Communication and data management are essentials for running a business. Most corporations run their businesses over the cloud, with employees working worldwide. Cloud-based messaging and data storage have become essential to an organization’s day-to-day tasks.

This article will show you different ways to integrate Slack SQL Server, which will help you store your communication data and run queries efficiently.

An Overview of Slack

Slack is a cloud-based messaging platform that allows different teams to collaborate and communicate seamlessly. It offers instant messaging and file-sharing services by organizing chats into channels, groups, and DMs, which can easily be created in Slack workspace.

Some of the most essential features provided by Slack include automating redundant tasks. The Slack AI feature helps summarize conversations and allows you to streamline work by integrating it with Google Drive, Google Calendar, and many more applications.

An Overview of SQL Server

SQL Server is a well-known and powerful Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) crafted by Microsoft Corporation. It provides data management abilities, such as storing, organizing, and retrieving large amounts of data.

The use of Transact Structured Query Language (TSQL) can help you manipulate and extract data with high precision. By leveraging the powers of SQL Server, you can generate useful reports that can help you decide your next best move in managing your business.

Methods to Integrate Slack SQL Server

Here are two of the most widely used methods to extract data from Slack to SQL Server.

Methods 1: Using Hevo Data for Slack SQL Server Integration

Hevo Data is a cost-effective, flexible, and no-code ELT platform that provides real-time and automated data integration to suit your requirements. It offers you over 150+ sources to connect and migrate data.

With Hevo Data, you can focus on the essentials of your work by eliminating technical difficulties. Here are some of the benefits of using Hevo Data to create a data pipeline:

  • Data Transformation: Hevo Data provides you with simple Python-based drag-and-drop data transformation techniques. It enables users to prepare the data for further analysis.
  • Incremental Data Load: Hevo Data not only allows you to modify your data but also performs real-time data transfer on the modified data. This ensures proper bandwidth utilization at both source and destination.
  • Automated Schema Mapping: Hevo Data arranges the destination schema to be compatible with the incoming data.
  • Data Sync from One or Multiple Databases: You can configure your data pipeline in Hevo Data to extract your data from one or more database sources.

Let’s go through the steps to configure a Slack SQL Server data pipeline in Hevo Data.

1. Setting up Slack as a Source

Before getting started, make sure you fulfill the prerequisites.

Configuring Slack as a Source

Follow these steps to configure your Slack account as a source in Hevo.

  • Select PIPELINES from the Navigation Bar.
  • On the Pipelines List View, select + CREATE.
  • Select Slack in the Select Source Type.
  • Specify a Pipeline Name and OAuth Token on the Configure your Slack Source page.
Integrating Slack SQL Server: Configure your Slack Source
Integrating Slack SQL Server: Configure your Slack Source
  • Click TEST & CONTINUE and proceed with setting up the destination.

Additionally, you can refer to the official Hevo documentation for setting Slack as a source.

2. Configuring SQL Server as a Destination

Before getting into the nitty-gritty details of this process, you have to ensure that the prerequisites are satisfied.

Set up SQL Server Connection Settings

These steps will help you configure SQL Server as a destination in your Hevo pipeline:

  • On the Navigation Bar, select DESTINATIONS.
  • Select + CREATE in the Destination List View section.
  • Select SQL Server on the Add Destination page.
  • Mention the following information on the Configure your SQL Server Destination page:
    • Destination Name, Database Host.
    • Database Port, Database User.
    • Database Password and Database Name.
Slack SQL Server: Configure your SQL Server Destination
Slack SQL Server: Configure your SQL Server Destination

Additionally, you can enable the Connect through SSH option. Read Connecting Through SSH for more information. You can also enable Sanitize Table/Column Names to remove non-alphanumeric characters and extra spaces.

Finally, click on TEST CONNECTION and select SAVE & CONTINUE.

This method will help you integrate Slack SQL Server so that you can perform Slack project management from SQL Server. To learn more about the steps involved in configuring SQL Server as a destination, you can always read the Hevo Documentation.

Method 2: Using Slack Python SDK to Connect Slack with SQL Server

You can use Slack Python SDK to connect Slack with SQL Server. But before getting started, check out the prerequisite conditions.


  • You must have an active Slack account.
  • You need to install the Slack Python SDK. Refer to the installation documentation to learn more.
  • An application must be set up in order to extract data from Slack.
  • You must have your SQL Server instance up and running.

Step 1: Extracting Data from Slack

Slack provides an API for extracting data. Combining conversation history and conversation list can be beneficial for acquiring all the channels and messages in each channel.

You can use the following Python code to extract the message data from Slack by entering your Slack API Token in the placeholder:

from slack_sdk import WebClient

import os

import time


slack_client = WebClient(token=SLACK_API_TOKEN)

def get_public_channels():

    cursor = None

    channels = []

    while True:

        response = slack_client.conversations_list(cursor=cursor)

        for channel in response["channels"]:


        cursor = response["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]

        if len(cursor) == 0:



            print("Pagination found, getting next entries")


    return channels

def get_channel_messages(slack_channels):

    messages = []

    for slack_channel in slack_channels:

        cursor = None

        while True:

            channel_history = slack_client.conversations_history(channel=slack_channel, cursor=cursor)

            for message in channel_history["messages"]:

                if (message["type"] == "message"):

                    messages.append((slack_channel, message["text"]))

            if bool(channel_history["has_more"]):

                cursor = channel_history["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]


                cursor = None

            if cursor is None:



                print("Pagination found, getting next entries")


    return messages

slack_channels = get_public_channels()

messages = get_channel_messages(slack_channels)


This code will help you retrieve message data from Slack messages except for the thread’s data. You can use the conversation replies method to extract messages from threads. Use this code to pull data from threads:

def get_thread_messages(slack_channel, ts):

    messages = []

    cursor = None

    while True:

        thread_replies = slack_client.conversations_replies(channel=slack_channel, ts=ts, cursor=cursor)

        for message in thread_replies["messages"]:

            if (message["type"] == "message"):


        if bool(thread_replies["has_more"]):

            cursor = thread_replies["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]


            cursor = None

        if cursor is None:



            print("Pagination found, getting next entries")


    return messages

def get_channel_messages(slack_channels):

    messages = []

    for slack_channel in slack_channels:

        cursor = None

        while True:

            channel_history = slack_client.conversations_history(channel=slack_channel, cursor=cursor)

            for message in channel_history["messages"]:

                if (message["type"] == "message"):

                    if ("thread_ts" in message):

                        for text in get_thread_messages(slack_channel, message["ts"]):

                            messages.append((slack_channel, text))


                        messages.append((slack_channel, message["text"]))

            if bool(channel_history["has_more"]):

                cursor = channel_history["response_metadata"]["next_cursor"]


                cursor = None

            if cursor is None:



                print("Pagination found, getting next entries")


    return messages

After retrieving the data from Slack, you need to transform it so that it matches the schema of the table to which you are going to move it. The code above will produce a list of tuples, which you can convert into any format you want.

Step 2: Loading Data to SQL Server

There are multiple ways of importing data into SQL Server, but the simplest method is using the BULK INSERT command in Transact-SQL. You can follow the syntax given here to import data to SQL Server by removing all the placeholder values:


   { database_name.schema_name.table_or_view_name | schema_name.table_or_view_name | table_or_view_name }

      FROM 'data_file'

     [ WITH


   [ [ , ] BATCHSIZE = batch_size ]


   [ [ , ] CODEPAGE = { 'ACP' | 'OEM' | 'RAW' | 'code_page' } ]

   [ [ , ] DATAFILETYPE =

      { 'char' | 'native' | 'widechar' | 'widenative' } ]

   [ [ , ] DATA_SOURCE = 'data_source_name' ]

   [ [ , ] ERRORFILE = 'file_name' ]

   [ [ , ] ERRORFILE_DATA_SOURCE = 'errorfile_data_source_name' ]

   [ [ , ] FIRSTROW = first_row ]

   [ [ , ] FIRE_TRIGGERS ]

   [ [ , ] FORMATFILE_DATA_SOURCE = 'data_source_name' ]

   [ [ , ] KEEPIDENTITY ]

   [ [ , ] KEEPNULLS ]

   [ [ , ] KILOBYTES_PER_BATCH = kilobytes_per_batch ]

   [ [ , ] LASTROW = last_row ]

   [ [ , ] MAXERRORS = max_errors ]

   [ [ , ] ORDER ( { column [ ASC | DESC ] } [ ,...n ] ) ]

   [ [ , ] ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch ]

   [ [ , ] ROWTERMINATOR = 'row_terminator' ]

   [ [ , ] TABLOCK ]

   -- input file format options

   [ [ , ] FORMAT = 'CSV' ]

   [ [ , ] FIELDQUOTE = 'quote_characters']

   [ [ , ] FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' ]

   [ [ , ] FIELDTERMINATOR = 'field_terminator' ]

   [ [ , ] ROWTERMINATOR = 'row_terminator' ]


Besides this method, you can import data using SQL Server Slack API. In order to post to Slack from SQL Server, you have to use SSMS to upload data from SQL Server to Slack.

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Limitations of Using Slack Python SDK method

There are certain limitations associated with using Slack’s Python SDK that you must consider before following this method.

  • Lack of Automation: This method lacks automation as you are required to export data from Slack and import it into SQL Server manually.
  • Technical Knowledge Requirement: This method assumes that you have prior technical knowledge, as you are required to transform the data to suit the SQL Server table schema.

Use Cases of SQL Server Slack Integration

  • Transferring data from Slack to SQL Server allows you to conduct data analysis on the Slack data and generate reports according to the patterns in communication.
  • Integrating Slack SQL Server enables corporations to create a data backup. Slack has a limit for saving old data, so transferring data to SQL Server can be beneficial.
  • When Slack SQL Server integration is automated, it reduces your efforts, saves you time, and allows you to focus on other essential tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How do you download Slack content as a user?

You can use multiple ways to export Slack data. Here are two of the most widely used methods:

  1. Using SaaS-based applications, such as Hevo Data,
  2. Using Slack SDKs to import data.


In this article, you have seen two useful methods of integrating Slack SQL Server. One of the methods uses Slack’s SDK to export data from Slack and then manually transfer it to SQL Server. However, this method lacks automation that most of the users strive for.

You can overcome technical and automation limitations by using Hevo Data. It provides an easy-to-use user interface that can automate the data transfer process with just a few clicks.

Want to take Hevo for a spin? Sign Up for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite firsthand. Also checkout our unbeatable pricing to choose the best plan for your organization.

Share your experience of Slack SQL Server integration in the comments section below!

Customer Experience Engineer, Hevo Data

Dimple is an experienced Customer Experience Engineer with four years of industry proficiency, including the last two years at Hevo, where she has significantly refined customer experiences within the innovative data integration platform. She is skilled in computer science, databases, Java, and management. Dimple holds a B.Tech in Computer Science and excels in delivering exceptional consulting services. Her contributions have greatly enhanced customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.