Do you use Stripe for financial services? Are you a marketer, who uses Stripe and wants to analyze your churn rate?

Do you want to load data from Stripe to Power BI? If yes, then this blog will answer all your queries. Stripe is an American company that provides financial services to various other companies.

The accumulated data of Stripe can help you to perform various analyses of your clients. Stripe Power BI Integration can help you analyze your data in real-time to obtain data-driven decisions. T


  • Working knowledge of Power BI.
  • Working knowledge of Stripe.
  • An active Stripe account with either administrator or developer role.
  • Power BI installed on the host workstation.
  • A Power BI service account.

Introduction to Stripe

  • Stripe is an American Payment Platform. It provides financial services.
  • The company mainly offers payment processing software and APIs for your E-Commerce websites and mobile applications.
  • Stripe APIs can be used by the developers to integrate payment processing with your website and applications. It also acts as a gateway and a third-party payment tool. Stripe offers scalability and security with its cloud-based infrastructure.

Key Features of Stripe

  1. Stripe requires no additional fees for installation, setup, cancellation, etc. 
  2. Stripe offers smooth integration with multiple applications. It is considered highly customizable. 
  3. If your organization has some international customers, then Stripe is a great option as it has support for 135+ currencies, allowing you to charge customers in their native currency while receiving funds in yours.
  4. Stripe offers an easy-to-use platform, where you can easily sign up and integrate it for the payment process. The Stripe checkout form is simple and allows the customer to complete their purchase easily.
  5. Stripe allows exporting data of different types generated by the users, such as financial data, transaction data, etc. in CSV format.
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Introduction to Power BI

  • Power BI is a cloud-based business intelligence tool used to analyze and visualize data in real-time. It converts data from multiple sources into interactive dashboards and reports, managing your business needs.
  • Power BI consists of various formats namely, Power BI Desktop, an online Software as a Service (SaaS) called Power BI Service, and a range of mobile apps for Windows, iOS, and Android devices. It also has Power BI Report Server which allows you to publish Power BI reports to an on-premises report server, after creating them in Power BI Desktop.

Key Features of Microsoft Power BI

  1. Easy Set-up and Implementation: You can set it up for free and start your visualization within minutes.
  2. Real-Time Visualization: Data is available for visualization in real-time. You are capable of capturing opportunities and solving problems.
  3. Customized Visualization: Power BI offers customized visualization by custom visual SDK. 
  4. Multiple Data Sources: Power BI supports a range of data sources such as Excel, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.

2 Methods to set up Stripe Power BI Integration

Method 1: Manual Extraction of Data

Some of the data that you can export from Stripe is of the following type:

  1. Payout data
  2. Dispute data
  3. Succeed payment
  4. Detailed payments and refund data
  5. Detailed balance transactions
  6. Monthly summary reports
  7. Monthly activity summaries
  8. QuickBooks data

Stripe uses REST API principles for accessing, storing, and retrieving customer and payment data from their accounts.

It further provides support for many programming languages such as Python, Node.js, Perl, .NET, etc. to access its APIs.

They support JSON for the response. You can learn more about Stripe APIs from here. Under this method, you would be using Windows Powershell and its CMDlets to make web-based API requests. 

This request will help you fetch your data in the JSON format and then transform it into CSV format. This data in CSV format can then be imported into Power BI for analyses and visualization.

This method can be implemented using the following steps:

Step 1: Retrieve your API keys from Stripe

To load data using Stripe APIs, first, there is a need to obtain your API keys, from the Stripe dashboard. To do this, go to Stripe’s official website, and then log in using your credentials such as username and password.

Stripe API Key-Stripe Power BI - Transfer Data for Free from Stripe to your target destination

Once the login process is complete, your Stripe dashboard will now open up on your screen. Then click on the developer’s option, found in the panel on the left, and select the API keys option.

Stripe API Key -Stripe Power BI

Next, for being able to see the API keys, you must ensure that the account being used for this process has either developer access or administrator access. Further, ensure that you are not viewing the test data by toggling off the test mode and going to the live data mode.

Stripe API Key-Stripe Power BI

After enabling the live data view, you will be able to see the publishable and secret keys option on the screen. You need to click on both of these options to access the full API key-values. The “Publishable” and “Secret” APIs keys use the following syntax respectively:

  • Publishable Key: pk_live_somelongrandomvaluelike0Rx3jvetc
  • Secret Key: sk_live_somelongrandomvaluelike0Rx3jvetc

Copy “Publishable” and “Secret” API keys and keep them safe as you’ll not be able to see the “Secret” key again.   

Stripe API Key -Stripe Power BI

And now you have retrieved the Stripe API keys to use them for fetching data via Stripe’s REST API.

Step 2: Retrieve Stripe Records using the Stripe API

After the Stripe API key has been retrieved, Windows Powershell can be used to make a web request using the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet (which is available as a part of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module).

To fetch the customer data from Stripe, the following commands need to be entered in the Windows PowerShell running on your system.

You would be required to enter the correct URI for your account and your Stripe Private API key that you just retrieved from the official website.

$uri = '' #Base URI
$key = '<stripe API private key>'
$authVal = 'Basic ' + `
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Headers @{'AUTHORIZATION'=$authVal}

The invoked web request will enable Stripe API to start sending the JSON-based responses which contain the customer and payment data. The received data can be checked using the following line of code, by entering in the command line and printing output from the JSON response.

echo $response.Content

You can also make use of .NET objects such as System.NET.WebRequest to make an API-based web request to pull your data as follows:

$webRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
$webRequest.ContentType = 'application/json'
$webRequest.Headers.Add('AUTHORIZATION', $authVal)
$webRequest.Method = 'GET'
$responseStream = ($webRequest.GetResponse()).GetResponseStream()
$streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $responseStream

Now, this was the step required to start pulling data from Stripe’s REST API in JSON format.

Step 3: Transform JSON Responses to a Flat Structure for CSV Files

As the Stripe API is used to fetch data in JSON format using invoked web requests, you will need to transform the hierarchical JSON data into the format of a flat file, to export that data in CSV format.

For achieving this functionality, you will be required to create a function that will accept the Stripe APIs JSON object as a parameter and map it into a flat data structure and then return a collection of data objects in the correct format. The following code snippet provides an example to execute this functionality.

function flattenObject ($jsonCustomers) {
	$customers = @()
	foreach($jsonCustomer in $jsonCustomers) {
$customerProperties = @{}
$ = $
$customerProperties.Description = $jsonCustomer.description
$customerProperties.Email = $
$customerProperties.Created = $jsonCustomer.created
$customerProperties.Delinquent = $jsonCustomer.delinquent
$customerProperties["Account Balance"] = $jsonCustomer.account_balance
         foreach($paymentSource in $ {
			if ($jsonCustomer.default_source -eq $ {	
$customerProperties['Card ID'] = $
$customerProperties['Card Last4'] = $paymentSource.last4
$customerProperties['Card Brand'] = $paymentSource.brand
$customerProperties['Card Funding'] = $paymentSource.funding
$customerProperties['Card Exp Month'] = $paymentSource.exp_month
$customerProperties['Card Exp Year'] = $paymentSource.exp_year
$customerProperties['Card Name'] = $
$customerProperties['Card Name'] = $
$customerProperties['Card Address Line1'] = $paymentSource.address_line1
$customerProperties['Card Address Line2'] = $paymentSource.address_line2
$customerProperties['Card Address City'] = `$paymentSource.address_city
$customerProperties['Card Address Country'] = $paymentSource.address_country
$customerProperties['Card Address State'] = `$paymentSource.address_state
$customerProperties['Card Address Zip'] = $paymentSource.address_zip
$customerProperties['Card Issue Country'] = $
$customerProperties['Card Fingerprint'] = $paymentSource.fingerprint
$customerProperties['Card CVC Status'] = $paymentSource.cvc_check }

	foreach($subscription in $ {
			if ($ -eq 1) {
$customerProperties.Plan = $
$customerProperties.Status = $subscription.status
$customerProperties['Cancel At Period End'] = $subscription.cancel_at_period_end}		}
$customers += New-Object PSObject -Prop $customerProperties
	return $customers

During this process, you need to ensure that the correct column names are used while creating the function that will help for mapping the JSON objects into the flat file structure. Also, every time your code generated a new customer object, ensure that you are adding it to the customer properties list, that your function will return.

Following this step will help you transform the JSON response data from Stripe API to a flat-file structure which will be used for CSV conversion.

Step 4: Export Data from Stripe as CSV

To export the Stripe data as a CSV file on the local system, you can use Windows PowerShell’s Export-CSV cmdlet. It will take an object as the input parameter and map the properties into a CSV file and store it in the file location of the path you would have entered.

You can use the following lines of code, that will fetch data from your Stripe APIs using the “System.NET.WebRequest module” .NET-based object. It will export the retrieved data as a CSV file by specifying a file path of your choice with the “Export-CSV” parameter.

$baseUri = ''
$uri = $baseUri
$key = '<stripe API private key>'
$authVal = 'Basic ' + `
do {
	$webRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
	$webRequest.ContentType = 'application/json'
	$webRequest.Headers.Add('AUTHORIZATION', $authVal)
	$webRequest.Method = 'GET'
	$responseStream = ($webRequest.GetResponse()).GetResponseStream()
	$streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $responseStream
	$jsonCustomers = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
	$customersObject += flattenObject($
	$lastId = $[-1].id
	$uri = $baseUri + '&starting_after=' + $lastId
} while ($jsonCustomers.has_more)

$customersObject | Export-Csv -Path 'C:TestStripe-Customers.CSV' -NoTypeinformation
rv customersObject

In this code snippet, the has_more parameter is used to check whether any more customer records are present in Stripe.

You can use the limit parameter in the base URI to specify the number of customer records that you want to pull (Stripe API allows pulling up to 100 records at max).

Similarly, the -No TypeInformation parameter is used to ensure that your CSV file export does not have the object type information in the first record/row.

Below is the combined code script from all the above-mentioned steps that you can use to execute at once.

function flattenObject ($jsonCustomers) {
	$customers = @()
	foreach($jsonCustomer in $jsonCustomers) {
		$customerProperties = @{}
		$ = $
		$customerProperties.Description = $jsonCustomer.description
		$customerProperties.Email = $
		$customerProperties.Created = $jsonCustomer.created
		$customerProperties.Delinquent = $jsonCustomer.delinquent
		$customerProperties["Account Balance"] = $jsonCustomer.account_balance
		foreach($paymentSource in $ {
			if ($jsonCustomer.default_source -eq $ {
	$customerProperties['Card ID'] = $
	$customerProperties['Card Last4'] = $paymentSource.last4
	$customerProperties['Card Brand'] = $paymentSource.brand
	$customerProperties['Card Funding'] = $paymentSource.funding
	$customerProperties['Card Exp Month'] = $paymentSource.exp_month
	$customerProperties['Card Exp Year'] = $paymentSource.exp_year
	$customerProperties['Card Name'] = $
	$customerProperties['Card Name'] = $
	$customerProperties['Card Address Line1'] = `
	$customerProperties['Card Address Line2'] = `
	$customerProperties['Card Address City'] = `
	$customerProperties['Card Address Country'] = `
	$customerProperties['Card Address State'] = `
	$customerProperties['Card Address Zip'] = $paymentSource.address_zip
	$customerProperties['Card Issue Country'] = $
	$customerProperties['Card Fingerprint'] = $paymentSource.fingerprint
	$customerProperties['Card CVC Status'] = $paymentSource.cvc_check}		}
		foreach($subscription in $ {
			if ($ -eq 1) {
	$customerProperties.Plan = $
	$customerProperties.Status = $subscription.status
	$customerProperties['Cancel At Period End'] = `
                    $subscription.cancel_at_period_end}	}
		$customers += New-Object PSObject -Prop $customerProperties} return $customers }

$baseUri = ''
$uri = $baseUri
$key = '<stripe API private key>'
$authVal = 'Basic ' + ` [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($key))
do {
	$webRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri)
	$webRequest.ContentType = 'application/json'
	$webRequest.Headers.Add('AUTHORIZATION', $authVal)
	$webRequest.Method = 'GET'
	$responseStream = ($webRequest.GetResponse()).GetResponseStream()
	$streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList $responseStream
	$jsonCustomers = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() | ConvertFrom-Json
	$customersObject += flattenObject($
	$lastId = $[-1].id
	$uri = $baseUri + '&starting_after=' + $lastId
} while ($jsonCustomers.has_more)
$customersObject | Export-Csv -Path 'C:TestStripeCustomers.csv' -NoTypeinformation
rv customersObject

These steps will enable you to export data from Stripe as a CSV file using Stripe APIs, to further import those files into Power BI.

Step 5: Import CSV-Based Data from Stripe to Power BI

You can very easily import your CSV data into Power BI to complete your Stripe Power BI integration and visualize and analyze your data. 

In case you would like to integrate your Stripe Data to Google Analytics, check out our other article on stripe and google analytics integration.

Firstly, Open up the Power BI Desktop and select Get Data > CSV from the home ribbon.

CSV import Power BI -Stripe Power BI - Transfer Data for Free from Stripe to your target destination

Then, you need to select the CSV file from the dialogue box that appears.

File Selection CSV -Stripe Power BI

After you have made the selection and selected open from the dialogue box, the Power BI desktop accesses the file to determine the file attributed (headers), which may include file origin, delimiter type, etc.

As shown in the image below the file attributes and other options are shown in the drop-down selections at the top of the CSV import dialogue window. You can make your changes to these attributes by selecting the options from drop-down selectors.

Attribute Selection -Stripe Power BI

After you are done making your selections and corresponding changes, you can proceed to select load to import the file into Power BI Desktop. Alternatively, you can select edit to open Query Editor and change the shape or transform the data according to your preferences.

After the loading is complete into the Power BI Desktop, you will be able to see the table and its columns. It would be presented as fields in the “Fields Pane”.

Field view Power BI -Stripe Power BI

Limitations using Manual Extraction of Data:

Since this method requires manual extraction of data it has the following limitations:

  1. No real-time replication of data, since every time the user would have to manually pull down data to import from the Stripe API. 
  2. Requires manual conversion of JSON response to a flat structure.
  3. Requires manual conversion of flat structure file to CSV, which could lead to conversion issues if the attributes are not provided accurately.
  4. Requires working knowledge of command-line codes and .NET objects to implement properly. 
  5. The upper limit on retrieval of only 100 records.

Method 2: Via Cloud Data Warehouse Integration

Step 1: Retrieving Stripe API keys

To load data using Stripe APIs, first, there is a need to obtain your API keys, from the Stripe dashboard. To do this, go to Stripe’s official website, and then log in using your credentials such as username and password.

Strip login Page-Stripe Power BI

Once the login process is complete, your Stripe dashboard will now open up on your screen. Then click on the Developers option, found in the panel on the left, and select the API Keys option.

Stripe API Key -Stripe Power BI

Next, for being able to see the API keys, you must ensure that the account being used for this process has either developer access or administrator access. Further, ensure that you are not viewing the test data by toggling off the test mode and going to the live data mode.

Stripe API Key -Stripe Power BI - Transfer Data for Free from Stripe to your target destination

After enabling the live data view, you will be able to see the publishable and secret keys option on the screen. You need to click on both of these options to access the full API Key values. The “Publishable” and “Secret” APIs Keys use the following syntax respectively:

  • Publishable Key: pk_live_somelongrandomvaluelike0Rx3jvetc
  • Secret Key: sk_live_somelongrandomvaluelike0Rx3jvetc

Copy “Publishable” and “Secret” API keys and keep them safe as you’ll not be able to see the “Secret” key again.

Stripe API Key -Stripe Power BI

And now you have retrieved the Stripe API keys to use them for fetching data via Stripe’s REST API.

Step 2: Extracting Data from Stripe

  • You can use the REST API principles for accessing, storing, and retrieving your data from Stripe.
  • They support JSON for their response. They also offer two different types of keys for authentication – testing mode and live mode.
  • With testing mode, you can test every aspect of your API without messing with your actual data. Calls to Stripe API is only over HTTPS because of security reasons.
  • Stripe API supports various core resources about information about – charges, balance, refunds, customers, token, events, transfer, dispute, etc.
  • All these resources support CRUD operations using HTTP verbs on their associated endpoints. In this section, you will use CURL, but you can also work with Postman, Hyper, etc.
Some of the core resources around which the Stripe API is built around are:
  1. Balance: This object is used to show the current balance at your end.
  2. File uploads: There may be various occasions when you want to upload files in Stripe like when uploading a receipt.
  3. Charges: To charge you the amount as per the order through debit or credit card.
  4. Dispute: This object deals with the data regarding the dispute which may occur when a customer questions your payment with their bank. 
  5. Refunds: Refund objects let you make a refund of a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded.
  6. Events: Events are the way to let clients know if something interesting is there for them to see. 
  7. Transfers: When you initiate a transfer to a bank account or when Stripe sends you money.  
  8. Transfer reversals: A transfer created previously can be reversed if it has not been paid out at that time.
  9. Tokens: Tokens can be created with a publishable API key.
  10. Customers: Customer objects allow you to track multiple transactions with the same customers by assigning them unique IDs.

All the above-mentioned resources support CRUD operations by using HTTP verbs on their associated endpoints. Also as a web API, it can be accessed by using tools like CURL or Postman or any other technology stack i.e. language or framework.

Some of the options available are:

For the extraction of data from the Stripe API, you can use the following operations:

   -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2:

The response you will receive will look as follows:

  "object": "list",
  "url": "/v1/charges",
  "has_more": false,
  "data": [
      "id": "ch_17SY5f2eZvKYlo2CiPfbfz4a",
      "object": "charge",
      "amount": 500,
      "amount_refunded": 0,
      "application_fee": null,
      "balance_transaction": "txn_17KGyT2eZvKYlo2CoIQ1KPB1",
      "captured": true,
      "created": 1452627963,
      "currency": "usd",
      "customer": null,
      "description": " Account Credit",
      "destination": null,
      "dispute": null,
      "failure_code": null,
      "failure_message": null,
      "fraud_details": {
      }, …….

Your customer object will look as follows:

  "id": "sub_7hy2fgATDfYnJS",
  "object": "subscription",
  "application_fee_percent": xxxx,
  "cancel_at_period_end": false,
  "canceled_at": xxxx,
  "current_period_end": 1455306419,
  "current_period_start": 1452628019,
  "customer": "cus_7hy0yQ55razJrh",
  "discount": xxxx,
  "ended_at": xxxx,
  "metadata": {
  "plan": {
    "id": "gold2132",
    "object": "plan",
    "amount": 2000,
    "created": 1386249594,
    "currency": "usd",
    "interval": "month",
    "interval_count": 1,
    "livemode": false,
    "metadata": {
    "name": "Gold ",
    "statement_descriptor": null,
    "trial_period_days": null
  "quantity": 1,
  "start": 1452628019,
  "status": "active",
  "tax_percent": null,
  "trial_end": null,
  "trial_start": null

To stream your Stripe data, you will use Webhooks. You can register some events with Webhooks, and every time any event happens, Stripe will push the data in Webhooks. Webhooks play an important role in providing the functionality that Stripe supports. You have to register some events to it and every time there is any trigger, Stripe will push a message to your Webhook.

Step 3: Prepare Stripe Data for Cloud Data Warehouse (Using Snowflake as an Example here)

Depending upon your choice of the cloud data warehouse, the process of preparation of Stripe Data can vary as the supported formats and the steps required can vary with the cloud data warehouse your organization is using. In this method, we will be describing the general steps to achieve the same and taking an example with the Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse for your Stripe Power BI integration.

Firstly, You will need to create a well-defined schema in Snowflake for ingesting data into it. All the data in Snowflake is organized in tables with a set of columns. Each column has a specific data type.

Snowflake supports a variety of data types.Snowflake also supports multiple types of semi-structured data types – JSON, Avro, XML, ORC, etc.

You can load data from Stripe to Snowflake by firstly creating a schema in Snowflake, where you can map each API endpoint to the table. Each key inside the Stripe API endpoint response needs to be mapped to a column in the table. These keys need to have the right conversion to a Snowflake data type.

If you are using other cloud data warehouse services, you can check out the steps for the same in a step-by-step guide here for Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift.

Step 4: Load Data into Cloud Data Warehouse (Using Snowflake as an Example here)

The steps of loading the Data can vary depending on the cloud data warehouse service of your choice for the Stripe Power BI integration. Here in this example, we will be using Snowflake as a medium to explain the generalized steps. If you are using other cloud data warehouse services, you can check out the steps for the same in a step-by-step guide here for Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift.

Snowflake supports data loading in a bulk using the ‘COPY INTO’ command. The file contains data usually in JSON format, which is stored in a local file system or Amazon S3 bucket. It is followed by a COPY INTO command on the Snowflake instance.

Your files can also be pushed in Snowflake using the PUT command, before the COPY INTO command.

Another approach to load data in Snowflake is by uploading your data directly into Snowflake using the services of Amazon S3. You can use the following command to copy data from Amazon S3 to Snowflake. This command uses pattern matching and includes source, destination, and a set of parameters to specify your copy operation.

copy into table_name   
from s3://snowflakebucket/data/abc_files 
credentials=(aws_key_id='$KEY_ID' aws_secret_key='$SECRET_KEY')   pattern='filename.JSON';

You have successfully loaded data from Stripe to a cloud data warehouse. Further steps need to be carried out to implement the Power BI connector that is offered by the cloud data warehouse provider.

Step 5: Connecting Cloud Data Warehouse to Power BI using the Connector

  • The steps to connect Power BI to the cloud data warehouse of your choice can be found here for Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift.
  • Here is an example we have used Snowflake to demonstrate the easy way of implementing the connector for your Stripe Power BI integration.
You can use the following steps to connect Snowflake to Power BI using the built-in connector:
  • In Power BI, select “Get Data” from the home ribbon. From the drop-down menu, select “More…”.
  • Then, in the left-side panel, select “Database”. Click “Snowflake” from the right-side panel, and then select “Connect”.
Cloud Data warehouse Selection Stripe Power BI

In the Snowflake window, state your server name and warehouse name. Select “DirectQuery” in data connectivity mode and click “OK”.
Note: You can obtain your server name from your Snowflake URL. Use the following format to identify the server name in the URL.

Server Credentials - Stripe Power BI

Then, provide your Snowflake username and password to connect to your Snowflake account. Click “Connect”.

User Credentials - Stripe Power BI

Alternatively, You can choose the Microsoft Account option. In this case, the AAD (Azure Active Directory) integration needs to be done from the Snowflake side.

Microsoft Azure AAD Login - Stripe Power BI - Transfer Data for Free from Stripe to your target destination

After the completion of this step, in the navigator panel, select your data table and click “Load”.

Table view Power BI - Stripe Power BI

Now you can visualize your data conveniently on the Power BI platform.

Limitations for Stripe Power BI Integration via Cloud Data Warehouse Integration

  1. The methodology is too technical to carry out for an employee with no technical background. 
  2. Requires a properly set-up cloud data warehouse, which may not be feasible depending on the context of scale and data pipeline of the company.
  3. As the scale of Stripe data increases, it would become difficult to constantly and manually insert and update the data in the cloud data warehouse.
  4. Using the manual method will make it difficult to identify and remove duplicate records in the database.
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Download the Guide on How to Set Up a Data Analytics Stack
Download the Guide on How to Set Up a Data Analytics Stack
Learn how to build a self-service data analytics stack for your use case.

Learn More About:

Integrate Salesforce, Intercom, and Stripe


  • In this article, you learned about Stripe, Power BI, and three different methods to implement a Stripe Power BI integration to load your Stripe customer and payment data to Power BI for analysis.
  • You can use the manual methods to import that data into Power BI and visualize it to gather important insights. But if you want to automate your data flow, you can use Hevo.
  • Learn how to handle streaming Stripe data for real-time insights and improved data management through our comprehensive guide.

Sign Up for a 14-day free trial today! You can now transfer data from sources like Stripe to your target destination for Free using Hevo.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you connect Stripe to Power BI?

Yes, you can connect Stripe to Power BI to analyze your Stripe data and create visual reports.

2. Is Power BI being discontinued?

No, Power BI is not being discontinued.

3. Why is Stripe so powerful?

Stripe is powerful due to its developer-friendly APIs, global reach, scalability, advanced features, extensive integrations, strong security, and ongoing innovation.

Abhishek Duggal
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Abhishek is a data analysis enthusiast with a strong passion for data, software architecture, and crafting technical content. He has strong data analytical skills and practical experience in leveraging tools like WordPress, RankMath, and SEMRush to optimize content strategies while contributing significantly to Hevo Data.