Are you trying to connect Elasticsearch to Redshift? Have you looked all over the internet to find a solution for it? If yes, then this blog will answer all your queries. Elasticsearch is a modern analytics and search engine, while Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse by Amazon. Loading your data from Elasticsearch to Redshift will help you to take the data-driven solution. In this blog, you will learn how to connect Elasticsearch to Redshift using two different approaches. You will also learn about the limitations of using the custom method. 

Introduction to Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch to Redshift: Elasticsearch
Image Source

Elasticsearch is an open-source, distributed, search and analytics engine for all types of available data, such as numerical, textual, structured, etc. Elasticsearch was developed on Apache Lucene in 2010. It is well-known for its REST APIs, speed, scalability, distributed nature, etc. Elasticsearch is the central component of Elastic Stack, commonly known as ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstask, Kibana). Elasticsearch is based on documents and is widely used in single-page applications. It uses indexing for running complex queries. It forms a collection of related documents where each document correlates with a set of keys and values.

Introduction to Amazon Redshift

Elasticsearch to Redshift: Redshiftt
Image Source

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, cloud-based data warehouse. It is fast, cost-effective, and scalable. Its basic architecture includes nodes and clusters. Nodes are a collection of computing resources, and these nodes organize, to form clusters. Each cluster contains at least one node, and one or more compute nodes. It is a column-oriented database, designed to connect to various sources, such as BI tools, databases, etc., and making data available in real-time. As it is based on PostgreSQL, you can use ODBC and JDBC to connect to third-party applications. 

2 Methods to Load Data from Elasticsearch to Redshift

Elasticsearch and Redshift are two different data storage solutions as both of them have different structures. The process of loading data from Elasticsearch to Redshift is difficult because of their different structures. In this blog, you will learn about two different approaches to load data from Elasticsearch to Redshift. 

  1. Method 1: Elasticsearch to Redshift Using S3
  2. Method 2: Elasticsearch to Redshift Using Hevo Data

Let’s discuss these methods in detail.

Method 1: Elasticsearch to Redshift Using S3

Loading data from Elasticsearch to Redshift is extremely difficult as they have a different structure. With the help of Amazon S3, you can load the data from Elasticsearch to S3 and then, from S3 to Redshift using a COPY command.

  1. Steps to Load Data from Elasticsearch to Redshift Using S3
  2. Limitations of Using S3

Steps to Load Data from Elasticsearch to Redshift Using S3

The following steps will guide you through this process:

Step 1: Load Data from Elasticsearch to S3
Step 2: Load Data from S3 to Redshift

Let’s discuss them in detail.

Step 1: Load Data from Elasticsearch to S3 

You will use Logstash for loading data from Elasticsearch to S3. Logstash is a core element of the ELK stack. It is a server-side pipeline that can ingest data from various sources, process them and then deliver it to several destinations. With the help of some adjustments in the configuration parameters, you can export your data from an elastic index to a CSV or JSON. The latest version of Logstash includes S3 plugins that allow you to export data to S3 without any intermediate storage. 

You need to install the Logstash plugin for Elasticsearch and S3 as it works on the data access and delivery plugin.

  1. Use the following command for installing the Logstash Elasticsearch plugin.
logstash-plugin install logstash-input-elasticsearch
  1. Use the following command for installing the Logstash S3 plugin.
logstash-plugin install logstash-output-s3
  1. Use the following configuration for Logstash execution and name it as ‘es_to_s3.conf’.
input {

 elasticsearch {

    hosts => "elastic_search_host"

    index => "source_index_name"

    query => '


    "query": {

    "match_all": {}






output {


     access_key_id => "aws_access_key"

     secret_access_key => "aws_secret_key"

     bucket => "bucket_name"



You need to replace ‘elastic_search_host’ with the URL of your source Elasticsearch instance. The index key needs to have the index name as the value. The above query will try to match every document present in the index.

  1.  Use the following command to execute the configuration file. This command will generate a JSON output that matches the query provided in the S3 location.
logstash -f es_to_s3.conf

Various parameters can be adjusted in the S3 configuration to control variables. You can also refer to the detailed guide about the configuration parameters here

Step 2: Load Data from S3 to Redshift

To load data from S3 to Redshift, you can use Redshift’s COPY command where S3 will act as a source to perform bulk data load. For the COPY command, you can use CSV, JSON, or ARVO as the source format. It is assumed that the target table is already created. The following COPY command loads a JSON file, created in the last step, from S3 to Redshift. You can read more about the COPY command from here.

copy <table_name> from 's3://<bucket_name>/<manifest_file>'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role/<role-name>'
region 'us-east-2';

Voila! You have successfully loaded data from Elasticsearch to Redshift using S3. 

Limitations of Using S3

Even though the above method is the simplest method to load data from Elasticsearch to Redshift without any external tool. It has the following limitations:

  • This approach doesn’t support the real-time replication of data. You need to periodically send data from Elasticsearch to Redshift. 
  • The implicit data conversion in step 2 can cause data corruption if it is done without proper planning.
  • It is a resource-intensive process, and it can hog the cluster depending upon the volume of data and the number of indexes that need to be copied.
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Method 2: Elasticsearch to Redshift Using Hevo Data

Elasticsearch to Redshift: Hevo Data
Image Source: Hevo Data

Hevo is a No-code Data Pipeline. It supports pre-built data integrations from 100+ data sources, including Elasticsearch. Hevo offers a fully managed solution for your data migration process. It will automate your data flow in minutes without writing any line of code. Its fault-tolerant architecture makes sure that your data is secure and consistent. Hevo provides you with a truly efficient and fully automated solution to manage data in real-time and always have analysis-ready data at Redshift.

The steps to load data from Elasticsearch to Redshift using Hevo Data are as follow:

  1. Authenticate and connect Elasticsearch as your data source.
  2. Connect the Amazon Redshift as a destination to load your data. 


Let’s look at some salient features of Hevo:

  • Fully Managed: It requires no management and maintenance as Hevo is a fully automated platform.
  • Data Transformation: It provides a simple interface to perfect, modify, and enrich the data you want to transfer. 
  • Real-Time: Hevo offers real-time data migration. So, your data is always ready for analysis.
  • Schema Management: Hevo can automatically detect the schema of the incoming data and map it to the destination schema.
  • Live Monitoring: Advanced monitoring gives you a one-stop view to watch all the activities that occur within pipelines.
  • Live Support: Hevo team is available round the clock to extend exceptional support to its customers through chat, email, and support calls.

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In this blog, you have learned about Elasticsearch and Amazon Redshift in detail. You also learned about the two different ways to connect Elasticsearch to Redshift. If you want to load data from Elasticsearch to Redshift without using any external tool, you can use method 1. But, if you are looking for a fully automated real-time solution, then try Hevo

Hevo is a No-code Data Pipeline. It supports pre-built integration from 100+ data sources at a reasonable price. Hevo will completely automate your data flow from Elasticsearch to Redshift in real-time.


Want to take Hevo for a spin? Sign Up for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite first hand. You can also have a look at the unbeatable pricing that will help you choose the right plan for your business needs.

Share your experience of loading data from Elasticsearch to Redshift in the comment section below. 

Oshi Varma
Technical Content Writer, Hevo Data

Oshi is a technical content writer with expertise in the field for over three years. She is driven by a problem-solving ethos and guided by analytical thinking. Specializing in data integration and analysis, she crafts meticulously researched content that uncovers insights and provides valuable solutions and actionable information to help organizations navigate and thrive in the complex world of data.

No-code Data Pipeline for Amazon Redshift