Power BI is a business intelligence and data visualization tool that empowers companies to connect data sources and create compelling interactive reports and dashboards. With rich visualizations that provide actionable insights, high-quality Power BI dashboards can aid better and faster decision-making across an organization.

In this article, we have curated a collection of the best Power BI dashboard examples that showcase design principles, creative visuals and advanced techniques. These professionally designed dashboards span industries and business domains ranging from sales to marketing, finance, healthcare and human resources.

What makes a great Power BI Dashboard?

  1. Audience-Specific: The dashboard is tailored to its target audience’s needs and goals. It considers the audience’s use case, key metrics, and cultural assumptions to ensure its effectiveness in providing insights.
  2. Simple and Decluttered: The dashboard should be easy to navigate and provide only the most important information without unnecessary clutter. This helps users quickly identify key metrics and make decisions.
  3. Grid Layout: Using a grid layout helps users follow a seamless journey and navigate the dashboard intuitively from left to right and top to bottom.
  4. Aesthetics Matter: The dashboard should have a visually appealing design, using a single font and creative colors to guide the audience through the consumption journey. This enhances adoption and engagement.
  5. Fast Load Times: The dashboard should load quickly to ensure users can easily access the information they need. This is achieved by minimizing clutter, storing data transformations in views, and balancing complex and simple visualizations.

Top 10 Power BI Dashboard Examples

Organizations use Power BI Dashboard Examples to analyze data in various domains. For example, a Sales Manager may use Power BI Dashboards to understand the performance of his Sales team. A Top-Level Executive may use it to visualize the profitability of the organization. A Digital Marketer may use it to understand the efficacy of his Social Media Campaigns.

Let us now go through a curated set of Power BI Dashboard Examples that are used in the Sales, Marketing, and Finance domains. All the Dashboards mentioned below can be found in Data galleries at the Power BI community portal.

Power BI Sales Dashboard Examples

1) Customer Segmentation Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Customer Segmentation Dashboard
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The customer segmentation Power BI dashboard helps the users to understand their customer base better. With this dashboard, users can categorize their customers into distinct groups based on their characteristics, behaviors, and purchase patterns.

Purpose of this dashboard

This dashboard’s objective is to help product managers prioritize development efforts and increase product adoption while also supporting senior managers in visualizing the income and profitability of each individual client.

Intended audience for this dashboard

This dashboard is mainly used in business-to-business enterprises. It helps senior managers to visualize the revenue coming from individual customers and the profitability while serving those customers. Product managers can also use it to understand their customer needs, prioritize product development initiatives, and improve product adoption.

Key Insights

The dashboard mainly displays customer-wise growth and profit statistics, product-wise sales analysis, region-wise average sales data, and the top and bottom customers. It also provides information on what kind of product appeals to different customers and what the sales share from each product segment is.

2) Sales Scorecard Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Sales Scorecard Dashboard
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The Sales Scorecard Power BI Dashboard Template helps analyze the sales performance of different products through different channels. This dashboard helps Sales Managers understand how the company performs in Sales compared to the previous year.

Purpose of this dashboard

The Sales Scorecard Dashboard tracks important parameters like revenue and profit and analyses product sales across channels to provide insights into growth from year to year. It keeps tabs on the performance of individual sales executives, identifies high- and low-performing product groups and sales channels, and records advancement toward sales targets.

Intended audience for this dashboard

Sales teams can utilize this dashboard to track the performance KPIs of individual sales executives against targets or previous periods. You can also monitor the overall sales performance, identify underperforming areas, and track progress toward targets. You can also check out Power BI KPI to know more.

Key Insights

The dashboard prominently displays key sales metrics like revenue, profit, year-over-year (YoY) growth, and sales by product and channel. It also gives information about the performance of different product segments and what channels are succeeding in bringing revenue.

3) Sales Analysis Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Sales Analysis Dashboard
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The Sales Analysis Dashboard displays key sales metrics through a combination of charts, graphs, and tables.

This dashboard differs from the Sales Scorecard Dashboard because it shows revenue coming from different customer segments. It tabulates the units sold in each active region, the profitability in each region, and the value of discounts offered.

Purpose of this dashboard

This dashboard’s goal is to provide a comprehensive view of sales success by taking into account different client categories, geographical locations, goods, and time periods. It is a vital instrument for sales teams, enabling them to identify patterns, examine consumer behavior, and reach well-informed conclusions that lead to improved sales tactics and outcomes.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

The sales teams can utilize this dashboard to understand their organization’s overall sales health, analyze customer segments and product trends relevant to their territory, and identify areas for improvement.

Key Insights

The dashboard details metrics such as gross sales, the YoY, MoM, and QoQ sales review, the total number of units sold by each segment, and the profit that each product gives.

4) Sales Performance Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Sales Performance Dashboard
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The Sales Performance Dashboard is used to track and monitor sales performance over time. It provides a visual overview of key metrics such as sales revenue, profit, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value.

The dashboard can be used by sales managers, sales reps and sales executives to keep a track of the overall sales revenue for the year to date. This dashboard can provide a wealth of insights into sales performance. For example, you can use it to see:

  • How sales are trending over time
  • Which countries are performing well
  • Which products are selling well
  • What the average revenue per unit is
  • What the customer lifetime value is
  • What the customer acquisition cost is

Purpose of this dashboard

The Sales Performance Dashboard provides insights into the general health and efficiency of sales by centrally tracking important data and quickly identifying trends and problems. It enables data-driven decision-making for the distribution of resources, advertising campaigns, and sales plans.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

In addition to helping sales representatives track individual performance and enhance strategies, this dashboard supports sales managers by keeping an eye on team performance and goal-setting. It also gives sales executives a high-level overview for strategic decision-making and tracking progress toward overall sales goals.

Key Insights

Tracking year-to-date revenue versus objectives, analyzing product and geographic performance, figuring out client value, and gauging the effectiveness of customer acquisition are all part of keeping an eye on overall sales success. Strategic decisions for long-term business growth are informed by these findings.

Power BI Marketing Dashboard Examples

5) Email Engagement Analytics Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Email Engagement Analytics Dashboard
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These Power BI Dashboard Examples are for organizations that market their products through mass emails. These dashboards display the proportion of emails that were delivered, clicked, and opened. This dashboard details the overall email delivery rate, bounce rate, and open rate along with a bar chart of email opens and clicks over time.

This dashboard is useful for everyone who is involved in email marketing such as email marketing managers, marketing managers, and content creators. This dashboard reflects marketing insights such as

  • the rate of email delivery
  • the rate of email opens
  • the number of people clicking on the link in your emails
  • Which products are generating the most sales from email marketing
  • Which countries are performing well in email marketing

Purpose of this dashboard

The goal of this Power BI dashboard is to shed light on how well email marketing initiatives are doing. Tracking important information like email delivery, engagement, and sales conversion helps businesses make the most out of their email marketing campaigns.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

Email marketing managers are urged to examine campaign results to make adjustments in this dashboard. Marketing managers are compelled to understand the total efficacy of email marketing within the context of their larger plan. It is recommended that content providers use audience engagement and performance data to personalize their email content.

Key Insights

Monitoring important indicators is necessary to evaluate the efficacy of email marketing. Click-through rates quantify the efficacy of links, open rates assess audience interest, and delivery rates disclose problems with the infrastructure. Top-selling goods are identified by product performance, and receptive locations may be targeted with the use of geographic data.

6) Marketing Campaign Insights Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Marketing Campaign Insights Dashboard
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This dashboard shows the effectiveness of various Marketing Campaigns and the performance of product segments and channels. This dashboard displays overall campaign performance metrics like total spend, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and return on investment (ROI) and the most successful campaigns based on offer acceptance rate.

The template can be found here.

Purpose of this dashboard

With data-driven insights, the Marketing Campaign Insights Dashboard enables marketers to maximize return on investment and optimize campaigns. It measures the efficacy of campaigns across media, shows important data like ROI, total expenditure, and CAC, and identifies the best campaigns based on offer acceptance rate.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

This is a great tool for a Marketing Managers to measure the success of the campaign activities that take place under him. This dashboard gives key insights for marketing professionals such as identifying the top-performing campaigns and channels, optimizing budget allocation for channels that drive the most ROI, and tailoring their content that resonates with different age groups.

Key Insights

For marketers, the dashboard is an essential tool that provides information on the best-performing channels and initiatives. It makes it easier for managers to allocate funds effectively, customize material according to age group responses, and pinpoint problem areas. As a consequence, they may enhance their tactics and acquire better outcomes.

Power BI Finance Dashboard Examples

7) Financial Analytics Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Financial Analytics Dashboard
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The Financial Analytics Dashboard can be visualized to track an organization’s overall financial performance. This dashboard allows one to view the revenue and profitability from different geographies, customer segments, and product segments. It allows the analysts to go deep into each of these categories and analyze the Financial Performance Indicators.

This dashboard can be used to identify trends in sales and profits, compare the performance of different countries, and drill down into the details of the data to identify the root causes of problems

The template can be found here

Purpose of this dashboard

Through the provision of insights into revenue, profitability, and financial performance indicators across various geographies, customer segments, and product segments, the Financial Analytics Dashboard seeks to track and analyze the entire financial performance of an organization.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

This dashboard is designed for CEOs wanting a rapid picture of important financial parameters for performance monitoring, company managers seeking a high-level overview to guide strategic choices, and financial analysts seeking in-depth insights into financial data.

Key Insights

Understanding the distribution of revenue and profitability across customer groups, products, and regions are crucial insights in financial research. Companies may evaluate the performance of different segments, pinpoint their advantages and disadvantages, forecast the future by analyzing trends, and investigate the underlying causes of performance discrepancies by doing root cause analysis.

8) Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard
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The Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard helps to track a company’s financial performance over a quarter. This dashboard can be used to monitor the progress towards financial goals and make decisions about business strategy accordingly.

The template can be found here.

Purpose of this dashboard

Tracking and assessing the company’s financial performance over a period of quarters, evaluating patterns in profitability, segmenting the market, and pinpointing areas in need of development are the goals. The objective of this procedure is to identify profitable patterns that are both encouraging and worrisome in order to aid in strategic decision-making.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

This dashboard is designed to meet the needs of managers supervising certain areas for performance evaluation, business analysts doing in-depth analysis, and executives looking for a high-level overview of financial health. It offers flexible insights to a wide range of business users.

Key Insights

This dashboard is a great tool for executives to compare profit metrics across quarters. It allows users to select different quarters and then dig deep into the numbers based on products and customers. This also allows users to get answers to questions such as:

  • Is the company profitable? How is profitability trending?
  • Which products, customers, and sub-categories are the most profitable?
  • Where can the company improve its profitability?
  • Are there any trends in profitability that need to be addressed?

Power BI Healthcare Dashboard Example

9) Hospital Performance Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: Hospital Performance Dashboard
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The Hospital Performance Dashboard can used to track and monitor a hospital’s key performance indicators (KPIs) in one concise and easy-to-understand view.

Purpose of this dashboard

Key performance indicators (KPIs) pertaining to patient care and hospital operations are summarized in a clear and understandable manner in the Hospital Performance Dashboard. institution administrators may use it as a one-stop shop to monitor developments, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and make well-informed choices that will eventually help patients and the institution as a whole.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

CEOs and CFOs of hospitals may use this dashboard to get information about financial performance and resource allocation. It also helps department heads and medical directors keep an eye on patient outcomes and department-specific efficiency. The dashboard may be used by quality improvement teams to pinpoint areas that need to be improved in order to improve overall patient care and safety.

Key Insights

This dashboards shows information about the average number of days patients stay in the hospital, number of patients admitted and the percentage of those patients who are readmitted within 30 days and also the average cost of treating a patient.

Power BI Human Resources Dashboard Example

10) HR Analytics Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard Examples: HR Analytics Dashboard
Image Source

The HR Analytics dashboard shows the breakdown of employees by various factors like organization level, status, gender, age, tenure range, and FTE category. This dashboard also shows the total number of employees (both new hires and terminations), the average length of employees tenure, and the distribution of employees by geographic location.

Purpose of this dashboard

In order to detect imbalances and trends in areas like diversity, employee engagement, and HR process efficiency for focused improvement opportunities, the goal is to give HR professionals a thorough perspective of workforce demographics.

Intended Audience for this dashboard

All levels of HR professionals and company executives who want to know how their staff is made up should read this dashboard. It offers insightful information that company decision-makers and HR professionals may use.

Key Insights

HR professionals can use this dashboard to tap into the employee details of their organization and understand the workforce demographics. This dashboard can help HR professionals to understand:

  • Are there any imbalances in the workforce, such as a lack of diversity?
  • How are employees performing? Are they engaged in their work?
  • Are HR processes efficient and effective?

The above Power BI Dashboard Examples give you an idea about the versatility Power BI offers for decision-makers. You can hone your dashboarding and data visualization skills to build comprehensive Power BI data models, visualizations, and DAX calculations with courses, books, YouTube videos, and the lot to gain a leg up on the competition.

Learn more about DAX and Power BI here.

Essentials of a Great Power BI Dashboard

A great Power BI dashboard is not only aesthetically colorful and decluttered but is also highly audience-specific and performance-efficient. Here are some characteristics of a great Power BI Dashboard:

  • Faster Load Time: A fast-loading and user-responsive dashboard ensures a smooth and seamless visualization experience.
  • Visual Appearance: The use of different colors, charts, and graphs for the representation of the data gives an appealing and professional look to the dashboard.
  • Using a Grid Layout: A grid layout is super useful when constructing a dashboard as it increases the user’s productivity and ensures easy readability.
  • Audience-specific: A good dashboard is always user-specific and monitors real-time data to minimize any latency.
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This article gave a comprehensive list of the Top 10 Best Power BI Dashboard Examples. Overall, Power BI Dashboard Examples help companies better visualize their data to gain actionable insights from their customers.

To understand more in-depth about Power BI functionalities, here are some essentials,

To make the best use of these dashboards, organizations need relevant data, and there lies a big challenge. Even though Power BI supports most of the common databases, it does not handle cloud-based data sources outside the Microsoft ecosystem well.

For example, to make use of the Email Campaign Dashboard, you will need support for fetching data from Sources like Pardot or Hubspot. In case you are constrained by the data source support or Power BI, you can consider a cloud-based ETL tool like Hevo that can bring data from almost any data source to PowerBI.

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Share your experience of learning about the Top 10 Best Power BI Dashboard Examples in the comments section below!

Software Developer, Hevo Data

Talha is a Software Developer with over eight years of experience in the field. He is currently driving advancements in data integration at Hevo Data, where he has been instrumental in shaping a cutting-edge data integration platform for the past four years. Prior to this, he spent 4 years at Flipkart, where he played a key role in projects related to their data integration capabilities. Talha loves to explain complex information related to data engineering to his peers through writing. He has written many blogs related to data integration, data management aspects, and key challenges data practitioners face.

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