Power BI is a business intelligence and data visualization tool that empowers companies to connect data sources and create compelling interactive reports and dashboards. With rich visualizations that provide actionable insights, high-quality Power BI dashboards can aid better and faster decision-making across an organization.

In this article, we have curated a collection of the best Power BI dashboard examples that showcase design principles, creative visuals and advanced techniques. These professionally designed dashboards span industries and business domains ranging from sales to marketing, finance, healthcare and human resources.

What makes a great Power BI Dashboard?

  1. Audience-Specific: The dashboard is tailored to its target audience’s needs and goals. It considers the audience’s use case, key metrics, and cultural assumptions to ensure its effectiveness in providing insights.
  2. Simple and Decluttered: The dashboard should be easy to navigate and provide only the most important information without unnecessary clutter. This helps users quickly identify key metrics and make decisions.
  3. Grid Layout: Using a grid layout helps users follow a seamless journey and navigate the dashboard intuitively from left to right and top to bottom.
  4. Aesthetics Matter: The dashboard should have a visually appealing design, using a single font and creative colors to guide the audience through the consumption journey. This enhances adoption and engagement.
  5. Fast Load Times: The dashboard should load quickly to ensure users can easily access the information they need. This is achieved by minimizing clutter, storing data transformations in views, and balancing complex and simple visualizations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Power BI Dashboard

Step 1: Set Up your Power BI Environment

Download and install the Power BI desktop app.

Step 2: Connect your source to Power BI

Step 2: a) Open your Power BI desktop app to load your dataset. Go to Get Data from Other Sources

Power BI Desktop

Step 2: b) Click on Import data from Excel if you want to import an Excel file; otherwise, you can select any other source you want.

Add Data Report Power Bi

Step 2. c) Select the table that you want to load and click on Load.

Data Preview in Power BI

Note: You can click on the table button to preview your data:

See table in Power BI

Step 3: Designing the Dashboard Layout

Step 3: a) To Design a Dashboard Layout we need to first add headers to our dashboard. To add headers, go to the insert tab and click on Shapes. Now select a rectangle and start building your header, or you can follow my layout.

Create your own Dashboard

This is how our current layer looks like:

Current Dashboard Layout

Step 3. b) To make the dashboard interactive, we can add a Q&A section. To add a Q&A box, click on the chat icon, and then you can resize the section as per your requirements.

Add Q&A to the layout

Step 3. c) If we want to create a section for operating profits, we can use critical influencers’ visuals.

After adding Operating Profits

Step 3. d) Drag and drop the operating profit column

Add operating profit field

This will be your result after adding Operating Profits to your Dashboard:

Result after adding Operating Profits

Step 3. e) If you need to see the sales by state up next. You can include it by selecting the map icon.

See sales by State

Your Updated Dashboard should look something like this:

After adding State Sales to our Dashboard

Step 3. f) If you want to see more about finances, you can use a matrix 

Select Matrix for Finances

Your final dashboard should look like this.

Final Dashboard
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Industry-Specific Power BI dashboards Examples:

Power BI Finance Dashboard

  1. Financial Analytics Dashboard
Financial Analytics Dashboard

The Financial Analytics Dashboard can be visualized to track an organization’s financial performance. This dashboard lets one view revenue and profitability from different geographies, customers, and product segments. Analysts can go deep into these categories and analyze the Financial Performance Indicators.

Financial Analytics Dashboard

Purpose of this dashboard:

The Financial Analytics Dashboard seeks to track and analyze an organization’s entire financial performance by providing insights into revenue, profitability, and financial performance indicators across various geographies, customer segments, and product segments.

  1. Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard
Quaterly Financial Performance Dashboard

The Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard helps track a company’s financial performance over a quarter. It can monitor progress towards financial goals and make decisions about business strategy accordingly.

Quarterly Financial Performance Dashboard

Purpose of this dashboard:

The goals include tracking and assessing the company’s financial performance over quarters, evaluating patterns in profitability, segmenting the market, and pinpointing areas needing development. This dashboard aims to identify encouraging and worrisome profitable patterns to aid in strategic decision-making.

Let Hevo come to your Rescue!

In case you are constrained by the data source availability for visualizing your data using Power BI,  you can consider a cloud-based ETL tool like Hevo that can bring data from almost any data source to PowerBI.

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  1. Power BI Budget Dashboard
Budget Dashboard

A Power BI budget dashboard is an interactive, intuitive visual analytical tool that enables the tracking and management of budgets within any organization. These features combine all financial data to show critical metrics on budgets, spending, variances, and economic performance against budgetary goals.

Power BI Budget Dashboard

Purpose of this Dashboard:

A Power BI budget dashboard is implemented to provide the most detailed view of finances and help budget managers exercise effective budgetary control. This allows stakeholders to track spending, identify issues in expenditure, analyze trends, and drive data-driven decisions toward financial discipline, optimizing resource allocation for a better, healthier financial status and strategic planning.

Power BI Marketing Dashboard

  1. Social Media Analytics Dashboard
Social Media Analytics Dashboard

Social Media Analytics Dashboard can visualize key metrics and data across various social media platforms. It empowers real-time management, engagement, and demographic data regarding the audience and the effectiveness of the content. The tool condenses the data into clear charts and graphs for better analysis.

Social Media Analytics Dashboard

Purpose of this dashboard: 

A Social Media Analytics Dashboard would provide insights into social media campaigns, keep abreast of brand reputation, and get a feel for the impact of social media efforts. With visibility into trends and areas for improvement, it helps make data-driven decisions, optimize content strategies, and lift overall social media performance.

  1. Marketing Campaign Insights Dashboard
Marketing Campaign Dashboard

A Marketing Campaign Insight Dashboard is a single source of truth visualization that brings together key performance metrics and data related to marketing campaigns. It facilitates an all-inclusive view of campaign effectiveness with metrics such as conversion rates, return on investment, customer acquisition costs, and engagement rates.

Marketing Campaign Insights Dashboard

Purpose of this Dashboard:

A Marketing Campaign Insight Dashboard would give marketers practical insights, supported by real-time data measurement of a campaign’s success rate. This would allow one to identify what works and how to further optimize marketing efforts, making informed decisions that will yield better business output with future campaigns.

Power BI Sales Dashboard

  1. Customer Segmentation Dashboard
Sales Dashboard

The customer segmentation Power BI dashboard helps users understand their customer base better. This dashboard allows users to categorize their customers into distinct groups based on their characteristics, behaviors, and purchase patterns.

Customer Segmentation Dashboard

The purpose of this dashboard

A customer segmentation dashboard can briefly describe the breadth into which different marketing strategies, products, or services are implemented for various customer groups. It provides rich insights into customer segments and helps increase customer satisfaction by enabling personalized marketing and targeted business growth.

  1. Sales Performance Dashboard
Sales Performance Dashboard

A Sales Performance Dashboard is the visualization of these critical metrics, which provides insight into sales activities and their outcomes. Most often, it includes information about the overview of sales performance through charts, graphs, and tables of trends in metrics such as revenues, growth of sales, lead conversion rates, and sales team performance.

Sales Performance Dashboard

Purpose of this dashboard:

This section focuses on how a Sales Performance Dashboard helps an organization monitor and analyze its sales operations by identifying trends, showing the effectiveness of sales strategies, and progress toward the set sales goals by making data-driven decisions toward better productivity in sales performance and revenue growth.

Power BI Retail Dashboard

  1. Inventory Management Dashboard
Inventory Management Dashboard

An Inventory Management Dashboard is a visual means of providing real-time data and insights on inventory levels, movements, and status. Its key metrics are stock levels, days of turnover, reorder points, and supply chain performance, which aid the effective control of inventories.

Inventory Management Dashboard

Purpose of this Dashboard

An Inventory Management Dashboard aims to ensure proper inventory management by showing all stock availability and movement. It ensures that few overstockings and stockouts occur, maximizes order fulfillment, ensures supply chain efficiency, and controls the level of inventory against demand.

  1. Customer Insights Dashboard 
Customer Insights Dashboard

A customer insights dashboard is a visual representation that combines data on customers’ behaviors and preferences and even activities across a business. It offers a single view of all the activities of the customers through various metrics, encompassing customer satisfaction, purchasing patterns, feedback, and level of engagement.

Customer Insights Dashboard 

Purpose of this dashboard:

A Customer Insight dashboard helps a business understand the end-users better for a refined experience of customers, identify trends from detailed customer information, spot opportunities for personalized marketing, refine retention strategies, and make informed decisions that drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Power BI Human Resources Dashboard

  1. Recruitment Dashboard
Recruitment Dashboard

A Recruitment Dashboard is a single view of all data that has been compiled and represented on critical metrics regarding the hiring process. It provides insights into the recruitment process with metrics such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, sources of candidates, application conversion rates, and status of open positions.

Recruitment Dashboard

Purpose of this Dashboard:

A Recruitment Dashboard simplifies and improves the entire recruitment cycle by delivering actionable insights and real-time data. It monitors and optimizes recruitment efforts, bottlenecks, candidate sourcing strategies, and hiring costs and ensures that HR professionals can quickly and efficiently attract and retain the best talent.

Additional Dashboards for Your Business

  1. Project Management
Project Management Dashboard

A project management dashboard is a single-source visualization with real-time indicators and project data. It provides an instantaneous overview of a project, showing metrics such as task status, achieved milestones, resource allocation, spent budget, and project timelines.

Project Management

Purpose of this Dashboard:

The purpose of a Project Management Dashboard is to facilitate effective monitoring, communication, and consequent decision-making within the confines of a project. This is achieved through the project manager and other stakeholders keeping track of the project’s performance and thus detecting any possible risks and delays.

This Ensures that the project is completed on time and within the resources that were allotted for the project.

  1. SEO Dashboard
SEO Dashboard

An SEO dashboard is a presentation tool incorporating most metrics and data about search engine optimization efforts in a single view. It gives an approximate overview of various dimensions of SEO performance: keyword rankings, trends in organic traffic, backlink profiles, site health metrics like page load speed or mobile-friendliness, and conversion from organic search.

Purpose of this Dashboard

An SEO dashboard will help the digital marketing and SEO professional, in general, to track, analyze, and optimize their SEO strategies. It aids them in tracing the impact of their SEO campaigns, finding opportunities for betterment, prioritizing optimization efforts, and making informed decisions that enhance search engine visibility, drive further organic traffic growth, and consequently improve website performance and conversions.

  1. PPC Dashboard
PPC Dashboard

A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Dashboard is a visual analytics tool that consolidates and displays critical metrics and data related to paid advertising campaigns. It provides insights into PPC performance across different platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. Key metrics typically include impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), conversion rates, return on ad spend (ROAS), and overall campaign ROI.

Purpose of this Dashboard:

The purpose of a PPC Dashboard is to help digital marketers and advertisers monitor and optimize their paid advertising campaigns effectively. It enables them to track campaign performance in real-time, identify high-performing versus underperforming ads, analyze audience behavior, optimize bidding strategies, manage budgets efficiently, and make data-driven decisions to maximize advertising ROI and achieve business goals.

  1. Google Ads Dashboard
Google Ads Dashboard

A Google Ads Dashboard is a visual information tool integrating and visualizing advertising campaign metrics and data in Google Ads. The key utility is in giving insights into the major parts of campaign activity, such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates, CPC, conversion rates, ad position, quality score, and campaign spending.

Purpose of this Dashboard:

A Google Ads Dashboard intends to help advertisers and digital marketers monitor and then optimize their Google Ads efforts efficiently. It helps in tracking the effectiveness of ad strategies, identifying improvements and opportunities, monitoring budgets, optimizing strategies effectively for matching keywords, bidding effectively, and making informed decisions to best maximize ROI on advertising and meet marketing objectives.

  1. Facebook Ads Dashboard
Facebook Ads Dashboard

A Facebook Ads Dashboard is a visual analytics tool that consolidates and displays critical metrics and data from Facebook advertising campaigns. It provides insights into campaign performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), conversion rates, ad spend, audience demographics, and engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments.

Purpose of this Dashboard:

The purpose of a Facebook Ads Dashboard is to help advertisers and marketers monitor and optimize their Facebook advertising campaigns effectively. It enables them to track campaign performance in real-time, analyze audience behavior and demographics, assess ad creative performance, optimize targeting and bidding strategies, manage budgets efficiently, and make data-driven decisions to maximize advertising ROI and achieve marketing goals.

Essentials of a Great Power BI Dashboard

A great Power BI dashboard is not only aesthetically colorful and decluttered but is also highly audience-specific and performance-efficient. Here are some characteristics of a great Power BI Dashboard:

  • Faster Load Time: A fast-loading and user-responsive dashboard ensures a smooth and seamless visualization experience.
  • Visual Appearance: The use of different colors, charts, and graphs for the representation of the data gives an appealing and professional look to the dashboard.
  • Using a Grid Layout: A grid layout is super useful when constructing a dashboard as it increases the user’s productivity and ensures easy readability.
  • Audience-specific: A good dashboard is always user-specific and monitors real-time data to minimize any latency.

To understand more in-depth about Power BI functionalities


This article gave a comprehensive list of the Top 10 Best Power BI Dashboard Examples. Overall, Power BI Dashboard Examples help companies better visualize their data to gain actionable insights from their customers.

To make the best use of these dashboards, organizations need relevant data, and there lies a big challenge. Even though Power BI supports most of the common databases, it does not handle cloud-based data sources outside the Microsoft ecosystem well.

For example, to make use of the Email Campaign Dashboard, you will need support for fetching data from Sources like Pardot or Hubspot. In case you are constrained by the data source support or Power BI, you can consider a cloud-based ETL tool like Hevo that can bring data from almost any data source to PowerBI.

FAQ on Power BI Dashboard

What is a Power BI dashboard?

A Power BI dashboard is a data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive and customized dashboards using data from various sources. It consolidates multiple reports and visualizations into a single view, providing insights into key metrics and trends within an organization.

Is the Power BI dashboard free?

Power BI offers both free and paid versions.

How do I create a Power BI desktop dashboard?

To create a Power BI desktop dashboard, follow these steps:
1. Prepare your data
2. Create visualizations
3. Design your dashboard
4. Add interactivity
5. Apply filters and slicers
6. Enhance with visuals and themes
7. Publish and share

Software Developer, Hevo Data

Talha is a Software Developer with over eight years of experience in the field. He is currently driving advancements in data integration at Hevo Data, where he has been instrumental in shaping a cutting-edge data integration platform for the past four years. Prior to this, he spent 4 years at Flipkart, where he played a key role in projects related to their data integration capabilities. Talha loves to explain complex information related to data engineering to his peers through writing. He has written many blogs related to data integration, data management aspects, and key challenges data practitioners face.

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