E-commerce businesses invest heavily in their Marketing Campaigns and seek out tools to monitor and analyze the performance and influence of their efforts. Criteo plays a big role for such companies as it provides intelligent features for companies to track and compare their advertisements across various marketing channels. However, such businesses need to store this data for a long period to perform detailed analysis.

Snowflake is a Data Warehouse that allows companies to store their massive amount of Criteo data in a secure environment. This Cloud-based tool is popular among organizations that require on-demand scalability and flexibility at affordable prices.

This article introduces you to Criteo and Snowflake along with their key features. It also explains 2 methods using which you can set up the Criteo to Snowflake connection and store your Criteo data in Snowflake easily. Read along to learn more about the use cases of this data transfer!

What is Criteo?

Criteo to Snowflake: Criteo Logo/Hevo Data
Image Source

Criteo is a reliable advertising platform that leverages modern technology and smart algorithms to ensure that your marketing campaign is reaching the right audience. Its use of Machine Learning models and Artificial Intelligence for product marketing has revolutionized the advertisement industry. Criteo’s unique approach has made it popular in all e-commerce verticals in less than a decade’s time. Its intelligent approach advertises your products and also performs customer retargeting. This implies that if consumers have seen your webpage once, they will continue to get ads from your webpage in near future as well.

Various other platforms have tried and failed in implementing Criteo’s AI-based approach for marketing. The reason for this can be Criteo’s easily affordable pricing structure and personalized user support. Moreover, this platform caters to more than 1 Billion active monthly consumers and earns more than $600B from annual sales across multiple brands, B2C companies, retailers, etc.

Key features of Criteo

The following features make Criteo a popular name in the market:

  • Worldwide Reach: You can expand your customer reach & visibility across mobile, web, and even social platforms via Criteo’s worldwide publisher network.
  • High User Engagement: Criteo relies on Artificial Intelligence to dynamically customize your marketing campaigns to peak the curiosity of your target audience.
  • Monitoring: Criteo Tracking campaign performance with real-time campaign reports
  • Security: Criteo implements adequate security measures and follows established protocols like GDPR to ensure that your Data Privacy remains intact.

To learn more about Criteo, visit here.

What is Snowflake?

Snowflake Logo

Snowflake is a popular, fully managed, and scalable Cloud-based Data Warehouse that is available in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Its functionality ensures that you do not have to indulge in any back-end task, maintenance, etc manually. Moreover, Snowflake allows you to directly implement its instance on any major cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, etc.

Snowflakes offer you flexible storage capacity that can store petabytes f data in one go. Moreover, you can store both structured and semi-structured data in a Snowflake instance. This empowers you to consolidate data from a multitude of sources and create a single source of truth. Snowflake also allows you to easily scale its storage space to match your growing business requirements without spending any additional money.

Key features of Snowflake

Some of the most important Snowflake features are listed below:

  • Task Separation: Snowflake has an architecture that supports multi-clusters to solve concurrency-related bottlenecks. Moreover, you can divide your workload among Snowflake clusters, and this way you can operate on any cluster without hampering the progress of other clusters.
  • High Security: Snowflake consists of multiple layers of security facilities. It allows you to modify its network policies and seamlessly whitelist IP addresses to implement restrictions on your data access. Snowflake also deploys multiple authentication mechanisms such as two-factor authentication, SSO certification, etc.
  • On-demand Scalability: Snowflake uses a multi-cluster architecture that is capable of providing on-demand scalability to fulfill your increasing data needs. Using its separate storage and computation services, you can add new clusters to accommodate your data without affecting any other ongoing project.

To learn more about Snowflake, visit here.

Method 1: Connecting Criteo to Snowflake Using CSV Files

This method requires you to first export the Criteo data and then convert it into CSV format. Afterward, the CSV files are loaded into Snowflake Data Warehouse manually. This method is error-prone and requires you to manually create tables in Snowflake, and convert data from Criteo into CSV format repeatedly.

Method 2: Connecting Criteo to Snowflake Using Hevo Data

Hevo Data is an automated Data Pipeline platform that can transfer your data from Criteo to Snowflake seamlessly without writing a single line of code. It is simple, hassle-free, and reliable.

Moreover, Hevo offers a fully-managed solution to set up data integration from 100+ other data sources(including 40+ free data sources) such as Criteo and will let you directly load data to the destination of your choice such as Snowflake. It will automate your data flow in minutes without writing any line of code. Hevo’s  Fault-Tolerant architecture makes sure that your data is secure and consistent. Hevo provides you with a truly efficient and fully automated solution to manage data in real-time and always have analysis-ready data.

Get Started with Hevo for Free

Hevo is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable data replication platform that will save your engineering bandwidth and time multifold. Try our 14-day full access free trial today to experience an entirely automated hassle-free Data Replication!

Methods to Connect Criteo to Snowflake

You can establish a connection between Criteo and Snowflake and initiate the data transfer process using the following 2 methods:

Method 1: Connecting Criteo to Snowflake Using CSV Files

This method requires you to follow the given step to export data from Criteo, convert it to CSV format, and finally load it into Snowflake:

Step 1: Export Data from Criteo

Login to your Criteo account and navigate to the data that you require. Now use the built-in Export function in Criteo to extract the data in Google Sheets as shown in the below image.

Criteo to Snowflake: Data Exported/Hevo Data
Image Source

Step 2: Convert Data into CSV Format

Download a CSV creator tool or use an online application. Upload your Google Sheets file from step 1 to the tool and transform your data from Criteo into the CSV format.

Step 3: Load Data to Snowflake

Log into your Snowflake account and create a table as follows:

[create table sample_csv(id int, name xyz(18), dept int); ]

Next, use the Snowflake COPY command to import the CSV data from your system to Snowflake as follows:

[COPY INTO sample_csv FROM '@~/staged/Sample_file.CSV.gz' FILE_FORMAT = ( TYPE = CSV, COMPRESSION = GZIP);]

That’s it! Your Ctrieto to Snowflake data transfer is complete.

Method 2: Connecting Criteo to Snowflake Using Hevo Data

Criteo to Snowflake: Hevo Logo/HEvo Data
Image Source

Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline, automates the direct transfer of data from 100+ data sources including Criteo to Snowflake and other Data Warehouses, BI tools, or any other destination of your preference. Hevo fully automates the process of not only importing data from your selected source but also enriching and converting it into an analysis-ready format, all without writing a single line of code. Its fault-tolerant architecture guarantees that data is handled securely and consistently, with no data loss.

Hevo Data handles all of your data preprocessing needs, allowing you to focus on core business operations and gain a better understanding of how to create more leads, maintain customer retention lifecycle, and grow your firm to new heights of profitability. It provides a consistent and dependable solution for managing data in real-time, ensuring analysis-ready data is always available in your designated destination.

The following are the steps to load data from Criteo to Snowflake using Hevo Data:

  • Configure Source: Log into your Hevo account and add Criteo as the source. Add the required details and configure your Hevo Pipeline as shown in the below image:
Criteo to Snowflake: Configure Source/Hevo Data
Image Source
  • Authenticate Destination: Go to your Hevo account and add Snowflake as the destination. Fill in the required details to authenticate the destination as shown in the below image:
Criteo to Snowflake: Configure Destination/Hevo Data
Image Source
What Makes Hevo’s ETL Process Best-In-Class?

Providing a high-quality ETL solution can be a difficult task if you have a large volume of data. Hevo’s automated, No-code platform empowers you with everything you need to have for a smooth data replication experience.

Check out what makes Hevo amazing:

  • Fully Managed: Hevo requires no management and maintenance as it is a fully automated platform.
  • Data Transformation: Hevo provides a simple interface to perfect, modify, and enrich the data you want to transfer.
  • Faster Insight Generation: Hevo offers near real-time data replication so you have access to real-time insight generation and faster decision making. 
  • Schema Management: Hevo can automatically detect the schema of the incoming data and map it to the destination schema.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Hevo has in-built integrations for 100+ sources (with 40+ free sources) that can help you scale your data infrastructure as required.
  • Live Support: Hevo team is available round the clock to extend exceptional support to its customers through chat, email, and support calls.
Sign up here for a 14-day free trial!

Use Cases of Connecting Criteo to Snowflake

All the major companies extract and consolidate their data from Criteo and similar platforms into a Data Warehouse like Snowflake to analyze it and generate insightful reports. The following use cases are the motivation behind this Criteo to Snowflake data transfer:

  • The buying journey of customers in the current digital world is no longer linear. They check out various websites, compare products on different platforms, navigate Google for discounts, and only then make a purchase. Therefore, companies need to decide on which mediums they wish to spend. Criteo data is useful in such situations to optimize conversions from distinct channels.
  • You need a vast volume of data from various sources in the Criteo ad campaign to produce actionable analysis results. Only then you can optimize the Market Campaign to customer needs. However, you need to store all this data in a Data Warehouse for analysis.
  • A company does not rely only on Criteo only for its Marketing. This implies that data from multiple similar platforms is collected and analyzed to understand the actual ROI of Marketing Campaigns. This requires you to consolidate data from Criteo and similar other sources into a Data Warehouse for further action.


The article introduced you to Criteo and Snowflake along with their key features. It also provided 2 easy methods to establish the Criteo Snowflake Integration. Furthermore, the article explained the multiple use cases in which Criteo to Snowflake data transfer plays a key role.

Visit our Website to Explore Hevo

Now, to run queries or perform Data Analytics on your raw data, you first need to export this data to a Data Warehouse. This will require you to custom code complex scripts to develop the ETL processes. Hevo Data can automate your data transfer process, hence allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business like Analytics, Customer Management, etc. This platform allows you to transfer data from 100+ sources to Cloud-based Data Warehouses like Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Google BigQuery, etc. It will provide you with a hassle-free experience and make your work life much easier.

Want to take Hevo for a spin? Sign Up for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite first hand.

Share your understanding of Criteo to Snowflake in the comments below!

Abhinav Chola
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Abhinav Chola, a data science enthusiast, is dedicated to empowering data practitioners. After completing his Master’s degree in Computer Science from NITJ, he joined Hevo as a Research Analyst and works towards solving real-world challenges in data integration and infrastructure. His research skills and ability to explain complex technical concepts allow him to analyze complex data sets, identify trends, and translate his insights into clear and engaging articles.

No Code Data Pipeline For Your Snowflake Data Warehouse