Are you facing difficulties with your daily JIRA export to Excel? Do you find it grueling to perform all the work? Well, look no further! This article will answer all your queries & relieve you of the stress of finding a truly efficient solution. Follow our easy step-by-step solution to help you master the skill of executing a JIRA Export to Excel using various methods.

It will help you take charge in a hassle-free way without compromising efficiency. This blog aims at making the data export process as smooth as possible.

Upon a complete walkthrough of the content, you can carry out a successful data export in the Excel format. You can then load your data to a data warehouse or any destination of your choice for a fruitful analysis. Through this article, you will get a deep understanding of the tools and techniques being mentioned & thus will help you hone your skills further.


  • Working knowledge of JIRA.
  • Working knowledge of Excel.
  • A JIRA account.
  • Excel/ Microsoft Office installed at the host workstation.
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Why do you need to Export issues from Jira?

  • To share information with external stakeholders: Customers frequently demand full issue reports in various formats, such as Excel or PDF. 
  • To analyze data in Excel: One of the most common reasons for exporting is the insatiable urge to delve into datasheets and interpret issue data with formulae and pivot tables, commonly known as “the Excel syndrome.” There is no need to learn another reporting technology if you have a qualified analyst.
  • For Auditing purposes: You could audit your Jira instance directly, but it assumes your auditor is a proficient Jira user with Administrator privileges who discovers adequate information in Jira reports and dashboards. Exporting the raw data and allowing them to explore at their own pace is typically a better option.
  • To analyze compliance with SLAs: Combining the Excel syndrome with the need to track trends in issue transitions helps assess the factors influencing a company’s Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
  • For Migration Projects: Migrations do occur, and they are usually painful. In these cases, a simple approach to retrieve all of your issue data without losing any data will be of great help.

Methods to perform a JIRA Export to Excel

There are multiple ways in which you can export data from JIRA to Excel:

Method 1: Performing a JIRA Export to Excel using the Export option

JIRA’s in-built data export option allows users to export data from their applications in various formats such as XML, Excel, CSV, HTML, etc.

JIRA export to Excel: Search Bar

Launch JIRA on your system and provide your credentials to log in to your account. Once you’ve logged in, select the filter option from the panel on the top of your screen. You can also start searching for the data using the search option from the panel on the left.

JIRA export to Excel: Data Funnel

Once you have selected the advanced search option, a new search window will open. You can use various JQL queries in the search bar, found at the top of your screen to extract results for the particular project. 

JIRA export to Excel: JQL Query based search

You can also select the tasks, bugs, tickets, etc. manually, by choosing the “basic” option from the panel.

JIRA export to Excel: Manual Search

Once you’ve selected the desired JIRA issue, select the export option from the top right corner of your screen. 

JIRA export to Excel: Export bar

A dialogue box will now open up, representing a list of formats in which you can export your data.

JIRA export to Excel: Export options list.

Choose Excel CSV as the desired format to export your data. You will now be prompted to choose either Excel online or Excel desktop as your desired way of exporting your data. Click on the Excel desktop option to download your data as an Excel CSV file.

JIRA export to Excel: Excel export options

This is how you can export your data from JIRA as an Excel CSV file using the in-built export option.

Limitation of this method

  • JIRA allows users to export only 1000 issues at maximum to avoid any performance-related issues. It applies the same limitation to even the bulk operations, query-based changes, etc.
  • The native JIRA export method allows you to export data in various formats such as XML, Excel CSV, HTML, etc. but often fails to export the data correctly and misses out on certain fields. This increases the chances of missing out on critical information.

Method 2: Performing a JIRA Export to Excel using JIRA Cloud plug-in

Using the JIRA Cloud for Excel plug-in is another ultra-simple way to perform a JIRA Export to Excel. It allows users to not only export data directly to Excel but also schedule periodic data refreshes. Users can use the predefined filters or write JQL queries right from their Excel application to fetch data. The JIRA Cloud plug-in is available only to users who have an Office 365 subscription. It can be downloaded and installed for Excel only by users with this expensive subscription beforehand.

This can be implemented in the following two steps:

Step 1: Installing the JIRA Cloud for Excel plug-in

Begin by installing the JIRA plug-in for your Excel application. You can download the plug-in from the official Atlassian marketplace or the official Microsoft App source website here. Once you’ve downloaded it, carefully follow the prompts to add it to your Excel application. You can check out the official documentation to help you install the plug-in easily.

You now need to open the Excel application on your system and log in to your Office 356 account and provide your JIRA credential, to allow Excel to access your data.

This is how you can install the JIRA Cloud plug-in for Excel using your Office 365 account.

Step 2: Exporting data from JIRA to Excel

Once you’ve downloaded and added the JIRA Cloud for Excel plug-in, you can easily perform the Jira Export to Excel process. 

Click on the get JIRA data option from the menu bar of your Excel sheet. A new side panel will now open up on the right side of your screen, from which you can easily select the JIRA site from where you want to export data to Excel.

JIRA export to Excel: Jira Cloud panel.

The JIRA Cloud plug-in allows you to perform the Jira export to Excel process using various ways. You can either make use of your pre-defined JIRA filter (It needs to be starred) to extract data, or select the JQL option from your side panel to use JQL queries to extract data. 

Click on the select fields option in the side panel. A new dialogue box will now open up.

JIRA export to Excel: Selecting fields in Jira Cloud

From the project drop-down list, select your JIRA project and then search for your desired data fields using the search bar, just below it. Select all your aspired fields.

JIRA export to Excel: Selecting fields.

Once you’ve selected them, click on save. Click on the get data option to start importing your JIRA data to Excel.

The JIRA Cloud for Excel also allows you to use the JIRA() function. This function allows you to specify various fields, the number of rows, etc. from where you want to perform a JIRA Export to Excel, all with the help of a single JQL query.

JIRA export to Excel: JIRA() Function

Once you’ve written your JQL query, click on enter and you will get all your requested JIRA data imported to your Excel application.

JIRA export to Excel: JQL JIRA() function

This is how you can perform a JIRA Export to Excel using the JIRA Cloud plug-in.

Limitations of this method

  • The JIRA Cloud for Excel plug-in is only available for users that have an Office 365 subscription. It is therefore not readily available for every user and requires them to have the expensive Office 365 subscription beforehand, only then it can be downloaded. 
  • It doesn’t support the older versions of Office such as Microsoft Office 2016, Pro Plus, etc.
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Method 3: Performing a JIRA Export to Excel by enabling the Excel Option

In the earlier versions, JIRA provided users with a simple one-click solution of exporting data as an Excel file. However, this feature was removed from the panel starting from version 7.2 onwards. To perform a JIRA Export to Excel, users can easily re-enable this feature and start exporting their JIRA data again using the Excel option.

You can implement this using the following steps:

Step 1: Restarting your device

First, stop your JIRA instance from your system, you can stop the service directly from applications or use the following lines of code in your JIRA applications installation directory:

/bin/ or binstop-jira.bat

For further information on using the configuration file, you can check the official documentation here.

Step 2: Configuring the Jira-properties file

Locate the <jira-home>directory and search for a file called “”. Open the file and edit it by adding the following lines of code on a new line:


Adding the above command in your JIRA configurations file will enable the Excel export option, and you can easily perform a Jira export to Excel. 

JIRA’s in-built export option allows users to export up to 1000 issues at a time, making it difficult for users to extract large volumes of data. To overcome this, users can update the configuration file and add the following line of code to it:[new max]

This command will allow you to fetch more than 1000 results at once, thereby simplifying the data export process. To avoid any performance-related issues or any “out of memory” exceptions, ensure that you don’t fetch a large volume of data at once.

Once you’ve added the command, save your configurations file. Restart your JIRA instance, you will find the Excel option available in the export drop-down list.

JIRA export to Excel: Export Bar

You can now search for the JIRA issue you want to select either by applying the necessary filters or selecting it manually. You can do this using the advanced issue search option. Once you’ve selected the tickets, issues, etc. that you want to export, you can click on the Excel option from the panel and easily export your data.

This is how you can perform a JIRA Export to Excel by enabling the Excel option from the configurations file.

Method 4: Performing a JIRA Export to Excel using REST API

Following the GET method of the REST API, once you’ve logged into Jira, you’ll be able to retrieve all the issues using a specific JQL from a URL:

 Method: GET  Url: JIRA_BASE_URL/JIRA_CONTEXT/rest/api/2/search?jql="assignee=currentUser()" 

Paste this URL directly into your web browser for on-screen results. You’ll get a JSON file as output.

You can covert the JSON document into CSV format using online tools. Or you can directly convert to Excel format through different options available in Microsoft Excel according to its version.


This article introduces you to the various methods that can be used to set up a JIRA Export to Excel. It also provides in-depth knowledge about the concepts behind every step to help you understand and implement them efficiently. These methods, however, can be challenging, especially for a beginner & this is where Hevo saves the day.

You can also check our article about connecting JIRA to MariaDB.

Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline helps you transfer data from a source of your choice in a fully automated and secure manner without having to write the code repeatedly. Hevo with its strong integration with Jira and various other free data sources, allows you to not only export & load data but also transform & enrich your data & make it analysis-ready in a jiffy.

Want to take Hevo for a spin? Sign Up for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite first hand. You can also have a look at the unbeatable pricing that will help you choose the right plan for your business needs.

Tell us about your experience of exporting your JIRA data! Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Divij Chawla
Marketing Operations and Analytics Manager, Hevo Data

Divij Chawla is interested in data analysis, software architecture, and technical content creation. With extensive experience driving Marketing Operations and Analytics teams, he excels at defining strategic objectives, delivering real-time insights, and setting up efficient processes. His technical expertise includes developing dashboards, implementing CRM systems, and optimising sales and marketing workflows. Divij combines his analytical skills with a deep understanding of data-driven solutions to create impactful content and drive business growth.

No-code Data Pipeline For JIRA