Before the invention of Database Management Systems, companies used to store a large volume of data in flat files like Text files or CSV files. There has been a drastic evolution in the IT industry ever since. Companies have adopted Database Systems like Oracle more and more in their business models. However, to extend your enterprise reporting capabilities, you must connect your Database with a Business Intelligence (BI) & Reporting tool. This is where the Tableau Oracle connection comes in.

Oracle is a leading Database Management System available in the global market to store, handle and manage all sorts of data. Tableau is a rapidly growing Business Intelligence (BI) tool and a Data Visualization software developed for real-time high-level Data Analytics, extensive modeling, and reporting. A Tableau Oracle connection will help you access your Oracle data into Tableau dashboards. But before getting started with the Tableau Oracle connection, let’s discuss both the robust platforms in brief.

What is Tableau?

Tableau is a prominent Business Intelligence (BI) & Data Visualization tool used by companies and organizations all over the world for reporting and analyzing huge volumes of data. Developed by Pat Hanrahan, Christian Chabot, and Chris Stolte, Tableau transforms the way Data Analytics is used by organizations to solve business problems. Tableau comes with an extensive set of features and tools that presents the raw data in an easy-to-understand format of graphs and worksheets. Since its inception in 2003, Tableau has allowed leading industries to cut analysis time and make their organizations more data-driven.

Key Features of Tableau

Here a some of the key features responsible for the immense popularity of Tableau.

  • Multipurpose Dashboard: Tableau comes with an intuitive dashboard that allows even non-technical users to perform quick Data Analysis and create visualizations. Users can create high-level graphs and dashboards using its easy-to-use drag and drop functionality.
  • Extensive Data Sources: Tableau houses over 200 connectors and drivers that allow users to securely connect to multiple third-party applications and external data sources such as Relational Databases, Big Data, Cloud, Spreadsheets, and more.
  • Powerful Collaboration: Users working on different projects can collaborate with each other on Tableau. Users can further share the dashboard on the Cloud, making it accessible to anyone from anywhere.
  • Advanced Visualizations: Tableau has a vast collection of advanced Data Visualization techniques. Users can easily visualize data in the form of Charts, Tables, Graphs, Plots, Maps, etc.
  • Tableau Community: Tableau has a large community of active users, Developers, and Analysts. Being a part of this community allows you to continuously learn, upskill, build powerful connections, and offer mentorship to newcomers.

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle is one of the largest vendors of RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) in the IT market. Developed by Oracle Corporation on 16 June 1977, Oracle Database, in simple words, is an organized collection of data typically stored electronically in a computer system. A Relational Database, as the name suggests, is a type of database that stores data points that are related to each other. You can use Oracle RDBMS to handle data and perform various operations such as creating tables, deleting data, updating data, etc. 

Oracle Database was the first Database developed for Data Warehousing and Enterprise Grid Computing. And, you can use standard SQL queries to access data from Oracle’s Relational Databases. Oracle is always keen to improve and better its products, hence, Oracle products and services are updated with new features on a regular basis. The Oracle Database is now available on Oracle Cloud which is designed to run any application, faster and more securely, with less investment.

Key Features of Oracle Database

Here a some of the key features responsible for the immense popularity of Oracle.

  • Cross-Platform Integration: Oracle supports and works on all the available Operating Systems (OS) including Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.
  • Analytics Solutions: You can implement OLAP (Oracle Analytic Processing) and Oracle Advanced Analytics to easily solve analytical calculations on business data.
  • Compliant to ACID Properties: Oracle DB supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties in order to maintain the integrity of the Database during the transaction processes.
  • Easy communication with applications across different platforms: You can seamlessly integrate your Oracle DB with applications across various platforms via its native networking stack. For instance, you can easily integrate and interact with an application (running on Unix) to your Oracle (running on Windows).
  • Backup and Recovery: Oracle is capable of recovering data from any kind of crash or technical failure. Designed as RAC, Oracle creates a backup for all data and processes.

Tableau Oracle Connection: Easy Steps

A Tableau Oracle connection helps you make the most of your business data. This connection allows you to integrate your Oracle data into Tableau dashboards and extend your enterprise reporting capabilities. A Tableau Oracle connection also allows you to share your dashboards with other members of your organization, they can access the dashboards from a Web Browser and also get updates on their Mobile Phones. On top of that, you can monitor changes to your data in real-time. In short, Data Analysis is a walk in the park with Tableau tools.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to establish a Tableau Oracle Database connection.


Before you begin, gather the following information to establish a Tableau Oracle connection.

  • Server Name of the Database you want to connect to along with the Oracle Service Name and Port Number (or the TNS Name).
  • Authentication Method: Integrated Authentication or User Name and Password authentication.
  • You must configure the Oracle Client if you’re connecting to an SSL Server.

JDBC Driver

Tableau provides drivers allowing JDBC-based client applications to connect to Tableau. You can use a JDBC Driver to connect Tableau (versions 202.2 and later) with Oracle DB. JDBC is the abbreviation for Java Database Connectivity, and it is an Application Programming Interface (API) and software component that enables Java applications to interact with Databases.

If you don’t have the driver installed on your computer, you can download it from the Driver Download page. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install the Oracle JDBC Driver.

  • Download the Oracle JDBC Driver from the Driver Download page.
  • Copy the .jar file to this destination: C:Program FilesTableauDrivers.

Make the Tableau Oracle Connection

  • Open Tableau and locate the “Connect” pane.
  • Select “Oracle” located under the “To a Server” option. Now, you’ll be prompted to enter some information with respect to the Server. 
  • Enter the “Server Name” or the “TNS Name“. Entering the Server Name will further prompt you to enter the Oracle Service Name and Port Number. You need not enter the Oracle Service Name and Port Number if you choose to enter the TSN Name.

(Note: You can find the correct Service Name from the tnsnames.ora file located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory by default. In the file, you can search for the net_service_name section).

Tableau Oracle Connection
Image Source:
  • After entering the Server details, you can now choose the method of signing in to the Server. You can choose between “Integrated Authentication” and “Specific Username and Password” methods. Depending on your selection, furnish the required details.
  • Check the “Require SSL” box if you’re connecting to an SSL Server.
  • Select “Initial SQL…” if you want to run a specific SQL command at the beginning of every connection. For instance, one may want to publish to Tableau Server prior to the connection.
  • Click on “Sign In” to establish the Tableau Oracle connection.

If your credentials are correct, Tableau will establish the connection successfully.

Set Up Data Source

  • After making the Tableau Oracle connection, navigate to the “Data Source” page in order to set up one.
  • You can select the default Data Source at the top of the page, and then enter a unique Data Source name for use in Tableau.
  • In the “Schema drop-down, enter the schema name in the text box to search the schema. Click on the search icon and select the schema.
  • Under “Table”, enter the table name in the text box to search for the table. Click on the search icon and then select the table.
  • You can then drag and drop a table to the canvas, and then start your analysis by selecting the “Sheet” tab.
  • You can also use custom SQL to connect to a specific query instead of the entire Data Source. 


Oracle Database was launched very early with a very large global market and companies have been adopting it in their business models ever since. Oracle comes with handy features that help you in handling and managing your business data. On top of that, Oracle keeps on updating the features to walk hand in hand with the new technologies. However, it becomes quite necessary to integrate Oracle with a BI tool like Tableau to extend its reporting capabilities.

This article introduced you to Oracle and Tableau and later helped you set up a Tableau Oracle connection. Tableau makes Business Analysis more efficient through intuitive, interactive, and easy-to-use services. Moreover, analyzing and visualizing your data by loading it into a Data Warehouse from Tableau can be cumbersome.

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Share your experience of working with the Tableau Oracle connection in the comments section below.

Raj Verma
Business Analyst, Hevo Data

Raj, a data analyst with a knack for storytelling, empowers businesses with actionable insights. His experience, from Research Analyst at Hevo to Senior Executive at Disney+ Hotstar, translates complex marketing data into strategies that drive growth. Raj's Master's degree in Design Engineering fuels his problem-solving approach to data analysis.

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