If you are working on a non-trivial project, chances are you will add new features and functionalities over time, and your domain model will evolve along with it.

For example, you might need to add/update a field or document within a collection in your database across all environments; doing so manually is a tedious and error-prone process, and keeping track of your changes is difficult. Database migration tools such as Mongock can assist you in automating the preceding process.

In this blog, you’ll get to learn about Mongock, its architecture, and how to get started with Spring Data Migration for MongoDB.


  • 2.5.0 Spring Boot
  • Maven 3.6.1
  • JAVA 11
  • Mongo 4.4

What is Mongock?

Mongock – Mongock logo
Image Source

Mongock is a Java-based migration tool for distributed environments that focuses on managing changes for your favorite NoSQL databases.

It was initially designed for MongoDB data migrations, but the product is evolving to provide a broader suite of database compatibility, as well as transactional execution features for use cases that require state management in distributed systems.

Key Features of Mongock

Here are some features of Mongock:

  • Code-Based Approach: You can reate migration scripts in Java to allow database changes to be shipped alongside application code.
  • Java, Spring, and Spring Boot Compatibility: It is Compatible with all Frameworks.
  • Support for NoSQL Databases: Mongock’s primary goal is to support the most widely used NoSQL databases.
  • Distributed Environment: It uses a locking mechanism that allows multiple instances of an Application to run concurrently while ensuring one-write-only.
  • Open-source Community: Open, without a license, and supported by a community of enthusiasts.
  • Management Operations: Mongock provides a plethora of Operations for dealing with database changes. Migrations, Rollbacks, Undo, List History, Audit, and so on are examples of these.
  • CLI Is Included: Mongock includes a Command Line Interface for better management of Datastore Operations.
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Hevo is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable data replication platform that will save your engineering bandwidth and time multifold. 

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Mongock Architecture

Mongock - Mongock Architecture
Image Source

The main elements of this architecture are:

  • Migration
  • Driver
  • Runner


A migration entails tracking transactional changes and operations in your database. Mongock employs the ChangeUnit concept, which is a single migration file. During startup, a migration can execute multiple ChangeUnits.

A ChangeUnit is materialized as a Java class because Mongock promotes a code-first approach to migrations. Using the @ChangeUnit annotation, you can implement your migration unit, which will be stored in the Mongock state records.


Everything that must be saved is given to the driver. The runner uses it to persist, check the migration history, and work with the distributed lock.

Mongock categorizes drivers into driver families, which are further subdivided into databases. Then, within a driver family, multiple drivers for different connection libraries and versions may be provided.

In the case of MongoDB, for example:

mongodb-driver-sync » org.mongodb
mongo-java-driver » org.mongodb
data.org.springframework » spring-data-mongodb(v3.x)
spring-data-mongodb » org.springframework.data (v2.x)

The architecture is designed in such a way that any driver can be combined with any runner. For example, with the standalone runner, you could use a driver for springdata (no framework).


The component dealing with process logic, configuration, dependencies, framework, and any environmental aspect is the runner. It is the glue that holds everything together and the decision-maker. It runs the process with the migration, driver, and framework.

Mongock has a runner for each framework (standalone, Springboot, Micronaut…) and can be combined with any driver.


In short, the migration process executes all pending migration changes in order.

It is designed to either complete the migration successfully or fail. And the next time it is executed, it will pick up where the migration left off (the failed ChangeUnit).

To ensure consistency between the code and the data, the process is normally placed in the application startup, ensuring that the application is deployed only after the migration has been completed.

  1. The migration files are loaded by the runner (changeUnits).
  2. The runner determines whether there is a pending change to execute.
  3. The runner obtains the distributed lock via the driver.
  4. The runner iteratively loops through the migration files (changeUnits).
  5. Executes the following ChangeUnit.
    1. If the ChangeUnit is successfully executed, Mongock adds a new entry to the Mongock change history with the state SUCCESS and repeats step 5.
    2. If the ChangeUnit fails, the change is rolled back by the runner. The rollback is performed natively if the driver supports transactions and transactions are enabled. When the driver does not support transactions or when transactions are disabled, the @RollbackExecution method is invoked. In both cases, the ChangeUnit failed, but in the latter case, an entry in the changelog indicates that a change has been rolled back.
  6. It is considered successful if the runner completed the entire migration with no errors. It unlocks the lock and completes the migration.
  7. If, on the other hand, any ChangeUnit fails, the runner terminates the migration and throws an exception. When it is run again, it will resume from the failed ChangeUnit (included).

Why use Mongock?

Mongock enables developers to execute safer database changes by giving them ownership and control over migrations during the application deployment process, as the code and the data changes are made together.

Mongock for Spring Data Migration for MongoDB

Here are the simple steps to get started with Spring Data Migration:

To begin, we will create a simple Spring Boot project from start.spring.io with the following dependencies: Web, MongoDB, and Lombok.

Mongock - Spring Initializer
Image Source

Import the most recent version of the Mongock bom file into your pom file.

  • Add a runner dependency
  • Add a driver dependency

Step 1: Initiate Mongock

Once you’ve imported all of the required dependencies, there are two ways to activate it in the project. When using the Spring framework, the annotation approach is usually the simplest and most convenient option.

However, you may not always use Spring or require more control over your Mongo bean. You should take the traditional builder approach in this case.

Let’s make the java class in charge of the migration -DatabaseChangeLog.java.

package com.programming.techie.mongo.config;
import com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.ChangeLog;
import com.github.cloudyrock.mongock.ChangeSet;
import com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense;
import com.programming.techie.mongo.model.ExpenseCategory;
import com.programming.techie.mongo.repository.ExpenseRepository;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.programming.techie.mongo.model.ExpenseCategory.*;
public class DatabaseChangeLog {
    @ChangeSet(order = "001", id = "seedDatabase", author = "Sai")
    public void seedDatabase(ExpenseRepository expenseRepository) {
        List<Expense> expenseList = new ArrayList<>();
        expenseList.add(createNewExpense("Movie Tickets", ENTERTAINMENT, BigDecimal.valueOf(40)));
        expenseList.add(createNewExpense("Dinner", RESTAURANT, BigDecimal.valueOf(60)));
        expenseList.add(createNewExpense("Netflix", ENTERTAINMENT, BigDecimal.valueOf(10)));
        expenseList.add(createNewExpense("Gym", MISC, BigDecimal.valueOf(20)));
        expenseList.add(createNewExpense("Internet", UTILITIES, BigDecimal.valueOf(30)));
    private Expense createNewExpense(String expenseName, ExpenseCategory expenseCategory, BigDecimal amount) {
        Expense expense = new Expense();
        return expense;

The class is annotated with the @ChangeLog annotation, indicating that it is a class that should run when applying migrations.

  • seedDatabase() is annotated with the @ChangeSet annotation.
  • The order property of the @ChangeSet determines the order in which the migration should be applied to the database schema.
  • id to be able to identify a ChangeSet uniquely
  • author to be able to set the author who created this Changeset’s name.
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Step 2: Use ChangeLogs and ChangeSets

To the main class, add the @EnableMongock annotation.

Include the path to your changeLog package in your property file (application.yml). Because it’s an array, you can add more than one.

To the main class, add the @EnableMongock annotation.

Mongock - Add @EnableMongock Annotation
Image Source

Include the path to your changeLog package in your property file (application.yml). Because it’s an array, you can add more than one.

Mongock - @changeLog package
Image Source

Migration classes are ChangeLogs. They contain ChangeSets, which are the migration methods themselves.

You’ll need the following to run the migration:

  • @ChangeLog should be used to annotate the changeLog classes.
  • @ChangeSet should be used to annotate the changeSet methods.

Let’s run the application and see if it can successfully seed the MongoDB with our test data.

Mongock - Spring Boot MongoDB Migrations Using Mongock
Image Source

We can see from the logs that have successfully applied the ChangeSet to MongoDB. Let us test this by querying the database.

use expense-tracker;


    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170b7"), 
    "name" : "Movie Tickets", 
    "category" : "ENTERTAINMENT", 
    "amount" : "40", 
    "_class" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170b8"), 
    "name" : "Dinner", 
    "category" : "RESTAURANT", 
    "amount" : "60", 
    "_class" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170b9"), 
    "name" : "Netflix", 
    "category" : "ENTERTAINMENT", 
    "amount" : "10", 
    "_class" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170ba"), 
    "name" : "Gym", 
    "category" : "MISC", 
    "amount" : "20", 
    "_class" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170bb"), 
    "name" : "Internet", 
    "category" : "UTILITIES", 
    "amount" : "30", 
    "_class" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.model.Expense"

How does Mongock handle Database Migrations?

It keeps track of the ChangeLog by storing them in the mongockChangeLog collection; once a ChangeSet is applied, it marks it as EXECUTED to prevent the migration from being executed again.

use expense-tracker;


    "_id" : ObjectId("5ff6303090b13917dfb170bc"), 
    "executionId" : "2021-01-06T22:48:32.481939600-722", 
    "changeId" : "seedDatabase", 
    "author" : "Sai", 
    "timestamp" : ISODate("2021-01-06T21:48:32.520+0000"), 
    "state" : "EXECUTED", 
    "changeLogClass" : "com.programming.techie.mongo.config.DatabaseChangeLog", 
    "changeSetMethod" : "seedDatabase", 
    "executionMillis" : NumberLong(36), 
    "_class" : "io.changock.driver.api.entry.ChangeEntry"


This blog has introduced you to Mongock, its architecture, and the key features of the platform, along with that a simple two-step procedure to get started with Spring Data Migration for MongoDB.

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Share your thoughts on Mongock in the comments section below.

Davor DSouza
Research Analyst, Hevo Data

Davor DSouza is a data analyst with a passion for using data to solve real-world problems. His experience with data integration and infrastructure, combined with his Master's in Machine Learning, equips him to bridge the gap between theory and practical application. He enjoys diving deep into data and emerging with clear and actionable insights.