Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are widely recognized as three of the most dominant market giants in digital advertising. TikTok is already competing with these well-established businesses even though it has been available to consumers for only a few short years. The social network known as TikTok is expanding at a rapid rate, and naturally, the size of its audience makes it appealing to advertisers.

By exporting data from TikTok, marketers can evaluate the efficacy of advertising on TikTok in comparison to the efficacy of advertising on other channels. This allows them to easily determine which campaigns bring in more revenue and how to distribute their advertising budget.

In this article, you will learn 2 methods to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift and the key features of both.

What are TikTok Ads?

TikTok Ads to Redshift: tiktok logo
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TikTok Ads provides a platform that is both powerful and user-friendly, and it helps businesses and brands advertise their products and services to millions of users all over the world. This platform helps with targeting, ad creation, insight reports, and ad management tools.

Even though TikTok Ads aren’t as widely used as Facebook or Instagram ads (yet! ), they still present an amazing opportunity for brands that are looking to expand their customer base. Because not a lot of companies and brands have yet recognized the potential of TikTok Ads, now is the ideal time to begin using them.

TikTok Ads provides various one-of-a-kind tools that are designed to assist brands and businesses in reaching their full potential, regardless of the size of their budget or the length of their campaign (for example, 10 days).

TikTok’s advertising platform tools, work similarly to that of Instagram’s Ad Manager. They automate the process of creating, delivering, and optimizing your advertisements.

There are currently two budgeting options available with TikTok Ads: daily and lifetime. You can make changes to your budget at any time during your campaign if you go with either of these two options.

Key Features of TikTok Ads

  • Superior User Engagement: The high level of user engagement is really what sets TikTok apart from its competitors, even though many people highlight the platform’s rapidly expanding user base. According to data provided by TikTok as of April 2021, the typical amount of time spent by users on the platform is 87 minutes per day. That is an enormous amount of time that can be utilized by various brands.
  • Ecommerce Capabilities: Although TikTok is best known for its solutions to increase awareness and engagement, the company is determined to offer marketers a suite of full-funnel products and services. TikTok and Shopify initially launched their partnership toward the end of the year previously, and it has since expanded to 15 countries. Shopify merchants can now access the TikTok For Business Ads Manager without having to navigate away from the Shopify dashboard thanks to this newly added functionality.
  • Scalable Creative Tools: TikTok’s powerful creative tools are integrated into the capability, providing merchants with a scalable way to create engaging ads without the need to invest in additional development resources. This enables TikTok to offer merchants a competitive advantage.
  • Brand Effects: Differentiating your advertisements from the competition is easy when you layer in Brand Effects. This augmented reality feature for video overlays functions like lenses on Snapchat. However, it is purposefully crafted to put the spotlight on components that are unique to the brand. The most obvious uses for this feature are in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), retail, and entertainment industries; however, it is highly adaptable to other verticals as well, such as the automotive and travel industries.

What is Amazon Redshift?

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Amazon Redshift is a cloud-based and fully managed petabyte-scale Data Warehousing service. It enables you to begin with a few gigabytes of data and scale up to a petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift organizes data into clusters that can be examined simultaneously. As a result, Amazon Redshift data may be retrieved quickly and easily. Users and apps can access each node independently.

Amazon Redshift can be utilized with a variety of SQL-based clients, as well as a variety of Data Sources and Data Analytics tools. It has a solid architecture that makes interacting with a variety of business intelligence tools a breeze.

Each Redshift Data Warehouse is fully managed, which means administrative chores such as backup creation, security, and setup are all handled automatically.

Key Features of Amazon Redshift

  • Column-oriented Databases: In a database, data can be organized into rows or columns. Row-orientation databases make up a large percentage of OLTP databases. In other words, these systems are built to perform a huge number of minor tasks such as DELETE, UPDATE, and so on. When it comes to accessing large amounts of data quickly, a column-oriented database like Redshift is the way to go. Redshift focuses on OLAP operations and the SELECT operations have been improved.
  • Secure End-to-end Data Encryption: All businesses and organizations must comply with data privacy and security regulations, and encryption is one of the most important aspects of data protection. Amazon Redshift uses SSL encryption for data in transit and hardware-accelerated AES-256 encryption for data at rest. All data saved to the disc is encrypted, as are any backup files. You won’t need to worry about key management because Amazon will take care of it for you.
  • Massively Parallel Processing (MPP): Redshift, like Netezza, is an MPP appliance. MPP is a distributed design approach for processing large data sets that employ a “divide and conquer” strategy among multiple processors. A large processing work is broken down into smaller tasks and distributed among multiple compute nodes. To complete their calculations, the compute node processors work in parallel rather than sequentially.
  • Cost-effective: Amazon Redshift is the most cost-effective cloud data warehousing alternative. The cost is estimated to be a tenth of the cost of traditional on-premise warehousing. Consumers simply pay for the services they use; there are no hidden costs. You may discover more about pricing on the Redshift official website.
  • Scalable: Amazon Redshift, a petabyte-scale data warehousing technology from Amazon, is scalable. Redshift from Amazon is simple to use and scales to match your needs. With a few clicks or a simple API call, you can instantly change the number or kind of nodes in your Data Warehouse, and scale up or down as needed.

Why Connect TikTok Ads to Redshift?

It is possible to associate cost data from advertising services with user actions on your website, clicks on links in emails, and purchase orders from the CRM system if you upload the cost data from advertising services to a single data warehouse. With TikTok Ads to Redshift Integration you will be able to set up advanced analytics and evaluate the effect of all marketing efforts, both online and offline, on business metrics with the assistance of this.

TikTok Ads Manager and other web analytics systems can perform an analysis of the following primary performance metrics related to TikTok advertising: CTR, CPC, CPA, CR, sessions, viewing depth, bounce rate, RPC, and ROAS. This is sufficient for small businesses that have limited access to advertising channels.

If you have many customer touchpoints or offline stores and you want to see the entire customer purchase path, TikTok Ads to Redshift Connection is worthwhile to think about while establishing advanced analytics and creating an automatically updated dashboard with all of the metrics in which you are interested. This will allow you to see the entire customer purchase path. You will always have up-to-date data available to you, be able to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of your advertising, and be able to make important decisions promptly.

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Methods to Connect TikTok Ads to Redshift

Many organizations need to load their data from TikTok Ads to Redshift service to access raw customer data, like shipment types, item checkpoints, etc. You can take advantage of Amazon Redshift’s capability to efficiently run complex analytical queries across petabytes of data. TikTok Ads to Redshift connector provides a more comprehensive insight into your customer interaction and company’s performance. 

Furthermore, with the TikTok Ads to Redshift integration, you can perform effective real-time automated processes, saving you time when working on repetitive tasks. This integration is the ideal value addition for an e-commerce company or business owner who wants to improve operations, increase efficiency, and sync data throughout their workspace.

To connect TikTok Ads to Redshift, you can use two methods:

Method 1: Connect TikTok Ads to Redshift using Hevo

TikTok Ads to Redshift: hevo banner
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Hevo provides Amazon Redshift as a Destination for loading/transferring data from any Source system, which also includes TikTok Ads to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift. You can refer to Hevo’s documentation for Permissions, User Authentication, and Prerequisites for Amazon Redshift as a destination here

Configure TikTok Ads as a Source

Carry out the procedures listed below to configure TikTok Ads as the Source in your Pipeline for TikTok Ads to Redshift Integration:

  • Step 1: In the Asset Palette, select the PIPELINES option.
  • Step 2: In the Pipelines List View, select the +CREATE button.
  • Step 3: Choose TikTok Ads from the drop-down menu on the Select Source Type page to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift.
  • Step 4: Click the + ADD TikTok Ads ACCOUNT button on the page that allows you to configure your TikTok Ads account in TikTok Ads to Redshift Integration.
TikTok Ads to Redshift: config tiktok
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  • Step 5: Sign in with the TikTok Business account you normally use.
  • Step 6: To give Hevo permission to access the data from your TikTok Ads account, click the Continue button to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift.
  • Step 7: On the page where you configure your TikTok Ads source, enter the following information:
    • Name of Pipeline: A one-of-a-kind name for the Pipeline, with a maximum of 255 characters.
    • Select Accounts: Choose the TikTok Ads account (or accounts) whose data you want to import into your account. There is support for selecting multiple Ad accounts.
    • Historical Sync Duration: The amount of time over which the historical data must be ingested. Also known as “duration.” Default value: 6 Months.
  • Step 8: Just hit the TEST & CONTINUE button for TikTok Ads to Redshift Connection.
  • Step 9: Move on to the next step, which is to configure the data ingestion and set up the Destination in TikTok Ads to Redshift Connection.

Configure Redshift as a Destination

To set up Amazon Redshift as a destination in TikTok Ads to Redshift Migration, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: In the Asset Palette, select DESTINATIONS.
  • Step 2: In the Destinations List View, click + CREATE.
  • Step 3: Select Amazon Redshift from the Add Destination page to perform TikTok Ads to Redshift Integration.
  • Step 4: Set the following parameters on the Configure your Amazon Redshift Destination page:
TikTok Ads to Redshift: config redshift
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  • Destination Name: Give your destination a unique name.
  • Database Cluster Identifier: The IP address or DNS of the Amazon Redshift host is used as the database cluster identifier.
  • Database Port: The port on which your Amazon Redshift server listens for connections is the database port. 5439 is the default value.
  • Database User: In the Redshift database, a user with a non-administrative position.
  • Database Password: The user’s password.
  • Database Name: The name of the destination database into which the data will be loaded.
  • Database Schema: The Destination database schema’s name. The default setting is public.
  • Step 5: To test connectivity with the Amazon Redshift warehouse, click Test Connection to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift.
  • Step 6: When the test is complete, select SAVE DESTINATION to complete TikTok Ads to Redshift Integration.
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Method 2: Connect TikTok Ads to Redshift using Google Sheets

TikTok Ads data can’t be imported into Amazon Redshift because that database doesn’t have a built-in tool to do so. This issue to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift can be remedied in several ways, including the manual uploading of data, the creation of one’s scripts, or through Google Sheets as a medium:

Transfer Data from TikTok Ads to Google Sheets

To connect TikTok Ads to Redshift, the first step is to follow this link to the Google Marketplace to download and install the API Connector add-on.

Make a TikTok app and obtain your Auth code and access token from the app’s settings. Then transfer TikTok data into Google Sheets to connect TikTok Ads to Redshift:

Include your full request URL in the field labeled “request URL“, and include your access token in the section of the “Headers” where Key = Access-Token and Value = your token. Doing so will allow you to create a request.

To illustrate, enter a request like this as an example:

TikTok Ads to Redshift: example
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In the URL, you will notice a few different kinds of parameters:

  • The “dimensions” parameter gives information about how the data should be grouped (the example above groups by day and ad ID).
  • The “metrics” parameter specifies the fields that you want to be included in the report.
  • The “data level” parameter indicates the degree of granularity that you desire for your data (by account, campaign, ad group, or ad).
  • The “order field” parameter specifies the field that should be used to order the results.
  • The “page size” parameter displays the number of records to return; for more information regarding this topic, refer to the section of the manual titled “Handle Pagination.”

The documentation includes a comprehensive listing of all the metrics that are currently available (and other parameters).

TikTok Ads to Redshift: metrics
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Transfer Data from Google Sheets to Redshift

The next step in connecting TikTok Ads to Redshift is by transferring data to Amazon Redshift. 

  • Step 1: Launch gSheet, navigate to the “manage addons” menu option and click the “Install addon” button.
  • Step 2: Select Redshift Synchronization from the Addon menu once the installation of the Addon has been completed successfully. The user will be presented with a dialogue box asking them to choose the database, schema, and table from which they would like the data to be loaded.
TikTok Ads to Redshift: import source
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  • Step 3: Once the desired table has been selected, a new panel will appear on the screen’s right side. The user is then prompted to select which columns to retrieve from the table, apply any filtering operation, and/or apply any aggregations to the data. Afterwards, the user is prompted to select which columns to retrieve from the table.
  • Step 4: App scripts will convert the user’s selection into a query that will be sent to the Amazon Redshift Data API once the query has been submitted. The data that was returned is then transformed and presented in the form of a standard gSheet table.

With this, you have successfully connected TikTok Ads to Redshift.


In this article, you understood the main features of TikTok Ads and Amazon Redshift. You also learned two methods to integrate TikTok Ads to Redshift. TikTok Ads is TikTok’s advertising platform for Business Accounts. It enables users to retrieve statistics about their ads, ad accounts, ad groups, and campaigns running on TikTok. Amazon Redshift allows you to analyze this data to find meaningful insights to improve user experience.

However, as a Developer, extracting complex data from a diverse set of data sources like Databases, CRMs, Project management Tools, Streaming Services, and Marketing Platforms to your Database can seem to be quite challenging. If you are from non-technical background or are new in the game of data warehouse and analytics, Hevo Data can help!

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Hevo Data will automate your data transfer process, hence allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business like Analytics, Customer Management, etc. Hevo provides a wide range of sources – 150+ Data Sources (including 40+ Free Sources) – that connect with over 15+ Destinations. It will provide you with a seamless experience and make your work life much easier.

Want to take Hevo for a spin? Sign Up for a 14-day free trial and experience the feature-rich Hevo suite firsthand.

You can also have a look at our unbeatable pricing that will help you choose the right plan for your business needs!

Sharon Rithika
Content Writer, Hevo Data

Sharon is a data science enthusiast with a hands-on approach to data integration and infrastructure. She leverages her technical background in computer science and her experience as a Marketing Content Analyst at Hevo Data to create informative content that bridges the gap between technical concepts and practical applications. Sharon's passion lies in using data to solve real-world problems and empower others with data literacy.

No-Code Data Pipeline for Amazon Redshift