In this article, you will learn about Google Search Console and Google Analytics that are used in the field of Digital Marketing. You will also learn about Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics using 5 differentiating factors.

  • Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics will help you understand both the services in a better way.
  • At a time when eCommerce took off during the 1990s, the measurement of web traffic was first seen as the most significant means of deciding a website’s prominence.
  • As advanced marketers got savvier, breaking down a website’s popularity and visibility turned out to be substantially more comprehensive.  

Understanding the Features of Google Search Console

Performance Tab 

Image Source: wpbeginner

  • Inside the Performance tab, you can see what pages and what keywords your website ranks for in Google.
  • In the event that you check the performance tab routinely, you can rapidly see what keywords or what pages need some more consideration and optimization. So where to start? Inside the performance tab, you see a list of ‘queries’, ‘pages’, ‘countries’ or ‘devices’.

Index Coverage 

Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics: Coverage on Google Search Console

Image Source: Search Engine Journal

  • A more specialized and important tab inside Google Search Console is the ‘Index coverage’ tab. This section shows the number of pages that are a part of the Google Index since the last update, the number of pages that aren’t, and what errors and warnings caused difficulties for Google indexing your pages appropriately. 
  • By tapping on the connection, you can examine the error more top to bottom to see what specific URLs are influenced.

Speed Reports

Image Source: Search Engine Land

  • The new speed report is a priceless feature. This report gives smart results of how fast your website loads on mobile and desktop.
  • Furthermore, it also shows which pages have issues that hold them back from stacking rapidly. The data is based on the Chrome UX report, ensuring that the data obtained is genuine.

Understanding the features of Google Analytics

Custom Reports 

Image Source: Seer

  • In case you’re an expert with the standard suite of reports, it could be an ideal opportunity to dunk your toes into Custom Reporting.
  • Google Analytics custom reports permit you to slice your data precisely how you need it.
  • You’ll save a huge load of time, with reports previously made for insights on things like mobile performance, page timing and that’s just the beginning. 

Flow Visualizations 

  • Flow visualization graphics give you a deeper understanding of your website visitors.
  • These visualizations permit you to see each step that visitors took as they investigated your website, including backtracks.
  • You’ll get a fast snapshot of how they’re drawing in with your content and where you may lose them en route. 

Goal Tracking 

  • The Google Analytics Goals highlight the most important metrics: conversions, (any action your website visitors do). It may be requesting an item demo, signing up for your email list, downloading a digital book, or finishing a purchase.
  • You can Choose goals for specific pages of your website. Each time a user completes your desired goal, Google Analytics notes it as a conversion. You can also assign financial worth to every goal. 

Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics

Let’s discuss Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics using 5 differentiating factors:

Influence on Marketing

  • Google Search Console – Google Search Console is a software designed for webmasters that helps ensure success in search results.
  • Google Analytics – Among the most famous tools for those in the Marketing field, Google Analytics gives website owners a striking snapshot of traffic statistics. Featuring fundamentally how web users interface with your website.

Area of Focus

Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics differences based on functionality:

  • Google Search Console – Google Search Console’s only area of focus is SEO. It gives you insight into search impressions, clicks on your search snippets, Click-through rate(CTR), the average ranking of pages, etc.
  • Google Analytics – Google Analytics focuses on anything and everything related to your website. It has features to monitor the audience demographics, customer acquisition, conversion tracking, customer behavior, etc.

Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics: Metrics

Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics differences in terms of different metrics supported by them:

Google Search Console

  • Internal and external links
  • Mobile usability
  • Top Keyword queries
  • User clicks and impressions
  • Click-through Rate, etc

Google Analytics – You can monitor the following using Google Analytics:

  • Audience Demographic
  • User time spent on the website
  • Bounce Rate
  • Customer Acquisition and Return of Investment
  • Webpage performance, etc


  • Google Search Console – Google Search Console is a service offered by Google free of cost.
  • Google Analytics – Google Analytics offers 2 pricing plans- Analytics and Analytics 360. Analytics is free of cost but the pricing for Analytics 360 is not fixed. If you want to set up Analytics 360 then you have to contact the sales team to get a price quote. For more information regarding the plans refer to the official documentation.


  • You learned about Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics.
  • SEO is the cause while digital traffic is the effect. Google Search Console and Google Analytics both help drive website traffic.
  • The difference is that Google Search Console suggests measures for SEO that drive traffic through search engines and Google Analytics lets you monitor and gives you a complete picture of traffic through Marketing campaigns, social media, search engines, etc. Google Search Console Vs Google Analytics revealed that both tools give you a wholesome outcome when used together for Digital Marketing.
Easha Meher
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Easha is a programming enthusiast with 2+ years of experience. She has worked in automation test script creation, regression testing, and integration projects like Thyrocare Integration. She has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and loves writing technical articles about data engineering. Her goal is to help people solve everyday problems through her work.

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