SQLite and MariaDB are the most widely used open-source Relational Database Management Systems in the world. Both, MariaDB and SQLite use the Structured Query Language (SQL) to define, update, and query data in Databases. However, each Database has its own set of advantages and use-cases. Depending on the use case, one might want to move data from SQLite to MariaDB for further analysis.

SQLite is described as a “software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.” Unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not have its own server process and it is best suited for smaller Databases. However, MariaDB actively collaborates with third-party developers to deliver the industry’s most feature-rich, stable, and sanely licensed open SQL server.

As your business scales, your Database grows, and SQLite might not prove to be very effective for your data. Therefore, it is highly recommended to migrate SQLite to MariaDB for additional features, new storage engines, fewer bugs, and improved performance. Also, when you convert SQLite to MariaDB, you need to pay close attention to potential data type mismatches between the two database systems to ensure compatibility. This article provides a step-by-step guide to migrating from SQLite to MariaDB.

How to Connect SQLite to MariaDB?

You now have a basic understanding of SQLite and MariaDB. This section will teach you how to connect SQLite to MariaDB. ESF Database Migration Toolkit is a powerful and high-performance toolkit for migrating data between database formats such as SQLite, MariaDB, and others.

This article explains how to use the ESF Database Migration Toolkit to quickly migrate data from SQLite to MariaDB! It will assist you in completing complex database migration tasks while saving you a significant amount of time!

Follow the below-mentioned steps to connect SQLite to MariaDB manually:

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Step 1: Select a Data Source

SQLite to MariaDB - Data Source
Select a Source
  • Select “SQLite” from the “Choose a Data Source” dialogue.
  • To select the SQLite database file, click the “…” button.

Step 2: Select a Location

  • Select “MariaDB” from the “Choose a Destination” dialogue.
  • Enter the server name (localhost), port (3306), username, and password.
  • MariaDB supports a variety of Storage Engines; for more information on the MariaDB Storage Engine, please click here.
  • Select a character set, such as UTF-8.
  • To list all MariaDB database automation, click the “Refresh” button. You can select an existing database or enter a new database name; this toolkit will create the new database during the migration process.

Step 3: Select the Source Table and Click View

SQLite to MariaDB - View table
Select Source Table
  • Select the tables/views that will be migrated in the “Select source Tables(s) & View(s)” dialogue.

Step 4: Execution

In the SQLite MariaDB “Execution” Dialogue;

  • Click “Submit” to start the migration; this toolkit will assist you in quickly migrating data from SQLite to MariaDB without requiring any intervention.
  • To view the full migration of SQLite MariaDB log, click “Browse Log.”
  • Click “Save as job” to save the migration settings to a job file, which you can then “Load Job” to quickly reload the migration job or run via command-prompt in the future. To get the full command parameters, type “esf-cmd —help” in the command prompt.

The program will complete the migration as quickly as possible and generate a migration report for you. One major drawback is that you need to manually map each field from the source to the destination which is a time-consuming and error-prone operation.

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Note: Before you export SQLite to MySQL, make sure to always create a backup of your SQLite database as a safety precaution.

Limitations of Manually Connecting SQLite to MariaDB

The following are some of the drawbacks of manually connecting SQLite to MariaDB:

  • Creating a Data Pipeline: Building an in-house Data Pipeline requires extensive experience, time, and manpower, as well as a high risk of error.
  • Time-Consuming: Building a Data Pipeline in-house necessitates extensive experience, time, and manpower, as well as a high risk of error.
  • Hard Coding: Analysts must write code and manage infrastructure, but they cannot access data within hours.
  • Unreliable Application: Sometimes you’ll never know whether the 3rd party application is reliable or not.


In this blog, you got a glimpse of how to connect SQLite to MariaDB in this article. Furthermore, you will have to update the data every time it is updated. Also, you will have more than one data source which is where Hevo Data comes in handy! Hevo Data, a No-code Data Pipeline provides you with a consistent and reliable solution to manage data transfer between a variety of sources and a wide variety of desired destinations with a few clicks.

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Share your experience of learning about Connecting SQLite to MariaDB! Let us know in the comments section below!

Davor DSouza
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Davor DSouza is a data analyst with a passion for using data to solve real-world problems. His experience with data integration and infrastructure, combined with his Master's in Machine Learning, equips him to bridge the gap between theory and practical application. He enjoys diving deep into data and emerging with clear and actionable insights.

Associate Customer Experience, Hevo Data

Parthiv, proficient in MongoDb, Mysql, Rest API, and Snowflake, elevates Hevo's customer experience by prioritizing feedback, proactive support, and feature advocacy. Committed to continuous improvement, Parthiv ensures every interaction reflects Hevo's dedication to excellence.

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