuning.

Is There Something Better in the Market?

If you’re looking for a tool that addresses the limitations of both Airbyte and Airflow, consider Hevo.
Hevo is a no-code data pipeline platform that handles data integration and real-time data processing. Here’s how Hevo compares:

  • Ease of Use: Hevo offers a no-code interface, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users.
  • Real-Time Processing: Unlike Airbyte, Hevo supports real-time data integration, ensuring your data is always up to date.
  • Workflow Orchestration: While not as flexible as Airflow regarding task orchestration, Hevo offers built-in workflows for common data processing tasks.
  • No Infrastructure Worries: Hevo is fully managed, so you don’t need to worry about scaling or infrastructure management.
  • Wide Connector Support: Hevo supports a wide range of connectors, similar to Airbyte, and continually adds more.


Both Airbyte and Apache Airflow serve important roles in the data engineering ecosystem, but they are designed for different tasks. Airbyte is the go-to tool for data integration, especially when data needs to be moved between various sources. On the other hand, Apache Airflow is ideal for orchestrating complex workflows involving more than just data movement.

However, if you’re looking for a solution combining both strengths while minimizing their limitations, Hevo might be the right choice. Get a personalized demo with us for Free.

FAQ on Airbyte vs Airflow

Can I use Airbyte and Airflow together?

Yes, many teams use Airbyte for data integration and Airflow to orchestrate workflows that include Airbyte syncs as part of larger processes.

What are the hosting options for Airbyte?

Airbyte can be self-hosted using Docker or Kubernetes, or you can opt for the managed cloud version offered by Airbyte, Inc.

How does Airflow handle task dependencies?

Airflow allows you to define task dependencies programmatically, ensuring tasks are executed in the correct order based on your workflow logic.

Rashmi Joshi
Senior Product Manager

Rashmi Joshi is an accomplished Senior Product Manager at Hevo Data, known for her adeptness in technical program management, agile transformations, and strategic product roadmap execution. With a Master of Business Administration in Business Analytics from BITS Pilani, she brings expertise in driving innovation and leading cross-functional teams.

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