Using a Relational Database, you can view the current (or any) date and/or time of your server’s time zone or any other time zone according to your requirements. PostgreSQL, being one of the strongest Relational Database Management Systems also supports this feature. There are multiple ways to do this, one of which is the Now() function.

This article will help you comprehensively understand the PostgreSQL Now() Function and its need. You will also come across a comprehensive overview of the different use cases of the Now() function in PostgreSQL.

What is PostgreSQL Now Function?

The Now() function is used to return the current date and time of the time zone (default or user-defined). Its return type is the timestamp with the time zone. It doesn’t need any parameters.

1) Syntax

The syntax for the Now() function in PostgreSQL is:

2) Parameters or Arguments

The Now() function doesn’t require any parameters or arguments.

3) Example


3) Output

Usage of the Now() function and its output
Image Source: Self

Advantages of using PostgreSQL Now() Function

Some of the advantages of using the Now() Function in PostgreSQL are as follows:

  • You use the Now() function provided by PostgreSQL to get the current date and time according to UTC.
  • You can use this function to display the date and/or time according to your time zone whenever there is a requirement.
  • The PostgreSQL Now() function operates along with the database server’s timezone, which makes it more useful for getting the local time and date of the database.
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PostgreSQL Now() Function: Numerous Use Cases

1) Set Different Time Zone

You can also change the time zone settings of the server. And then display the current date and time of that particular time zone.

For example:

SET TIMEZONE = 'America/New_York';


Changing Timezone to America/New York and then using PostgreSQL Now function
Image Source: Self

2) Not display Timestamp

You can use the PostgreSQL Now() function to display the current date and time of the timezone (default or user-defined) without any timestamp. You can use the “timestamp” keyword along with the Now() function.

You can do that as per the following example query.

SELECT NOW()::timestamp;


Display date and time without timestamp by using the "timestamp" keyword along with Now() function
Image Source: Self

3) View any Other Day

While displaying the current date and time of the timezone (default or user-defined), you can also add or subtract the number of days, months, and years to the current date. For this purpose, the “interval” keyword is used. “+/-” operator to determine if you want to see the date and time of the past or future.

For example,

1) For displaying the date and time of the past:

 now() - INTERVAL '4 years 2 hours 30 minutes'
 AS "2 hours 30 minutes 4 years back";


Now function is used to display any time using Interval (past)
Image Source: Self

2) For displaying the date and time of the future:

 now() + INTERVAL '4 years 2 hours 30 minutes'
 AS "2 hours 30 minutes 4 years forward";


Now function is used to display any time using Interval (future)
Image Source: Self

4) Add/subtract Days

While displaying the current date and time of the timezone (default or user-defined), you can also add or subtract the number of days to the current date.

For example,

1) For displaying the date and time of the following day:



Now function can be used to add one day with the current date and time
Image Source: Self

2) For displaying the date and time of the previous day:

SELECT NOW() - INTERVAL '+1 DAY' AS Yesterday;


Now function can be used to subtract one day with the current date and time
Image Source: Self

5) Display only Date

If you want to only display the current date according to the timezone, then you can use the following query along with the Now() function. As you can see, the cast” function is used along with the Now() function.

select cast(now() as date);


You can view the output of the above query in the right-side window.

Now function can be used to display only the date along with the cast function
Image Source: Self

6) Display only Time

If you want to only display the current time according to the timezone then you can use the following query along with the Now() function. As you can see, the cast” function is used along with the Now() function.

select cast(now() as time);


You can view the output of the above query in the right-side window.

Now function can be used to display only the time along with the cast function
Image Source: Self

7) Display without milliseconds

You can use the Now() function in PostgreSQL to display the current date and time without any mention of milliseconds. There are even several ways of doing this apart from using the PostgreSQL Now() function.

For example,

SELECT now()::timestamp(0);

Several different methods:

SELECT date_trunc('second', now()::timestamp);


You can see that the output for all four queries is the same on the right side output window.

Now function can be used to display the current date and time without using milliseconds in the time
Image Source: Self

For any further information on the PostgreSQL Now() function, you can visit here.


This article illustrated the usage of the Now() Function in PostgreSQL. You had an in-depth understanding of different ways you can use and implement the PostgreSQL Now() function.

Now, you can move forward and use the Now() function to view the current date and time.

Want to explore more about the functions related to date and time in PostgreSQL? You can go through these articles.

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Share your thoughts on learning about PostgreSQL Now() Function in the comments section below. If you have any questions, do let us know. We’d be happy to help.

Manisha Jena
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Manisha Jena is a data analyst with over three years of experience in the data industry and is well-versed with advanced data tools such as Snowflake, Looker Studio, and Google BigQuery. She is an alumna of NIT Rourkela and excels in extracting critical insights from complex databases and enhancing data visualization through comprehensive dashboards. Manisha has authored over a hundred articles on diverse topics related to data engineering, and loves breaking down complex topics to help data practitioners solve their doubts related to data engineering.

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