Data modeling tools are very helpful for constructing new databases or creating an overall IT strategy for your company. They allow you to show how data structures that support business operations will be constructed, how data will be arranged, and what links we want to make between them.

You can easily do a visual representation of the data structures. This helps even not tech-savvy people to understand the details. With the help of data modeling tools, you can also understand the design flaws and improve the design according to that.

This article provides a holistic view of data modeling and data modelling tools. You will understand the need for best database modeling tools and explore their key benefits.

What are Data Modeling Tools?

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Data Modeling Tools make it possible to model data quickly and efficiently. They provide a link between the data and the various levels of data models. Data Modeling Tools will allow you to construct these diagrams and models. When a data model is applied in a system, it strengthens and enforces the business principles that it represents. Types of Data Models are Conceptual data model, Logical Data Model, and Physical Data Model.

 A database modeling tool is essential for architects and developers to visualize and design a database structure before implementation.

Note: When choosing open-source data modeling tools, it’s important to consider factors like ease of use, feature set, and compatibility with existing systems

What Factors to Consider While Selecting the Data Modeling Tools?

It might be difficult to find the correct tool or application for you when the complexity of Data Modeling Tools available increases. As a result, it’s critical to assess your use case based on a few key factors:

  • Usage and Needs: Each Data Modeling Tool focuses on a different aspect of Data Modeling. To make the best decision, you should first write out your business needs. A project that needs a Data Modeling Tool for modest tasks, for example, would benefit greatly from one that has modeling capabilities built into the database. However, when Data Modeling needs to respond to corporate demands, the same technology will not work.
  • Scalability: A project’s needs change as it progresses. Make sure you use a tool that allows you to expand. Before choosing a Data Modeling Tool, consider the use case and size of the data model. It is critical to consider the current requirements while choosing a tool.
  • Features: After you’ve figured out the business needs, you’ll need to compare and contrast various Data Modeling Tools. This entails determining whether the Tools can conduct UTM or use case modeling, whether they can handle multiple users, and whether or not they support conceptual, logical, and physical Data Modeling. Make a list of features and compare them.
  • Integration: Be careful that some Data Modeling Tools use a proprietary format while others utilize a generic format to construct a data model. Select your modeling tool carefully to ensure the final output fits seamlessly into the database or existing tech setup/workflows.
  • User Community: Every tool has a user community where you can ask questions and get answers. Make sure your tool isn’t isolated and has large community support.
  • Support: A comprehensive support system is vital, encompassing live chat, phone, email, self-service resources like documentation, and premium support options.
  • Pricing: Data modeling tools span from free, open-source options to those priced in the mid-hundreds per license. The trend is moving towards subscription-based models, especially as cloud services become more prevalent and traditional desktop software becomes less common.

Best Data Modeling Tools in the Market

A large number of data modeling tools are available for various database platforms. Selecting one that meets the user’s needs can be quite challenging. Explore the most popular free Data Modeling Tools below to make this time-consuming work easier.

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1) ER/Studio

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Idera’s ER/Studio is a Data Modeling Tool that lets you identify your data assets and sources across several database systems. It can construct and share data models, as well as track them from start to finish.

It works on Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.

A comprehensive business lexicon can help you define your company terminology, concepts, and relationships. Businesses can quickly model and understand the interaction between processes, data, and people with ER/Studio.

Key Features:

  • It can accommodate both logical and physical designs.
  • For new modifications at the database level, the tool runs an impact analysis.
  • It allows for scripting and automation.
  • HTML, PNG, JPEG, RTF, XML, Schema, and DTD are all supported display formats.
  • It ensures that models and databases are consistent.

Visit ER/Studio page here to know more.

2) DbSchema Pro

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DbSchema Pro is a universal database designer and graphical user interface (GUI) tool for schema documentation and monitoring, as well as sharing and deploying schemas on relational and NoSQL databases.

Key Features:

  • The database is independent of the conceptual and logical designs.
  • You can use Relational Data Explorer to look at and change data from a variety of tables using foreign keys.
  • The Visual Query Builder allows you to create queries with various ordering, grouping, filters, and joins.
  • Using reverse regular expressions and specified patterns, the Data Generator can produce test data.
  • Reports and charts can be created using the tool’s configurable designer.

Visit the DbSchema Pro page here to know more.

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3) Erwin Data Modeler

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Erwin is a Data Modeling Tool for creating logical, physical, and conceptual data models.

It is one of the most effective Data Modeling Tools for creating a database from a physical model.

It is renowned as a low-cost but robust business solution that adheres to governance database principles.

Key Features:

  • It allows business and technical users to collaborate and maintain models from a central location. It also enables you to simulate data from any location.
  • To ensure data quality, the tool employs business data standards.
  • It features a graphical interface that is simple to use.
  • It compares the model and database automatically.
  • Forward and reverse engineering of data definition code can be efficiently synchronized.
  • For effective modeling, it allows you to pull data from CRM, ERP, and other sources.

Visit the Erwin Data Modeler page here to know more.

4) Archi

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Enterprise Architects and Modelers find Archi a cost-effective solution. It can analyze, describe, and visualize architecture in various business sectors.

It’s a cross-platform, open-source Data Modeling Tool that allows you to scale it with the help of plugins.

Key Features:

  • In ArchiMate views, you can efficiently construct all ArchiMate elements.
  • You can alter the ArchiMate viewpoint at any moment with the tool’s dynamic views.
  • It offers a hints view that allows you to quickly access element information.
  • In a radial-tree visual, this tool shows the selected model element and all of its connections with other model components.
  • You can use the tool to build and customize your canvas.

Visit the Archi page here to know more.

5) SQL Database Modeler

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You can construct a SQL Database online using SQL Database Modeler. You can import and build SQL scripts from it. MS SQL Server and MySQL are supported by it.

This tool has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create and change tables.  You can collaborate with a group from any location.

Key Features:

  • It allows projects to be converted from MS SQL Server to MySQL and vice versa.
  • It allows users to collaborate on projects. Presentations and documentation can be made with the shared projects.
  • It has a versioning feature. When you save the project, it produces a new version. Any version can be rolled back to, and any version can be seen at any time and from anywhere. These variations can also be labeled.
  • Allows you to share projects and their versions.
  • Various view modes are available.
  • It allows for both forward and reverse engineering.

Visit SQL Database Modeler page here to know more.

6) Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Data Modelling Tools - Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Logo | Hevo Data
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Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is one of the Data Modeling Tools that enables physical database architecture for the Oracle environment.

Capturing, studying, managing, and gaining insights from data are all covered. It is a piece of software that boosts productivity and makes a variety of Data Modeling activities easier.

Key Features:

  • Relational, multi-dimensional, and data-type models can all be created and edited.
  • It is capable of both forward and reverse engineering.
  • Through source code management, the tool facilitates collaborative development.
  • It’s one of the greatest free Data Modeling Tools available, and it works in both traditional and cloud settings.

Visit the Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler page here to know more.

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7) IBM InfoSphere Data Architect

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IBM InfoSphere Data Architect is a Data Modeling Tool for business intelligence and statistics that simplifies and accelerates data integration design.

It is one of the most effective Data Modeling Tools for aligning services, applications, data structures, and processes.

Key Features:

  • The tool allows for quick and simple development.
  • It enables you to comprehend data assets to increase productivity and shorten time to market.
  • It facilitates collaboration and integration among teams.
  • Custom mapping can be imported or exported.
  • By examining metadata, the tool automatically determines the structure of disparate data sources.
  • Physical and logical data models can be created.
  • Integration with other products such as data studio and query workload tuner is possible.

Visit the IBM InfoSphere Data Architect page here to know more.

8) MySQL Workbench

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For Data Modeling, SQL development, server configuration, user management, and backup, DBAs, Database Architects, and developers utilize MySQL Workbench.

Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac are the 3 operating systems supported by the system.

Key Features:

  • Forward and reverse engineering are supported
  • You can use it to construct complicated ER models.
  • You can transfer RDBMS tables, objects, and data from Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Sybase ASE, and PostgreSQL to MySQL with this tool.
  • Visual tools can be used to generate, run, and optimize SQL queries.
  • Offers visual tools for setting servers, backup and recovery, user administration, audit data inspection, and database health monitoring.
  • Allows you to view the performance of MySQL applications using the performance dashboard.

Visit the MySQL Workbench page here to know more.

9) Lucidchart

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Lucidchart is a collaborative online tool for creating database diagrams. There’s no need to download bulky software because this Data Modeling software is cloud-based, and updates are instantaneous.

One of the most significant advantages of this tool is that it can save you hours of manual work.

Key Features: 

  • A large number of sophisticated features are available.
  • A plethora of information assets are available and the interface is simple to navigate.
  • It’s a good choice for architectural schematics.
  • The Lucidchart app for Android and iOS is compatible with all three main operating systems and can be used on any mobile device.
  • MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL are among the systems supported.

Visit the Lucidchart page here to know more.

10) PgModeler

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PgModeler is an open-source Data Modeling Tool for constructing database models that give extensive access to its source code, with a light and appealing interface developed for the PostgreSQL database system.

Key Features:

  • Supports XML files.
  • Columns and restrictions are generated automatically.
  • In the event of a failure, the prior work is restored.
  • To synchronize both the model and the database, you can write SQL scripts.
  • To automate tasks, you can use the command-line interface.
  • Models can be created using data from existing databases.

Visit the PgModeler page here to know more.

11) DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler is a comprehensive CASE tool designed for database developers, offering robust support for both forward and reverse engineering. It simplifies the creation and management of logical and physical data models through an intuitive entity-relationship diagram interface. This tool is particularly useful for database architects and developers, providing compatibility with modern DBMS through various interfaces such as ODBC, OLE DB, IDAPI, or Oracle Call Interface.

Key Features:

  • Facilitates the creation and management of logical and physical data models.
  • Supports the development of new database structures and the analysis of existing ones.
  • Allows the creation of indexes and triggers at the physical level to correspond with database tables.
  • Enhances schema development and reduces model integrity errors.
  • Provides easy and fast database system target changes for the model, with automatic data type conversion.

Visit the DTM Data Modeler page here to know more.

Note: While the best data modeling tool can vary depending on the project requirements, tools like ER/Studio and Lucidchart frequently top the lists.

What are the Key Benefits of Data Modeling Tools?

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Data Modeling Tools can take a complicated software process and turn it into an easy-to-understand visual. Data Modeling Tools has several benefits including the ones mentioned below.

  • Use Data Modeling Tools to organize massive data and make it simpler to find information.
  • Seek visual representations of complex topics to better understand your business.
  • Reduce software and database development pitfalls.
  • Increase enterprise-wide uniformity in documentation and system architecture.
  • Enhance the performance of your application and database.
  • Streamline data mapping across the enterprise.
  • Improve the flow of information between the development and BI teams.
  • At the conceptual, logical, and physical levels, Data Modeling Tools simplify and accelerate the database design process.


In this article, you learned about various aspects of Data Modeling. You explored the key benefits of Data Modeling Tools and techniques and learned the differences between conceptual, logical, and physical data models. In addition, you also understood the key factors that help in selecting the right Data Modeling Tool.

Apart from maintaining schemas and databases, extracting complex data from a diverse set of data sources like Databases, CRMs, Project management Tools, Streaming Services, and Marketing Platforms can be quite challenging. This is where a simpler alternative like Hevo can save your day!

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Share your experience with Data Modeling Tools in the comments section below!

Shubhnoor Gill
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Shubhnoor is a data analyst with a proven track record of translating data insights into actionable marketing strategies. She leverages her expertise in market research and product development, honed through experience across diverse industries and at Hevo Data. Currently pursuing a Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence, Shubhnoor is a dedicated learner who stays at the forefront of data-driven marketing trends. Her data-backed content empowers readers to make informed decisions and achieve real-world results.

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