Amazon RDS supports PostgreSQL as one of its database engines, while MySQL continues to be a popular choice for many applications and organizations. Seamlessly connecting PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL opens up new possibilities for data consolidation, analysis, and business intelligence.

In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps of PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL integration. 

Let’s dive in!

Method 1: Export Data from PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS Using CSV Files

Let’s begin the step-by-step process of loading your data from PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL.

Step 1: Install the aws_s3 extension

  • To install the aws_s3 extension, you can use either PostgreSQL’s PGAdmin graphical interface or the Command Line Interface. To complete the installation process, execute the following command
  • To check the successful installation, execute the following query in PostgreSQL’s PGAdmin.
SELECT * FROM pg_extension;
  • To verify if the AWS RDS supports the aws_s3 extension, run the following command in the terminal.
aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --region us-east-1 --engine postgres --engine-version 14.4

Step 2: Export data as a CSV file using aws_s3.query_export_to_s3 function

  • Log in to your AWS account. Create a new S3 bucket if you are a new user, make a note of the bucket name and AWS region.
  • In the AWS management console navigate to the IAM policy to create a new policy. Make sure that you allow S3:PutObject permissions to your S3 bucket.
PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Create Policy
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  • Go to the AWS Management Console and select the RDS service.
  • Choose the target DB Instance and, under the Connectivity and Security tab, find the Manage IAM Roles section. Select the appropriate IAM role and feature and click on Add role to complete the process.
PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Select IAM role
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  • Set up the aws_s3 extension in your PostgreSQL database and create a URI for the S3 bucket. To configure the URI, you need the required parameters, such as Bucket Name, Path, and AWS region where the s3 bucket is located.
  • Execute the following query in PostgreSQL’s PGAdmin to load the data into the S3 bucket.
SELECT aws_commons.create_s3_uri( 'rds-data-export-demo', 'export', 'us-west-1' ) AS s3_export_uri;
  • To export data from the S3 bucket in AWS RDS, run the following query in PostgreSQL’s PGAdmin.
SELECT * FROM aws_s3.query_export_to_s3( 'SELECT * FROM customers_export', :'s3_export_uri' );
  • In order to download the CSV file in your local machine execute the following command in the AWS Command Line Interface.
aws s3 rds-data-export-demo ls

Step 3: Load data into MySQL

  • Open your MySQL Workbench, right-click on the desired table and select Table Data Import Wizard.
PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Select Data Import Wizard
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  • Select the file you wish to import data from. In this case, we are importing data from a CSV file. Make sure the CSV file path is correct. Click on Next.
PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Select files to import
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  • Specify the destination table in your database where you want to import the data. Now, click on Next.
  • If you are importing a CSV file, configure the import settings such as line separator, field separator, and encoding. Ensure that the settings match the format of your CSV file. Now, click on Next.
  • The import process will begin, and the data from the CSV file will be imported into the specified destination table. After completion, you will receive a confirmation of the successful data import.

You have successfully completed the manual PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL data migration. 

The manual method is ideal for one-time migrations between PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL. It simplifies the process, reduces migration expenses, and ensures effective data replication.

Limitations of Manual Method

While manual integration of PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL offers numerous advantages, it is also important for us to consider limitations. Here are some of them:

  • Time-Consuming: The manual approach requires downloading PostgreSQL data on Amazon RDS into a CSV file and uploading it to MySQL. This process can be time-consuming, especially when handling large datasets or frequent data updates.
  • Lack of Real-Time Sync: Manual integration does not provide real-time data synchronization between the two databases. This means that data updates or changes in PostgreSQL will not be immediately reflected in MySQL, leading to potential data inconsistencies.
  • Scalability Issues: Migrating a large volume of data from PostgreSQL to MySQL can lead to extended downtime during the migration process. Minimizing the downtime and ensuring data integrity during the transition can be complex and requires careful planning.

Method 2: Automating the Data Replication Process using a No Code Tool

Automating the data replication process between PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS and MySQL integration using a no-code tool offers several advantages over manual approach. Here are some of the key benefits:

Streamlined Workflow: With a no-code tool, you can streamline the data replication process without the need for complex coding. These tools come with pre-built connectors, making it effortless to set up automated workflows. This significantly reduces manual effort and saves time.

Scalability and Flexibility: No-code tools can efficiently handle large datasets and adapt to your growing business requirements. They support batch processing and parallel execution, facilitating smooth data migration. Additionally, its user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to modify migration workflows as needed, providing flexibility in meeting changing data migration needs.

Error Handling and Monitoring: No-code tools come equipped with built-in error-handling mechanisms and monitoring capabilities. They can detect and address data replication issues and provide alerts for any failures, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of your replicated data.

Hevo Data is a leading no-code tool that provides a seamless and efficient solution for migrating data from PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL. It provides an all-in-one data extraction, loading, and transformation solution.

To integrate PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS with MySQL using Hevo, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Configure PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS as Source

PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Configure Source
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Step 2: Configure MySQL as Destination

PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL: Configure Destination
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That’s it! You have successfully completed the integration between PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS and MySQL. Hevo’s no-code tool is an excellent choice for seamless data integration. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Pre-Built Connectors: Hevo offers over 150 ready-to-use pre-built integrations, enabling seamless connection to various data sources. These sources include popular SaaS applications, payment gateways, advertising platforms, and analytics tools.
  • Drag-and-Drop Transformations: Hevo offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop transformation feature, allowing you to effortlessly perform basic data transformations such as filtering and mapping with just a few clicks. Additionally, for more complex data transformations, Hevo provides Python and SQL capabilities to cater to your business requirements.
  • Real-Time Data Replication: Hevo uses Change Data Capture (CDC) technology to achieve real-time data replication from PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL. This ensures that your data in MySQL is always up-to-date without affecting the performance of your Amazon RDS database.
  • Live Monitoring: With Hevo’s user-friendly interface, you can access live monitoring features that keep you informed about data sync progress, any potential delays, or errors. Additionally, you have the option to enable CloudWatch, which allows you to monitor all system logs in a centralized location, ensuring comprehensive monitoring of your data pipeline.

What Can you Achieve by Migrating Data from PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL?

Here are some of the analyses you can perform after PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS to MySQL data replication.

  • Gain deeper insights into the different stages of your sales funnel.
  • Understand your customers better and identify the most engaging customer demographic through web or app interaction data.
  • Obtain a better understanding of your team’s performance, behavior, and efficiency.
  • Integrating transactional data from different functional groups (Sales, marketing, product, Human Resources) and finding answers. For example:
    • Identify the best performing marketing campaign across different channels.
    • Which product categories on your website were most profitable?


PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS and MySQL integration offers various benefits for businesses seeking to streamline their data management and decision-making processes. While the manual CSV-based method provides certain benefits, such as one-time migration capabilities and no third-party tool dependency, it also has limitations like lack of real-time synchronization, and scalability issues.

However, using a no-code tool like Hevo Data simplifies the PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS and MySQL migration process. It offers extensive pre-built connectors, real-time data synchronization, and drag-and-drop transformations. If you are looking for an efficient solution for PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS and MySQL migration, consider leveraging Hevo Data. 

Want to take Hevo for a spin? SIGN UP for a 14-day free trial and simplify your data integration process. Check out the pricing details to understand which plan fulfills all your business needs.

Suchitra Shenoy
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Suchitra is a data enthusiast with a knack for writing. Her profound enthusiasm for data science drives her to produce high-quality content on software architecture and data integration. Suchitra contributes to various publications, adding her friendly touch to every piece she creates.

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