Pardot is a business-to-business marketing automation tool from Salesforce. Pardot lets marketers automate the recurring marketing tasks, like setting up contact forms, sending out mass emails, etc. It then provides insights into how potential leads interact with these marketing assets. Pardot’s reporting functionality allows comprehensive reports to be generated on this data. Pardot can also help marketers implement automated actions when leads interact with their marketing collaterals. This post is about how to set up a custom Pardot Dashboard in detail.

Marketing automation tools provide the most value when combined with customer relationship software. As Pardot is an offering from Salesforce, it integrates seamlessly with Salesforce CRM. This tight integration helps marketers to view all their marketing metrics in one place right from the lead phase to the deal phase.

Understanding Pardot B2B Marketing Analytics

The features of the Pardot dashboard can be confusing for first-time users because of the number of options supported. Pardot dashboard is the homepage when you login into your Pardot lightning app. This dashboard displays the prospect details, the marketing calendar, active prospects, identified companies, etc. The marketing calendar displays the dates of your campaigns. The default Pardot dashboard supports only a few customizations. Pardot allows you to create a custom home page using the Lightning App builder. It is straightforward if you are used to building Salesforce lighting apps.

Pardot also provides another tool called B2B marketing analytics. It comes along with Pardot plus, advanced, and premium licenses. B2B marketing analytics provides a few out-of-the-box dashboards and even allows you to create custom dashboards using the available datasets. You will learn how to create a custom Pardot dashboard using B2B marketing dashboards. 


  • A Pardot Plus, Advanced or Premium account, and Salesforce Enterprise or higher.
  • The connected campaign feature should be enabled in your salesforce account. 
  • A basic understanding of marketing automation and analytics.

Building a Custom B2B Marketing Analytics Pardot Dashboard

B2B marketing analytics studio organizes dashboards using a concept called the lens. A lens is a specific view of data and the basic building block of any dashboard. So, the first step in setting up a custom dashboard starts with creating a lens. In this case, you will be using the email dataset to create a lens.

  1. Head to the Analytics studio and click the Email data set. The lens creation view will open up.
Pardot Dashboard: Email Data set
  1. For X-axis, select ‘Average‘ and select ‘Total CTR’. For the vertical axis, select the Sent on Date. 
Pardot Dashboard: Total CTR
  1. Select the chart mode and select the bar chart for visualization. Click the ‘scissors’ symbol and click ‘Clip to designer’. It makes the lens available for dragging and dropping to your dashboard.
Pardot Dashboard: CTR Over Time
  1. Now, that you have built your lens, creating the dashboard is as simple as going to the ‘New Dashboard’ view and dragging the lens to the canvas.
Pardot Dashboard: Dashboard

That is how you set up a B2B marketing analytics dashboard in Pardot. The important thing to do before creating such a dashboard is to establish an objective for your team and define how frequently you need to track the metrics of success. Dashboards work best when they are closely tied to the team objective. 


Pardot dashboards are a powerful tool for evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. The custom dashboards help you to see exactly where attention is required. The cloud-based software-as-a-service offerings, like Salesforce and Pardot, go a long way in ensuring that your teams stay on track for their marketing objectives. If you are someone who uses a lot of automated cloud-based tools for various activities, you may be interested in a cloud-based ETL tool.

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Share your experience of understanding Pardot Dashboard in the comment section below! We would love to hear your thoughts.

Sarad Mohanan
Software Engineer, Hevo Data

With over a decade of experience, Sarad has been instrumental in designing and developing Hevo's fundamental components. His expertise lies in building lean solutions for various software challenges. Sarad is passionate about mentoring fellow engineers and continually exploring new technologies to stay at the forefront of the industry. His dedication and innovative approach have made significant contributions to Hevo's success.

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