• Asana is a Project Management platform designed to streamline project planning, collaboration, and tracking.
  • It enables teams to work together efficiently, even remotely, without requiring all members to be available simultaneously.
  • Asana helps in assigning responsibilities and tracking the progress of each team member.
  • Integrating Asana with Webhooks enhances its functionality by providing real-time notifications for all changes made in projects.
  • Asana Webhook Integration ensures that users stay updated on project developments without missing any important updates.
  • This article provides a comprehensive guide on setting up Asana Webhook Integration, empowering users to maximize the benefits of this powerful project management tool.

Introduction to Asana

Asana is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for Project Management and Team Collaboration. It allows teams to manage projects and tasks all in one place. Teams may use Asana to create projects, allocate work to peers, set deadlines, and immediately communicate about assignments. It also provides additional reporting tools, file attachments, calendars, and other functions.

Asana API and Integrations

Asana made its API available to 3rd party developers in April 2012. Asana’s open API allows you to receive data from Asana, input data into Asana, and create automation from within Asana. This enables clients or 3rd party developers to build on the Asana platform and tailor it to their teams’ specific needs. Automating repetitive operations, chaining processes, automating task and project reporting, and syncing with databases or other tools are all common use cases.

The Asana API is a RESTful interface that allows users to change and retrieve data on the site. It leverages built-in HTTP features to take instructions and return responses and provides predictable URLs for accessing resources. This enables communication with a wide range of environments, including command-line utilities, browser plugins, and native apps.

Introduction to Webhook

Webhook logo

 A Webhook (sometimes called a web callback or HTTP push API) is a method for a computer to provide real-time data to other programs. A Webhook transfers data in real-time to other applications, so you get it straight away. You won’t have to poll for data as frequently as you would with typical APIs to get real-time results. As a result, Webhooks become substantially more efficient for both the provider and the consumer. The only negative of Webhooks is the time and effort required to set them up at first.

For more information on Webhook, click here.

Steps to Set Up Asana Webhook Integration

Asana Webhook Integration image
Image Source

Setting up Asana Webhook Integration is a 2 step process. Follow the steps below to set up Asana Webhook Integration:

Step 1: Make an HTTP POST Request

To begin, make a basic HTTP POST request, just as you would for any other resource. The confirmation handshake follows in the middle of this request. You’ll have to send a test POST to the target with an X-Hook-Secret header when a Webhook is formed.

To prove that this Webhook subscription is truly intended, the target must respond with a 200 OK or 204 No Content with a matching X-Hook-Secret header. This secret should be kept safe and used to authenticate future webhook event signatures.

Step 2: Acknowledge the Asana Webhook Confirmation Handshake

The status of the request will be returned with the POST request to create the Webhook. If you don’t acknowledge the Webhook’s confirmation handshake, it won’t set up, and you’ll get an error message when you try to establish it. You must be able to receive and complete the webhook while the POST request is in progress (in other words, have a server that can handle requests asynchronously).

NOTE: A 403 Forbidden status code will be returned for invalid hostnames such as localhost.

Given below is a code sample for the same:

import asana

client = asana.Client.access_token('PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN')

result = client.webhooks.create_webhook({'field': 'value', 'field': 'value'}, opt_pretty=True)

Body Parameter:

  "data": {
    "filters": [
        "action": "changed",
        "fields": [
        "resource_subtype": "milestone",
        "resource_type": "task"
    "resource": "12345",
    "target": "https://example.com/receive-webhook/7654?app_specific_param=app_specific_value"

That’s it. You have successfully set up Asana Webhook Integration.

You can use the following code to get a Webhook for Asana Webhook Integration:

GET /webhooks/{webhook_gid}

This will return the full record for the given Webhook. Here, webhook_gid is a globally unique identifier for Webhook and is a required field. Given below is a code sample for the same:

import asana

client = asana.Client.access_token('PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN')

result = client.webhooks.get_webhook(webhook_gid, {'param': 'value', 'param': 'value'}, opt_pretty=True)

You can use the code given below to update a Webhook after successfully setting up Asana Webhook Integration:

PUT /webhooks/{webhook_gid}

Filters on an existing Webhook can be modified by sending a PUT request to the Webhook’s URL. The filters given in the PUT request will entirely overwrite the previous filters array in the Webhook. Given below is a code sample for the same:

import asana
client = asana.Client.access_token('PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN')
result = client.webhooks.update_webhook(webhook_gid, {'field': 'value', 'field': 'value'}, opt_pretty=True)


The article introduced you to Asana and Webhook. It provided a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to set up Asana Webhook Integration. It also provides you with code samples on how to update your Webhooks once you are done with setting up Asana Webhook Integration.

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Share your experience of setting up Asana Webhook Integration in the comments section below!

Muhammad Faraz
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Muhammad Faraz is an AI/ML and MLOps expert with extensive experience in cloud platforms and new technologies. With a Master's degree in Data Science, he excels in data science, machine learning, DevOps, and tech management. As an AI/ML and tech project manager, he leads projects in machine learning and IoT, contributing extensively researched technical content to solve complex problems.

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