The current value of E-commerce has increased multifold and companies are embracing this trend. E-commerce refers to buying and selling of goods through the use of electronic means like the internet. We as consumers also prefer E-commerce as it offers discounts and ease of use. Using tools like Google Search Console Shopify Integration helps in improving the benefits of E-commerce.

Google Search Console is a tool that allows you to monitor and optimize the performance of the website. The data gained from the Google Search Console Shopify Integration provides a good overview of the parameters that need to be updated for better results of the website on search platforms. 

Shopify is one of the leading E-commerce platforms. It allows you to sell products on various platforms like Social Media and Offline Stores. Google Search Console Shopify integration allows you to gain valuable insights that would help in understanding the market and embrace the change towards electronic sales.

This article will help you Set up Google Search Console Shopify Integration.

Introduction to Shopify

Shopify is a leading E-commerce platform that allows you to set up an online store and sell your products. It started in 2006 and was called the SnowDevil. It caters to a large audience whether you sell online, on social media, in-store, or out of the trunk of your car. Shopify is present in over 175 countries. Using Google Search Console Shopify Integration, you can gain an upper hand on insights.

Shopify offers to sell different types of products:

  • Physical products: A physical product could be something that is handmade or something you have manufactured. Examples include jewelry, t-shirts, gift boxes, and many more.
  • Digital products: This could include ebooks, email templates, audio downloads, e-courses, or clothing patterns.
  • Services and consultations: You can offer your services and consultation on Shopify. For example, if you are a dentist, customers can book appointments using Shopify.
  • Memberships: you can use Shopify to sell your memberships and create member-only access to your content on your website. 
  • Ticketed experiences: Experience-based businesses can range from travel and adventure to hands-on workshops on cooking or building.  You can use Shopify to sell tickets for any event or Experience activity.
  • Classes and lessons: Customers can purchase, rent, and book lessons from you all through the online store.
  • Rentals: You can use the Shopify Platform to rent props, costumes, etc. Rental businesses are technically service-based, even though a physical product is involved.

Benefits of Using Shopify

  • Detailed Shopify Admin: You’ll find a whole range of reports and features that help you understand how your online store is performing. You can view the number of orders, your best-performing product pages, real-time view of your website visitors. Shopify is a comprehensive tool for an online retailer, allowing you to get an in-depth understanding of all of your online store’s details. This information is transferred using Google Search Console Shopify Integration to the search console.
  • Free Features: Usually for a new website/store you would need to pay for the themes used. But on Shopify, a free theme is loaded onto your store automatically that you can start customizing the way you want. You even have the freedom to customize your website to suit your branding style. You can choose free fonts (already installed on your store), or modify the color scheme, add your photos, and more. There are also thousands of E-commerce-themed stock photos you can choose from taken by Shopify photographers that can also be used.
  • Shopify is on a Cloud Network: Your website would be hosted on a cloud network instead of a server. Servers tend to crash at the wrong times and incur huge losses. Servers often crash on Black Friday or during big events. By being on a cloud network, the possibility of the website crashing is rare, allowing you to run your business with ease of mind. Being on a cloud network also allows for Google Search Console Integration seamlessly.
  • There’s a Plan for Everyone: There are costs associated with running a business. You’ll need to pay for Products, Marketing Costs, New Domain, and of course Shopify. But Shopify has a pricing plan for everyone. You can pay for Shopify Lite for only $9 a month if you are a beginner or on a tight budget. Shopify Plus is used for white-glove service. You can change the plans as your business grows. These plans can alter the outcomes in Google Search Console Shopify Integration.
  • Tons of Apps: There’s an app for almost everything in the Shopify App Store. You’ll find Countdown Timers, Image Background Removers, and so much more. While there are a lot of paid apps, there’s also a bunch of free apps in the store. Adding an app to your website isn’t necessary.
  • Wide Range of Support: Shopify wants you to succeed on their platform. Shopify has a dedicated blog section that is run by experts to provide valuable tactics for businesses to run on Shopify. Shopify Academy/ Shopify Compass is a place where you can take free E-commerce courses and learn at your own pace. It has many customer support reps who will happily answer any questions you have. There are even Facebook Groups created by Shopify users who want to help new store owners succeed. The support ecosystem at Shopify is massive. Using this support to build a good store will result in higher ranks in Google Search Console Shopify Integration.
  • Low Barrier to Entry: Anyone can start a Shopify Store. Shopify is leading the initiative of lowering barriers to E-commerce.

Shopify is an E-commerce platform that helps you build your store both online and offline. This E-commerce website builder has features for everyone from beginners to E-commerce experts. Hence Shopify is a popular choice among E-commerce. Google Search Console Shopify Integration improves the ability to gain Insights from Shopify.

Learn more about Shopify.

Introduction to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you measure your  Website Traffic,  Keyword Performance, and Receive Messages from Google about your website. It is a tool that monitors Google’s Search Engine on your Website and provides insights to improve its Organic Presence. It was launched about 15 years ago and was called the “Webmasters tool”. Google Search Console Shopify Integration checks the traffic from web searches and not other sources like Direct Traffic, Traffic from Site Referrals, etc.

The data gained from Google Search Console Shopify Integration provides insights that can help businesses discover new Ranking Opportunities, Boost Performance, and learn the methods people are accessing your website. Search Console is known for providing valuable insights and Google Search Console Shopify Integration will provide information on websites from Shopify.

Tools offered by Search Console

  • Using Google Search Console for Traffic: Search Console Performance Reports are one of the most valuable resources for a business. The Performance report shows metrics about organic traffic coming to a business’s websites as well as other URLs. Google Search Console Shopify Integration can be used to learn which pages receive the most impressions and clicks, and which queries are driving them. Google Search Console Shopify Integration will help in understanding the traffic.
  • Performance Reports measure:
    • Clicks: This metric counts the number of clicks from Google search that results in users visiting your site’s property. It does not include other metrics like dwell time, bounce rate, etc. it just counts the clicks. Google Search Console Shopify Integration measures the clicks on store URLs.
    • Impressions: This metric counts the number of times your website appears in search results, even if they don’t get clicks. Your results aren’t counted as impressions if they appear on the next page of search results that the searcher did not click on.
    • Click-Through Rate: This metric is a measure of how many clicks the site has received, divided by the number of impressions received.
    • Average Keyword Ranking: This metric defines the average position of the topmost result from your site for a given keyword. Average is given here because the position fluctuates often i.e moves up or down a few spots. Google Search Console Shopify Integration recommends Keywords to be chosen for better ranking.
  • Using Search Console for Technical Site Health: Google Search Console provides various reports that can help in understanding the website and removing any errors that may damage its ranking. Reports that are generated during Google Search Console Shopify Integration helps in understanding the site’s health. A few reports are:
  • The Index Coverage Report: The coverage report allows website owners to see how well covered their site is in the Google index.
    • Error: This means pages that have not been indexed. Clicking into this report will show a description of the specific errors. You should concentrate on fixing these issues first.
    • Warning: The page is indexed by Google, but has an issue that may need to be addressed.
    • Excluded: The page is not indexed. This includes non-canonical pages, pages excluded by “no-index” tags, or because pages appear to be duplicates of other indexed pages and Google has selected its own canonical.
    • Valid: These are pages that are healthy and indexed.
  • The Sitemaps Report: The Sitemap section of the Search Console is used for submitting a site’s list of total pages so that Googlebot can more easily, and more quickly crawl them. List of all the pages can be added to Google Search Console Shopify Integration for faster crawling.
  • URL Inspection Tool: You can check the status and function of individual URLs on your site by testing them in the URL inspection tool within Search Console. The URL of the store can be inspected using Google Search Console Shopify Integration.
  • Manual Actions Report: The manual actions report can notify you if your site has been with a manually instituted penalty from a human reviewer at Google. In this case, parts of, or the entire site may not be shown in search results.
  • Removals Tool: This tool allows website owners to temporarily remove their pages from Search Results. The removal tool won’t stop Google from crawling your pages, it will only prevent them from appearing in searches. Pages of Store can be taken down for maintenance using Google Search Console Shopify Integration.
  • Mobile Usability Report: Search Console’s Mobile Usability Report provides broad information about mobile friendliness and potential mobile issues on your site. It gives a list of any pages that have problems when viewed on a mobile device. The report provides proper information about the store using Google Search Console Shopify Integration.

Methods for Google Search Console Shopify Integration

Now that you have an understanding of Shopify and Google Console Integration, this section will provide a comprehensive step-to-step guide on Google Search Console Shopify Integration.

  • Step 1: Google Analytics Account Set up
  • Step 2: Install Google Analytics on Shopify
    • Option 1: Install Google Analytics Via Preferences 
    • Option 2: Install Google Analytics via Theme Code 
  • Step 3: Verify Google Search Console Shopify Integration on Shopify Store

Step 1: Setting Up Google Analytics Account

  • Use the same Google Account that you would like to attach to Search Console, use Google’s Instructions to set up a Google Analytics account.
  • Click on the Admin button which is present on the lower left-hand corner
Step 1.1 create account
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  • Click on “Property Settings” which is present at the top of the middle column
  • the unique tracking id which is also called UA is that basic component that is required to have so that you can connect Shopify to your Google Analytics Account.

Step 2: Install Google Analytics on Shopify 

Option 1: Install Google Analytics Via Preferences 

  • Navigate to your Shopify admin.
  • Click on “Online Store” present on the left-hand navigation panel
Step 2.1 preferences dialogbox
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  • Click on “Preferences”.
  •  paste in your Google Analytics UA Code, In the second column.
  • Check the box marked “Use Enhanced E-commerce”.
Step 2.2 enhanced ecommerce
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  • Click “Save”.
Step 2.3 property settings
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  • head back to Google Analytics and verify that everything is in place. In the Admin view right below the Property Settings, you’ll see Tracking Info. Click on Tracking Code.
Step 2.4 Tracking status
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  • Click “Send Test Traffic” and you’re all set. 

Option 2: Install Google Analytics via Theme Code 

  • Navigate to your online store 
  • Click “Online Store” which is present in the left-hand navigation panel. 
  • Click on “Themes” 
  • you’ll see a drop-down menu called “Actions” on top of the themes page.
  • Click on that and select “Edit Code.”
Step 2.5 Actions drop down menu
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  • Click on the file called theme.liquid, which is main themes template.
Step 2.6 Website Tracking
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  • go ack to Google Analytics and click on “Tracking Info” on the Admin panel.
  • Then select “Tracking Code.” You’ll see a snippet of code called the Global Site Tag. Copy that.
Step 2.7 Theme.liquid code
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  • visit Shopify liquid Code and on the line below the tag, paste the Global Site Tag.
  • Click “Save” and run a traffic test in Google Analytics.

Step 3: Verify Google Search Console Shopify Integration on Shopify Store

  • While you’ll also find the “Add a new property” option in the upper left-hand dropdown menu if you’re setting up a brand new Search Console account.
Step 3.1 property type
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  •  Enter your full site URL and hit “Continue” 
  • You’ll be given a few different verification methods. Choose the method “Verify by HTML tag” for this process. 
  • Once you select “Verify by HTML tag,” Google will give you a snippet of code.
  • go back to Shopify admin and click “Online Store,” then click “Themes.” 
  • Click “Actions” and select “Edit Code.” 
  • Click into the theme.liquid file, which is the main theme’s template. 
Step 3.2 html tag
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  • Just under the <head> tag, paste your HTML tag.
  • Click “Save” 
  • visit Search Console and click “Verify” 

Verification doesn’t always happen instantly. If you click “Verify” and Search Console shows unable to verify your site, wait a few hours and try it again. If it doesn’t work after a few hours, troubleshoot your issue or try a different verification method.


This article provided a brief overview of Shopify and Google Search Console. It also gave a step-by-step guide to help you Set Up Google Search Console Shopify Integration.

While the Google Search Console Shopify Integration is insightful, it is a hectic task to Set Up the proper environment. To make things easier, Hevo comes into the picture. Hevo Data is a No-code Data Pipeline and has awesome 100+ pre-built Integrations, that you can choose from. It helps transfer data from Shopify to a destination of your choice for free.

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Share your experience of learning about the methods of Integration Google Analytics with Instagram in the comments section below.

Arsalan Mohammed
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Arsalan is a research analyst at Hevo and a data science enthusiast with over two years of experience in the field. He completed his in computer science with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and finds joy in sharing the knowledge acquired with data practitioners. His interest in data analysis and architecture drives him to write nearly a hundred articles on various topics related to the data industry.

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