Data from multiple platforms leads to more informed and better decision-making. However, this is often hampered by incomplete, irrelevant, or unreliable data, which highlights the importance of data observability vs data quality

While data quality ensures the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of data, data observability is responsible for continuous monitoring and analysis of data.

Thus, data quality helps organizations make decisions based on reliable information, while data observability helps organizations engage in root cause analysis and proactive issue detection. 

Together, they lay down the foundation for effective data management, helping modern businesses navigate through all the complexities and emerge victorious. 

Understanding Data Observability

Data observability is the real-time monitoring of data quality and health. It promptly identifies errors in the data, which when resolved, ensures the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the data. 

Data observability, with the help of its tools, facilitates not only the timely resolution of data issues but also helps in ensuring that all potential data issues are avoided.

Data Observability
Image Source: Acceldata

The 5 main pillars of data observability are:

  • Freshness: It measures how frequently the data is updated. It also measures the last date on which the current data was updated.  
  • Distribution: It ensures that the data values fall within the predefined ranges. 
  • Volume: It assesses whether the data is complete or not and whether its source is consistent or not.  
  • Schema: It tracks changes in the data organization, including when the changes were undertaken and by whom.
  • Lineage: It records the complete flow of data from source to final consumption. 

The key components of data observability are:

  • Monitoring: It involves continuous tracking of data flows, data pipelines, and data transformations
  • Alerting: This refers to issue detection being followed by notification to ensure quick resolutions.  
  • Visibility: The availability of real-time insights into data movement within the infrastructure. These insights help with data optimization and troubleshooting.
  • Metadata: This provides information on data sources, schemas, transformations, and lineage, which improves data management
  • Drift Detection: This refers to the identification of changes in data, which, when rectified, results in model consistency. 
  • Performance Metrics: Data observability records KPIs related to the execution of data processing and data pipeline. The insights from these KPIs help in optimizing data workflows and efficiency. 
  • Root Cause Analysis: Data observability tools help in not only quickly identifying the root cause of problems, but also in solving them quickly. 

Therefore, data observability is crucial to secure data integrity in data warehouses, databases, and analytics platforms. Its components lead to enhanced performance and efficiency of the data stack, enabling organizations to maximize the returns on their data investments. 

Ensure Data Integrity with Hevo’s No-code Data Pipeline

Hevo is the only real-time ELT No-code Data Pipeline platform that cost-effectively automates data pipelines that are flexible to your needs. With integration with 150+ Data Sources (40+ free sources), we help you not only export data from sources & load data to the destinations but also transform & enrich your data, & make it analysis-ready.

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Hevo is the only real-time ELT No-code Data Pipeline platform that cost-effectively automates data pipelines that are flexible to your needs. With integration with 150+ Data Sources (40+ free sources), we help you not only export data from sources & load data to the destinations but also transform & enrich your data, & make it analysis-ready.

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Exploring Data Quality

One of the vital components of effective data management is data quality. This is because it ensures the accuracy, completeness, as well as reliability of data. It is because of these reasons that it is important to monitor data quality.

The key factors that influence data quality are: 

  • Accuracy: Accurate data is free of errors while also representing real-world entities like businesses, customers, and investors precisely. Inaccurate data results in inaccurate decisions. 
  • Completeness: Complete data has no gaps or missing values. Incomplete data has detrimental effects on decision-making and analysis. 
  • Consistency: Consistent data has to be internally consistent and not contradict itself within the same dataset. When there are issues in data collection and integration, it causes inconsistencies in the data. 
  • Timeliness: Data that is up-to-date while also fulfilling its specific purpose is known as timely data. Outdated insights are not helpful to businesses. 
  • Relevance: Relevant data should be able to solve the problems or questions. 
  • Reliability: Reliable data comes from credible sources and is trustworthy. 
  • Validity: Valid data has a data structure, schema, and constraints as required. If the data does not fit the expected format, it is invalid. 
  • Integrity: The data should preserve its integrity. This means that it cannot be changed without proper permissions. 

Therefore, to ensure that the data is reliable and accurate, data quality and checks are important. To enhance data integrity and usability, you can use SQL to undertake various data quality checks directly in your databases. 

For example, when analyzing sales data, SQL can be used to:

  • Remove all the incomplete sales records.
  • Ensure that important details like sales amount and date are present.
  • Merge sales data with customer data.
  • Analyze the recent sales data to know the current trends.
  • Filter the datasets with required constraints to keep them relevant.

By doing this, you would thus be able to secure the best data quality. 

Data Quality
Image Source: Informatica

To ensure the availability of reliable and trustworthy data for decision-making and analysis, organizations must implement the following data quality assurance techniques

  • Defining Usefulness Metrics: Metrics like relevancy, precision, accuracy, trustworthiness, comprehensibility, completeness, and validity should be set up to ensure that the data is useful. 
  • Data Profiling: This involves understanding the relationships, structure, derivation rules, and content of the data to ensure that it is suitable for analysis. 
  • Data Standardization: Policies of data standardization must be implemented to improve the consistency of data. This leads to better communication, while also ensuring that the employees are on the same page. 
  • Linking or Matching Records: This helps with identifying duplicates in the data, as well as matching the related data. For example, spouses living in the same house have their records matched through their matching last name and address. 
  • Monitoring: This involves the constant monitoring of changes to the data and output for not only maintaining the quality of data but also detecting anomalies. An alert system is set up for when anomalies are detected. 
  • Batch and Real-Time Processing: After the data cleansing is done initially, organizations integrate data quality checks into their enterprise solutions to ensure that data continues to remain clean and accurate. 

Data Observability vs Data Quality: Key Differences

In data management, data observability and data quality play distinct yet complementary roles in ensuring the reliability, accuracy, and value of datasets. 

Let’s examine the differences between these and their implications for data engineers and practitioners. 

1. Different Roles in Data Management

  • Data Quality: In data management, data quality refers to the dataset’s conditions based on various metrics like accuracy, completeness, timeliness, relevance, and completeness, and the degree to which these meet the organization’s requirements. 
  • Data Observability: In data management, data observability is involved with the real-time monitoring of data pipelines. It helps with identifying and resolving data issues in almost real time. 

2. Determination of Use and Purpose

  • Data Quality: It ensures that the data is reliable and fit for analysis, decision-making, and other business processes by adhering to the predefined standards so that it aligns with business objectives. 
  • Data Observability: It provides insights into the performance and health of the data. It also enables prompt action and issue resolution whenever required, thereby ensuring smooth data processes. 

3. Operational Differences

  • Data Quality: It occurs during data profiling, validation, and transformation. Thus, data quality processes are performed before the data is utilized.
  • Data Observability: It is a continuous process taking place throughout the lifecycle of the data. This process takes place in real time. 

4. Challenges of Relationships

  • Data Quality: Measurement of data quality helps organizations to identify inconsistencies and errors in their datasets. It also helps in determining whether the dataset fulfills its intended purpose. 
  • Data Observability: It has broad visibility into the data as well as in its multilayer dependencies. Through this visibility, it can identify, control, prevent, and avoid data outages. The insights also help businesses in designing superior data management strategies that match business objectives. 

5. Impact of Technology on Operations

  • Data Quality: While manual data quality assessments require a lot of effort and are prone to errors and the data becoming outdated midway, the adoption of modern data quality technologies helps to streamline and scale these processes with the use of automation and other necessary tools. 
  • Data Observability: The main benefit of implementing modern technologies like machine learning and analytics in data observability is that it allows for the maintenance of data quality at any scale through more focused and efficient data teams and the reduction of the effect of data quality issues due to prompt detection and resolution. 

Here’s a table for an overview of data observability vs data quality:

AspectData QualityData Observability
FocusIt focuses on intrinsic attributes and standards of data. It focuses on real-time monitoring of data pipelines and processes.
ObjectiveMaintain and enhance the attributes and overall quality of data. Promptly detect data deviations and anomalies. 
Execution TimingIt occurs during data profiling, data validation, and data transformation.It happens in real-time. It continuously monitors data pipelines.
MethodologyIt assesses and improves data attributes.It monitors and gives real-time insights. 
Primary BenefitIt ensures the accuracy and relevance of data.It facilitates early detection of data issues, which helps in maintaining data health. 
ScopeIt focuses on data attributes like consistency, accuracy, and completeness. It monitors the entire data pipeline and processes.
ImpactIt ensures improved insights, decision-making, and analysis.It minimizes operational and decision-making disruptions. 

Relationship of Data Observability and Data Quality Using Modern Data Engineering Techniques

In modern data engineering, the foundation for optimized solutions is built by data observability and data quality. When they leverage modern data engineering techniques, their processes are carried out better. Ultimately, it all leads to improved data management. Let us understand this further.

1. Data Observability and Data Quality in Business Solutions

Data observability and data quality collaborate to optimize solutions across various business lines. In healthcare, a combination of data observability with data quality checks helps ensure data integrity. This is vital for patient care and treatment analysis. 

2. Data Pipeline and Management

Data management systems like Hevo leverage modern data engineering techniques. This means that their data observability tools are strongly intertwined with their pipeline. Additionally, it also has data quality checks in place to ensure that the data passing through is accurate and reliable. 

3. ETL vs. ELT-Driven Pipelines and Data Stacks

While both ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) driven pipelines approach data processing differently, both of them involve data observability processes that give real-time insights about the health of the data pipeline. Similarly, they also involve data quality checks, which ensure that data accuracy is maintained during loading and transformation processes. 

Together, data observability and data quality ensure that consistency and reliability in maintained in all stages of data processing. It is thus data stacks that benefit the most from this. 

4. Real-Time Monitoring

This is an important component of data quality and data observability because it allows quick issue detection as well as implementation of corrective actions that help to secure data integrity

For instance, in manufacturing, real-time monitoring ensures the timely detection of raw material inventory discrepancies and work-in-progress inventory discrepancies. This enables the organization to undertake corrective measures which helps in minimizing losses and optimizing supply chain operations. 

5. Shared Accuracy and Complementary Support

In the model of shared accuracy, the focus lies on the collaboration between data observability and data quality. This is because, while data observability gives real-time insights into the health of the data, data quality is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the data.

The symbiotic relationship and complementary support they provide ensure that the data available is accurate, reliable, and consistent. Such data leads to improved decision-making and analysis across various domains. 

Implementing Effective Data Observability and Data Quality Practices

To implement effective data observability and data quality practices, your organization must adopt a systematic approach that is a blend of technical expertise, cross-functional collaboration, and strategic alignment.

The six steps for implementing effective data observability and data quality practices are:

1. Assessment and Strategy

To begin, understand how data observability and data quality initiatives will help the organization in improving operational efficiency, decision-making, and innovation. Then, align these initiatives with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Also, identify the datasets that are critical for ensuring smooth operations and decision-making in the organization. Lastly, identify measurable metrics and KPIs to give you insights into the performance of these initiatives. 

2. Technical Infrastructure

Establish the technical infrastructure for these initiatives through the selection of data quality tools that will help in data profiling, cleansing, validating, and monitoring of the data stack. Also, choose data observability tools that will give real-time insights into data pipelines and processes.

While making these choices, ensure that these tools are automated and will integrate seamlessly with the existing infrastructure. 

3. Data Profiling and Cleansing 

To understand the characteristics of your data and identify the anomalies present, undertaking data profiling is a must. The results from the same will help in performing effective data cleansing.

However, what is important here is to develop data cleansing processes and workflows based on the issues identified. The best way to carry out this step is by automating these routines, as this will ensure data accuracy. 

4. Real-Time Monitoring and Alert

To show the data health and quality, identify indicators like completeness percentage, accuracy rates, and consistency. Additionally, it is vital to set up real-time monitoring tools that will track data processes continuously.

Lastly, have an automatic notification and alert system for when data quality issues or anomalies are detected. These will ensure proactive issue resolution and prompt responses.

5. Collaboration and Training 

Make a cross-functional team of data scientists, data engineers, data practitioners, data analysts, and business stakeholders to increase the effectiveness of the data quality and data observability initiatives. Also, conduct training sessions to educate relevant employees about data observability and data quality practices.

Lastly, establish communication channels for reporting insights and issues. This will ensure that data-related concerns are addressed promptly. 

6. Continuous Improvement

To assess the effectiveness of these initiatives, conduct regular audits. Then based on the insights gathered, refine the data management processes and strategies further.

Additionally, continuously refine your data observability and data quality practices based on the feedback received and lessons learned. This will help in adapting to evolving business requirements and data challenges. 

Blending Data Observability and Data Quality in Businesses

In today’s data-driven landscape, businesses must combine data observability and data quality to maximize their dataset’s impact. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning automate tasks like root cause analysis and anomaly detection. Integrating data quality and observability tools with cloud platforms provides essential scalability and flexibility to businesses. 

Hevo, an ETL platform leads innovation in data engineering, simplifying data integration and management. It automatically syncs data from all sources to the warehouse, sets up pipelines within minutes, and swiftly makes data analytics ready with the help of models and workflows.

It offers reliability and automation and eliminates maintenance needs while also ensuring 100% data accuracy, 99.9% uptime, and timely system alerts. Hevo prioritizes data security with end-to-end encryption and secure connections. 

Hevo empowers data engineers and practitioners to prioritize data access and utilization without the burden of maintaining ELT code. Instead, they can focus on extracting maximum value from data, accessing it effortlessly when and how they require it. Thus, Hevo highlights the critical role of modern data engineering in optimizing data observability and quality across industries. 

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When it comes to achieving excellence in data management, data observability and data quality stand as foundation pillars. While data quality guarantees the integrity of data attributes, data observability monitors them in real-time to sustain their quality. 

Embracing both concepts empowers organizations to enhance their data-driven strategies, make informed decisions, and navigate the dynamic world with confidence and agility. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are data observability and data quality best practices?

Continuous monitoring, real-time data anomaly detection, and swift issue resolution are the best practices of data observability. In contrast, the best practices for data quality are undertaking regular data profiling, cleansing, validation, and setting up of measurable KPIs for tracking performance. 

2. What are data quality and data observability tools?

Some examples of data quality tools are Talend Data Quality, Informatica Data Quality, and IBM InfoSphere QualityStage. Similarly, some examples of data observability tools are, Monte Carlo, Acceldata, and Bigeye. Data management tools like Hevo facilitate automated data integration and monitoring capabilities which thus aids with data observability and data quality initiatives. 

3. What is the difference between a data quality tool and an ETL tool? Can an ETL tool also act as a data quality tool?

Data quality tools are responsible for validating the data and therefore ensuring its accuracy. In contrast, ETL tools are associated with the extraction, transformation, and loading of data. ETL tools like Informatica and Talend offer some data quality features like data profiling and cleansing. Thus, they merge several functionalities of both tools into one. 

4. What are the applicable modern data engineering approaches?

Some of the modern data engineering approaches that can be adopted for improved data quality and data observability are:

  • Adoption of cloud platforms like Azure and AWS to get scalability and advanced analytics. 
  • Adopting techniques like real-time processing and serverless computing for efficiently handling large volumes of data and getting actionable insights. 
Sarthak Bhardwaj
Customer Experience Engineer, Hevo

Sarthak brings two years of expertise in JDBC, MongoDB, REST API, and AWS, playing a pivotal role in Hevo's triumph through adept problem-solving and superior issue management.

All your customer data in one place.