Organizations rely on several Business Analytics and Data Visualization Tools to gain meaningful insights into data. One such Business Analytics tool is Google Data Studio, which enables businesses to create reports on organizational data and make data-driven decisions. Since Google Data Studio can access data from different applications of Google Suite like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Sheets, data professionals popularly use it to create useful reports and dashboards. 

However, Google Data Studio does not only connect with Google Suite’s products but also can integrate with External Data Sources or Database Management Applications like PostgreSQL, SQL, and MySQL. You can seamlessly fetch or access data from specific databases to perform,  for example, Google Data Studio PostgreSQL integration, and analyze data with better visualizations.

In this article, you will learn the basics of Google Data Studio, its features, and steps to connect Google Data Studio with the PostgreSQL database using the Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connector.

Prerequisites for Google Data Studio PostgreSQL Integration

You would need basic knowledge of the Google Data Studio platform, PostgreSQL database, and SQL queries.

What is Google Data Studio?

Google Data Studio Logo: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image credit: Data Studio

Google Data Studio is an open-source tool used to convert your data into interactive and easy-to-understand reports and dashboards. It helps organizations to create and share data visualizations with teams and make informed decisions. With Google Data Studio, you can interpret your data using charts, graphs, pie charts, geography maps, pivot tables, paginated tables, and more. 

Reports in Google Data studio use clickable images to create product catalogs, video libraries, and other hyperlinked contents. Besides, users can invite their team to edit or view reports by sending email links. They can also embed their reports to other web pages like Google Sites, Blog Posts, Marketing Articles, or Social Media Platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

With Google Data Studio, you can create your dashboards to answer specific questions about your business. The Explorer function in Google Data Studio allows you to work with your data by adding dimensions, mathematical operations, and custom formulas to transform your data into meaningful business intelligence. 

Using Google Data Studio, organizations can pull information from different data sources, which can help them understand their customers across their business operations.

For more information on Google Data Studio, we have a beginner’s guide here – What is Google Data Studio 360?. If you would like to explore new features added to Google Data Studio, we have a comprehensive guide here – Google Data Studio Update: Amazing New Features.

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What Are the Benefits of Using Google Data Studio?

Several Widget Options

Unlike Google Analytics, where you can only have 12 graphs or charts in a report, you can have any number of widgets in Google Data Studio, thereby allowing users to modify these widgets with various metrics. Types of widgets include heat graphs (region, state, or country), pie charts, time-series graphs, and many more.

Collect Data From Multiple Sources

Google Data Studio allows users to collect and access data from multiple sources like Google Analytics, Google Ads, YouTube, Search Console, and many more. Users can consolidate their reports from all such data sources.

Share Reports Easily

Often you are required to get your reports reviewed by colleagues to receive feedback and improve the accuracy of reports. Google Data Studio enables you to provide access to your reports for your team or colleagues, just like Google Sheets and Google Docs. This feature allows real-time sharing, where the entire team can access reports and make changes to them simultaneously.

Customizable Reports

Google Data Studio can create custom reports using different styles, graphs, designs, and formatting. You can customize the page layout, text, graphs, metrics, and style elements.

Free Data Studio Templates

Google Data Studio provides users with preloaded templates for Google Analytics, YouTube, Google Ads, and more. It also provides templates for E-commerce, Data Analysis, Content Marketing, Rank Tracking, SEO Reports, and many more. This feature enables users to create quick and easy reports.

Embed Data Studio Reports

Google Data Studio enables users to embed their reports across Social Media Platforms like Facebook or Twitter. You have to include the report URL in your social media post, and then it will be published.  

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL logo: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Source: Zdnet

PostgreSQL is an advanced and open-source Object-Relational Database Management System. It is the extension of SQL along with some advanced features.

Today, PostgreSQL functions as both relational and non-relational queries. It has helped developers build applications while protecting data integrity. Many websites as well as mobile applications leverage PostgreSQL for the flexibility and reliability of digital solutions. 

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Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline, helps load data from any Data Source such as Databases, SaaS applications, Cloud Storage, SDKs, and Streaming Services and simplifies the ETL process. It supports 100+ Data Sources like Google Cloud, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Analytics, PostgreSQL and includes 40+ Free Sources.

It is a 3-step process by just selecting the data source, providing valid credentials, and choosing the destination. Hevo loads the data onto the desired Data Warehouse/Destination like Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, and Firebolt and enriches the data transforming it into an analysis-ready form without having to write a single line of code.

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How to Connect Google Data Studio PostgreSQL Database?

Method 1: Connecting Google Data Studio PostgreSQL Using PostgreSQL Connector

Follow the steps below to connect your Google Data Studio with the PostgreSQL database.

Step 1: Register for the Google Data Studio if you don’t have an account yet. If you have one, log in to your account. 

Register for Google Data Studio: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 2: Add a new Data Source by clicking the “+Create” button in the top left corner. 

Create Button in Google Data Studio: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 3: Click on the Data Source option as shown in the image below.

Create New Data Source in Google Data Studio: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 4: Search and select for the Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connector. You can see it in the window below. 

PostgreSQL Google Data Studio Connector: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 5: Set the credentials for the Data Server.

After selecting the PostgreSQL connector, the below Database Authentication window will pop up.

PostgreSQL Google Data Studio Connector Attributes: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

It consists of the following attributes.

  • Host Name/IP address: IP address of the Data Server. 
  • Port: Port of the PostgreSQL connector on the Data Server. It is 5432 by default.
  • Database: The name of the database. In this case, it is a PostgreSQL database.
  • Username: Username of the PostgreSQL database.
  • Password: Password of the PostgreSQL database.
  • SSL Connection: This is the SSL connection. You can enable the secure SSL connection by checking it. 

After filling in all fields, your authentication window will look like the image below.

Authenticate PostgreSQL Google Data Studio Connector: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 6: Select your data table.

You can choose any data table in Data Server. In this case, we have selected a zoo table, as shown in the image.

Custom Scripting Options Google Data Studio: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Starting 2018, Google Data Drive introduced a new feature where you can use a query to transform your PostgreSQL data in a preferred format before connecting it to your Google Data Drive. Through this feature, you can import the aggregated data of your data table instead of the whole data table. 

In the below example, we have used a query to count the number of animals in the zoo data table.

Writing Custom Scrip in Google Data Studio: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 7: Format the data table. 

You need to name the new data table. You can also rename the column names and set the data type and the aggregate function as shown below.

Formatting Data Table: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36
Creating Reports from Data Table: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

Step 8: Create reports.

After connecting the Google Data Studio PostgreSQL database, you can generate reports by creating charts for the zoo dataset.

Bar Data Report from Zoo Data Table: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

You can also show the number of animals for your zoo-data-counted dataset, as displayed in the image below.

Column Data Report from Zoo Data Table: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: data36

If there are any changes in the PostgreSQL table, they will be reflected in the Google Data Studio. You can see them by simply refreshing the above-created charts.

Method 2: Creating Google Data Studio PostgreSQL Data Reports Using CData Connect Cloud

You can use Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connection to create reports with visualizations for sharing with your clients. Alternatively, you can connect with CData Connect Cloud to get instant access to PostgreSQL data for visualizations. 

Connecting to PostgreSQL Database Using CData

Follow these steps to create a virtual PostgreSQL database and build reports from it through Google Data Studio.

Step 1: Sign up for a free trial at CData Connect if you don’t have an account. If you have one, proceed to the next step. 

Step 2: Log in to the CData Connect Cloud and click on Databases. It will show the available data sources in a new window.

CData Databases: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

Step 3: Select the PostgreSQL database option.

Step 4: Enter the authentication properties for connecting with the PostgreSQL database like the name of the connection, username, password, and security token.

The default port number is 5432 to connect with the PostgreSQL database. Set the username and password to your server. Your database property is then connected to your default database, as shown below.

CData PostgreSQL Database Connection: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

Step 5: Click on the Test Database tab.

Step 6: Now, click on the Privileges tab and add the new user, or you can use the existing user with appropriate permissions.

Visualizing PostgreSQL Data in Google Data Studio

Here are the steps to visualize PostgreSQL data in your Google Data Studio.

Step 1: Log in to your Google Data Studio and click on Data Sources.

Step 2: Create a New Data Source and choose CData Connect Cloud Connector, as shown below.

CData Google Data Studio New Connection: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

Step 3: You need to authorize the CData Connect Cloud connector to connect with the external service.

You can use your instance name as myinstance in to connect with your Connect Cloud instance. You are also required to enter your username and password to connect to your Connect Cloud instance.

Step 4: Select the PostgreSQL database and click on Next.

Step 5: Select the table and click on Next.

Step 6: Click on the Connect button in the top right corner.

Connecting CData Google Data Studio New Connection: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

Step 7: You can now modify the columns. Once done, select Create Report

Modifying Rows and Columns in CData Google Data Studio New Connection: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

Step 8: Add the data source to your report as shown below.

Choose the visualization type and add it to the report. You can select the dimensions and measures to customize the visualization, as shown below.

Reports in CData Google Data Studio Connection: Google Data Studio PostgreSQL
Image Credits: CData

This brings us to the end of the Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connection article. We discussed two methods to connect Google Data Studio PostgreSQL database – one using Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connector and the other using CData integration.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use Google Data Studio for data visualization with Google Data Studio PostgreSQL database connector. However, in Google Data Studio, you can also explore and visualize data from other sources like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Sheets, and more. Google Data Studio can perform visualizations on real-time data for database connectors, like MySQL, MS SQL Server, and just like Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connector.

To get the best analysis results and get a complete picture of your data, it is imperative to look at data from multiple sources together. In such cases, designing and using your ETL pipelines to merge data can become challenging especially when your number of data sources keeps growing day by day.

Using Hevo Data, a fully managed Data Pipeline Platform, you can combine and bring in data from 100+ sources. Our reliable product offering comes with 40+ free connectors like Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Sheets, Google Drive, and many other GSuite applications to help you get started quickly and easily.

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Have questions to ask about Google Data Studio PostgreSQL connection? Drop a comment below and we’ll be glad to help you.

Manjiri Gaikwad
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Manjiri is a proficient technical writer and a data science enthusiast. She holds an M.Tech degree and leverages the knowledge acquired through that to write insightful content on AI, ML, and data engineering concepts. She enjoys breaking down the complex topics of data integration and other challenges in data engineering to help data professionals solve their everyday problems.

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